#crack is coming




Okay, so it looks like from the covers that in the climactic battle, Surge is defeated and appears to die (she’ll come back you know she will,) while Kit is injured and ends up getting “rescued” by Tails.

I’m worried now that this is going to lead to Kit, and only Kit, getting a redemption arc, spinning off into becoming a good guy and leaving Surge behind.

I know he’s in a toxic relationship and leaving her is what’s best for him, but I don’t want her to be all alone. I want them to bond for real and become siblings, with her learning to be nice to him. I don’t want her to completely spiral and descend into full-on omnicidal villainy. I want her to stay sympathetic. I want her to have someone to turn to. I want her to at least have… a chance to be happy.


I now know how the anti-Catradoras feel. This is fucked up.

Don’t worry, official word is they aren’t getting redemption arcs as “too many Sonic villains got them” and they actually need a cast of villains.

At most from your idea I forsee Kit maybe being friendly with them while Surge is “dead” but the second she comes back he is 1000% on her side again.

Hmm. Word of the BumbleKast, I assume?

So maybe Surge goes missing, and Kit after being saved by Tails is willing to help the Restoration look for her, but the moment they find her, he declares that his loyalty is to Surge and turns on them.

But keep his connection to Tails in some way, possibly for added sympathy…

And meanwhile, I can have Surge alone, rethinking everything, believing Kit is gone and thinking she doesn’t need him, but soon realizing that she does… making their eventual reunion satisfying and wholesome…

takes notes for upcoming fanfic
