#crazy ramblings of a troubled mind


god i should be asleep but i can’t help but reflect on this big step im about to take in my life and i’m thinking about Gran. im not sad though, i know she’s watching over me. i know she’s guiding me. i feel her love more than ever.


Unwrapped our gift. I got a new iPad from the husband and we decided to open our engraved wedding bans today even though we had them for 2 weeks lol.

And my niece got me a “World’s Best Auntie” mug and I cried. I’m really an official auntie of 4 through marriage y'all lol 


No matter what you celebrate or if you even celebrate anything: I’m wishing a day of peace and harmony and happiness. 



my fave detail from my wedding was sneaking off with liam right after we said our vows cause we planned to like have him carry me over the threshold of our suite and also to GET IT IN real quick as a FRESHLY MARRIED COUPLE.

so we did that lol. and the lovely guys who were with me the whole day working on my hair and makeup had to take a little longer with me after we were done. 


i had to change into my 2nd look for the reception which was a decidedly more provocative number than my forest pixie princess theme for the wedding. like i really wanted to show the DUALITY OF MAI.



this is so weird and embarrassing  but like i can’t stop calling THE BOY “my husband” now? like when we were checking out i called the front desk to settle up some stuff and i was like: "MY HUSBAND AND I ARE CHECKING OUT AND MY HUSBAND AND I HAVE HAD A LOVELY TIME AT YOUR HOTEL! AND I’D JUST LIKE TO SAY ON BEHALF OF MY HUSBAND AND I, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING MINE AND MY HUSBAND’S STAY A GREAT ONE!“

lol and he’s doing it too. we’re both very obsessed with calling each other ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ every five minutes. it’s like we’re 12.

 im sure everyone around us is sick of it. which means we’re just gonna do it more. 


me making succession edits in between briefing cases and studying for the bar: 


kay but i turned 30, graduated from law school and got married this year. 



in a small gorgeous ceremony attended only by those nearest to us, i made my vows to a man who has held my heart for 10 years. throughout all of our good times, bad times and everything in between; he’s been my constant and i have been his. for a long time i didn’t think i was worthy of love and that i was far too broken by the things that had happened to me in my past for anyone to truly love me. and he came to me with his own scars and broken pieces and together we patched each other up and held fast and made something beautiful and long lasting.

in these uncertain times, i realized that waiting for the best time to have my dream destination wedding with all our friends and family from near and far was childish. we’ll have years to celebrate on a big scale like that. we’ll have anniversaries and birthdays and holidays and celebrations with our kids. it’s all ahead of us. as i said in my vows, i love navigating this world with him. there’s no other person i could see myself committing to like this.

i mean, i’ve never been a traditional person who believed that marriage made a relationship more legitimate and truth be told, i’m still not, but being married to this particular human became essential to me. it was essential to both of us.

maybe its the symbolic nature of our love and commitment being affirmed in the presence of a higher power and the people we love and who love us. those who are with us here on earth and on the other side.

again i really can’t explain it. it’s just something we wanted to do.

my husband and me.  ❤️

also thanks to EVERYONE who has dm’d me over the past few days with all your well wishes.

i haven’t been able to answer them yet but know all of your love and positive energy made me cry.

i think i been crying for like almost a week straight now lol.

i love and appreciate yall.


in a small gorgeous ceremony attended only by those nearest to us, i made my vows to a man who has held my heart for 10 years. throughout all of our good times, bad times and everything in between; he’s been my constant and i have been his. for a long time i didn’t think i was worthy of love and that i was far too broken by the things that had happened to me in my past for anyone to truly love me. and he came to me with his own scars and broken pieces and together we patched each other up and held fast and made something beautiful and long lasting. 

in these uncertain times, i realized that waiting for the best time to have my dream destination wedding with all our friends and family from near and far was childish. we’ll have years to celebrate on a big scale like that. we’ll have anniversaries and birthdays and holidays and celebrations with our kids. it’s all ahead of us. as i said in my vows, i love navigating this world with him. there’s no other person i could see myself committing to like this.

i mean, i’ve never been a traditional person who believed that marriage made a relationship more legitimate and truth be told, i’m still not, but being married to this particular human became essential to me. it was essential to both of us. 

maybe its the symbolic nature of our love and commitment being affirmed in the presence of a higher power and the people we love and who love us. those who are with us here on earth and on the other side. 

again i really can’t explain it. it’s just something we wanted to do. 

my husband and me.  ❤️

also thanks to EVERYONE who has dm’d me over the past few days with all your well wishes.

i haven’t been able to answer them yet but know all of your love and positive energy made me cry.

i think i been crying for like almost a week straight now lol.

i love and appreciate yall.

in a small gorgeous ceremony attended only by those nearest to us, i made my vows to a man who has held my heart for 10 years. throughout all of our good times, bad times and everything in between; he’s been my constant and i have been his. for a long time i didn’t think i was worthy of love and that i was far too broken by the things that had happened to me in my past for anyone to truly love me. and he came to me with his own scars and broken pieces and together we patched each other up and held fast and made something beautiful and long lasting.

in these uncertain times, i realized that waiting for the best time to have my dream destination wedding with all our friends and family from near and far was childish. we’ll have years to celebrate on a big scale like that. we’ll have anniversaries and birthdays and holidays and celebrations with our kids. it’s all ahead of us. as i said in my vows, i love navigating this world with him. there’s no other person i could see myself committing to like this.

i mean, i’ve never been a traditional person who believed that marriage made a relationship more legitimate and truth be told, i’m still not, but being married to this particular human became essential to me. it was essential to both of us.

maybe its the symbolic nature of our love and commitment being affirmed in the presence of a higher power and the people we love and who love us. those who are with us here on earth and on the other side.

again i really can’t explain it. it’s just something we wanted to do.

my husband and me.  ❤️

im getting married to my best friend and love of my life in 7 days!! December 8th, the day my beloved grandmother was born, will now forever be our anniversary as well.

she often said that she couldn’t wait to dance at our wedding and i think that by getting married on what would’ve been her 85th birthday, we’ve found a way to include her and honor her on that special day. a day she so badly wanted to be apart of. a day we so badly wanted her to be apart of.

but i have no doubt she will be dancing on that day in heaven ❤️


After almost 3 years, I’m finally back in The Land of the Hummingbird.  

My second home forever. ❤️

i gotta say that this 3 month holiday/honeymoon that we’re talking could NOT have come at a better time.

im so excited to get back to the islands. and like spend quality time with all my family there. and god go swimming in the ocean, lounge by the pool and get some much needed sun. like i need to get that Sunkissed glow that only the Caribbean sun can provide. living without it for these last 3 years has been………..terrible. this is the closest i’ve ever looked to being able to pass in my life /jk but also i hate it.

we’ve got some amazing things planned for while we’re there. im most stoked for the time we’re gonna take island hopping. we’re hoping to hit at least 10 islands?? like its all been meticulously planned and we really sacrificed and saved up a lot so we could do this.

its also the first time im gonna be back in T&T since my Gran died. and i will finally be able to visit her resting place. so it’s gonna be bittersweet. im ready for it tho. i think. idk. seeing where they scattered some of her ashes and then seeing her actual urn is gonna fuck me up. but its time.
