#vaccines for all


New Yorkers: It’s time to talk to your friends and family members about COVID-19 vaccines! If your loved ones are not yet vaccinated, use these tips to listen respectfully and share your story:
1️⃣ Start the conversation.
2️⃣Invite people to share any concerns they may have.
3️⃣Acknowledge any concerns or past negative experiences they bring up.
4️⃣Ask if you can share your story or what you know.
5️⃣Provide scientific information.
6️⃣Share your own experience about getting a vaccine.
7️⃣Find common ground by identifying what is important to them and the priorities you share.
8️⃣Offer assistance to people who want to get vaccinated.

Ourlatest data show that the case rate among unvaccinated New Yorkers is increasing, while the case rate for vaccinated New Yorkers is decreasing.

Fact: The COVID-19 vaccines are protecting against infection and illness. Since mid-January, the vast majority of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in NYC are occurring in unvaccinated people.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines or to find a vaccination site near you
