#csam mention


And yeah if you are willing to spread material of living breathing children because you’re mad about fiction text on a screen

You disgust me. Your moral compass is woefully out of tune. You literally would rather hurt real people because you’re yucked out by fiction, and that is disgusting. I hope someday you’re able to be disgusted with your current behavior.



if you want to send ao3 volunteers some love, leave messages in the notes

I’ll pass it along to them

If you’ve read today’s AO3 News post you know why I’m reblogging this.

I created this post a long time ago as a way for people to say thanks or generally show support without adding to the messages that AO3 Support has to respond to. If you feel like showing some love to the volunteers who do so much for fandom, you can reply or reblog.

I’ll compile the messages and share them back with all usernames removed for your privacy. Any hate will be removed and those users blocked.

Ao3 Volunteers, my beloveds.

I am so sorry this is happening to you. You make so much joy possible for so many people. You allow my lifeline to function, and in return…you get this hateful, awful, vile treatment from monstrously cruel, morally bankrupt shitswizzles.

You deserve so much better. You deserve a party. Hell, you deserve a parade.

You are heroes. Yeah, it’s not as obvious, but you are one of our last bastions for free creative expression and we need you.

I hope you get enough love to help shore up your defenses against such disgusting attacks, and I hope the people responsible find a way to move past whetever makes them feel it’s acceptable to perpetrate horrific acts of violence against children out of spite.
