#ct spitting truths out here



Shit to Watch Out For If You’re Interested in Magic:

The Rites Are The Rites - Closed practices are closed for a reason. Open practices are open for a reason. Learn those reasons. The history of magic is a messy and complicated thing, but learning will only enrich you. Remember, it is possible to learn about things without participating.

Magic Does Not Require Blood, Money, or Cruelty - Rarely, people will encourage unsanitary or dangerous practices. Don’t get tetanus. Don’t eat poisonous herbs. Bleeding and sickness are not necessary for magic. Be extremely wary of anyone who crosses established boundaries to ask for money, items, or services. Magic does not require money. Sometimes people are just bigoted assholes. Even if their information is good, you can likely get it from someone who isn’t an asshole. Magic does not require cruelty.

Disease Is Not Occult - Your physical, mental, and psychological illnesses are not a gift from the gods. Magic cannot cure them. Take your meds. Listen to your doctor. If something about your practice fucks with your physical or mental health, stop immediately. No spell or religion is worth your physical and/or mental health.

There Are Gates, But No Keepers - Magic requires study, practice, and preparation. Its called a practice for a reason. There are best practices, common protocols, and traditions to be respected, but almost nothing is inherently required for magic. There are no deities or spirits you are required to contact, no drugs you are required to take, no books you are required to read.

The Paths Are Myriad - There is no “one path” or “true magic.” Be wary of anyone proclaiming their ideas to be the One True Way forwards. Many rules are generally held by practitioners of all stripes, but very very few thing could be called universal. Paths twist and cross, none are inherently superior to another. Additionally, gods and spirits are not people, and summoners are not journalists. Personal conversations with deities are not a primary source.
