#cphil neg





guys im not mad at cphil for simply giving “bad advice” he literally yelled at ctommy for saying he hesitated and then victim blamed

c!dreams obession with the discs was the same as c!dreams obession with c!tommy at the time. they where one in the same. c!tommy was choosing between c!tubbo and what was to him, “ending the game” between him and c!dream

and he still chose c!tubbo. Its okay he fucking hesitated

nd phil doesnt know this of course but he had no reason to yell and immediately victim blame when he KNOWS the kind of person cdream is, and KNOWS the mental state ctommy is in. HE FUCKED UP– accept that!

I know we are all mad about the items thing, but is anyone else really upset that c!Phil tried to make it seem like c!Tubbo only exiled c!Tommy because of c!George’s house and not because c!Dream threatened to hurt people if c!Tubbo didn’t exile c!Tommy. Like, geez, c!Phil clearly only has half the facts and is still trying to lecture c!Tommy.
