#cp2077 jackie



“This ain’t no "delicate situation”,hermana. It’s a hitjob, plain an’ simple"

I found it hard to find someone like you~If you must know, Videl is the gentle loving type~. And she

I found it hard to find someone like you~

If you must know, Videl is the gentle loving type~. And she learned how to speak en español just for times like these. ;D

I guess this art pairs with Mi Cielito, because it makes the most sense in terms of how they’re positioned? …Yeah let’s go with that, LOL!


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I’m a firm believer that Jackie’s mouth is a damn furnace, and he can eat anything that would give t

I’m a firm believer that Jackie’s mouth is a damn furnace, and he can eat anything that would give the ordinary human 2nd degree burns. Videl, on the other hand? Not so much, LOL!


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• Mi cielito •One of my personal head-canons for Jackie and Videl is if they’re gonna do the thing,

• Mi cielito •

One of my personal head-canons for Jackie and Videl is if they’re gonna do the thing, it’s gotta be at least a little meaningful—hence the hand-holding. Because nothing is sexier than holding hands, amirite~? LOL

I don’t draw super romantic stuff like this often, but it was great anatomy/perspective practice! I had a lot of fun! :D


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