

Plant of the Day

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Late spring is a great time for tree blossom and Malus transitoria (cut-leaf crabapple) was decked in single white flowers. In the autumn the display is created by tiny yellow fruits and the deeply-lobed leaves which also turn yellow.

Jill Raggett

Inspired to post this by @galightfoot, who posted some blossoms that reminded me of my childhood. Th

Inspired to post this by @galightfoot, who posted some blossoms that reminded me of my childhood. This is a crabapple tree planted in the front yard of my house from ages 2 weeks-7 years. My earliest memories are freckled with the pink petals and sour little fruits of this tree. This image is courtesy of @googlemaps. Here my tree still stands, 18 years later.

Thank you for reminding me of some wonderful things, Mrs. Dickey

#crabapple #Colorado #myhome #googleearth #trees #childhood

(at Thornton, Colorado)

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wasn’t that Bart Simpson’s teacher?

 local crabapples delivering shizun vibes to honor CWN  local crabapples delivering shizun vibes to honor CWN

local crabapples delivering shizun vibes to honor CWN

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