#witch tips



What is it?

Runecasting is a form of divination that uses runes, which are an ancient Germanic alphabet that has always been entwined with magic.

The word rune came from the Old Norse “runa” which can be translated as “secret”, “whisper” or “mystery”.


Why are runes effective?

Even before people adapted runes as a writing system, their ancestors have used these symbols as talismans, carving them into weapons and shields. 

Simultaneously, they were used for communing with the old gods and determining their will.

How many runes are there?

Twenty four. As with tarot cards, each has associated messages. Also like tarot cards, they are read with reversals, except for several of them that look the same when reversed and therefore maintain their original meanings.

Recently, people added a 25th piece. A blank one they fondly call “Odin’s rune”. Its meaning is simply that the future is yet unwritten, and one can make any dream happen.

Which rune set should I get?

The very first ones were made of wood. In my family, we create our first set ourselves — we cut a branch into small pieces, and carve the symbols into them.

Nowadays, wooden runes have somewhat been overshadowed by runestones, which are made of crystals, because of New Agers’ belief in their powers.

Metal is another popular material. Because of its durability, this is the type I have in my charm set. For personal use, I prefer wooden ones.

Whichever set you purchase, it will come with a pouch.

How do I use them?

Step 1: Invoke your higher power or higher self, then ask a question.

Step 2: Shuffle the runes by mixing them inside their pouch.

Step 3: When you feel ready, grab a handful and cast them onto a surface.

Step 4: Interpret each rune alone, and then together, to get your answer.

You can also draw a rune one by one, and give them positions, as in a tarot spread. I personally never do this, because runes are meant to form themselves into a message. Giving them a spread would be restricting their freedom.

Or you can simply pull a single rune, as if you are doing a daily tarot draw.

Are they better than tarot?

Given that there are only 25 runes, while there are 78 tarot cards, of course the latter can give more detailed messages.

If you are only after meditation or reflection, runes would serve you well.

I use them with tarot. This way, I can benefit from the runes’ preciseness without forgoing tarot’s specificness. This is what I do in some of my Pick a Card readings.

What does each rune mean?

As with tarot cards, runes have a wealth of meanings. But these few keywords should be enough for beginners.



Tips for baby witches, lazy witches, tired witches, or any witch really:

  • Enchant your morning cup of tea/coffee*
  • Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
  • Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
  • Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
  • Say your affirmations (for clear skin, fading scars, reducing dullness, etc) when doing your skincare
  • Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
  • When tying your shoes, visualise them symbolically protecting you from tripping and “falling” into places and situations that disturb your peace
  • Use music to your advantage, listen to songs that match your intentions, or alternatively, use music as a tool for divination
  • Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
  • If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
  • Put your moisturiser on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
  • Child’s pose is always there for you, use it when you need it (alleviates stress and anxiety, helps clear the mind, releases tension in the back, helps to steady breathing, is overall great for grounding, etc)
  • Visualise the A+ (on your report card/on the paper after it’s been graded/etc) right before beginning to solve your test/exam, it also helps if you can draw a sigil somewhere on the paper, or trace it on the paper with your finger
  • When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
  • If you play the guitar, draw a sigil on your plectrum/pick for an added boost (this works with other instruments too)
  • Do not litter out of respect for nature and its spirits
  • Feel free to add more things onto the list

When you’re just starting out, or even when you’re just too drained to practice your craft like you used to, it can feel like there isn’t enough magic in your life. This is your daily reminder that a lot of the time, the only difference between routine and magick is intent.

*I have been informed that the first link is now private. I will not be changing it, but here is my go-to method for enchanting tea. Stir clockwise to manifest/invite, and counterclockwise to banish/repel. Tap the spoon (or whatever it is that you’re using) thrice against the rim of the cup to seal in the intention.


Reading the Candle Flames

Divination through candles and flames is probably one of the easiest forms of divination in my experience. This is a form of divination that some people do without knowing, which I find really fascinating.

As always, everyone has different opinions and perspectives on what particular things mean, you are allowed to disagree, but this is based on my experience. ANYWAY here is what all the pretty flames mean

Tall Strong Flame

You’ve been heard by the divine and they’re going to grant you what you want. It’s a big ol’ green light pretty much. In regards to questions, it means yes

Smaller Flame

Yikes, it’s probably not meant to happen. This is usually a sign of “no”.

Flame That Leans Right

What you want isn’t meant to come just yet, but it will soon. “In the future” is a basic meaning of the candle flame

Flame That Leans Left

You guessed it, this one references the past! It’s also a potential sign that you are going through a cycle and have done this before

Flame That Leans Away From You

TAKE ACTION HOMIE. The ball is in your court, you have to physically do this thing.

Flame That Leans Towards You

You know the answer already.

Strong Flickering Flame

Yeah, what you want will come, but it definitely won’t come easy. Get your big witch hat on, because some trials and conflict may be coming your way

Crackling/Popping Flame

YOU’RE NOT LISTENING your guides gave you the answer, or you know the answer, listen a little closer

I hope this gave everyone a good idea of what candle flames mean. If you feel it means something different, it probably does for you, but this takes experimentation and practice.

I am making a Patreon to offer paid access to more exclusive information and I can’t wait to share it with you all. Make sure to support my Etsy and other links in the meantime!




Working with spirits is a fun experience in my opinion, but definitely comes with a risk. You’re meeting someone new, and there are “good” entities and “bad” entities and entities in between, just like with anything. Working with spirits requires some preparation, and may be easier for some and very difficult for others. I personally had to train quite a long time to get to where I am and I am still learning a lot even today.

Preparation Stage

1. Warding

Knowing how to ward is so important in witchcraft in general, and this is definitely no exception. Please make sure to have strong wards around yourself and your mind. A spirit with bad intentions can definitely hurt you or possess you against your will if you are not careful.

Note: Ward against all spirits, even the ones you trust. You deserve your own space and there are going to be times when you want to be alone. This is so important.

2. Learn about yourself

This may sound strange but you need to know who you are before working with spirits. This way, you can tell the difference between when you feel them around or your own energy, and the same with trying to hear/see them vs. your own thoughts.

To do this, meditate as much as possible. If you can end up meditating at least a few minutes every single day, that’s awesome. Focus your meditations at first on quieting your mind and focusing on a single random object in your mind. Visualize it and observe the details. How it smells, feels, tastes, sounds. Usually I do this with an apple. Something simple. Once you feel like you can do this comfortably, then begin exploring your current emotions. Identify as many as you can. You can dig deeper if you would like, trying to see what underlying emotions you carry that can cloud your readings, both telepathy and divination. Explore your energy- what color does it look like to YOU, not what others have told you? Everyone sees things differently, so you need to see how you see.

I could go into more detail about this but that will have to be a whole other post. This is such a big part of spirit work and your own journey that I cannot stress it enough. The more you know yourself, the easier it will be in a lot of your workings in witchcraft.

3. Trust yourself, be confident

Doubts and fears cloud readings, both physical and mental. Your intuition will become clouded if you do not trust yourself. It is good in my opinion to have a little doubt and to not be too confident, but it is a delicate balance. It’s hard to explain how much is too much, so the one way I can put it is allowing the first thought be your instinct. The thoughts that come automatically tend to be the instinctive ones.

4. Learn what is instinct, and what is yours

This is important as well. I briefly mentioned it in the previous point. A good idea to practice this is begin with divination- for example, tarot cards have basic meanings, but also should be interpreted with intuition as well. Learn to listen to that intuition in your divination and not only will it help you with listening and identifying spirits, but also will help you with your divination techniques. Definitely an awesome double whammy! Don’t forget, tarot is NOT the only way to talk with spirits!

5. Learn how to banish

Just in case you come across a spirit who wants to hurt you or will not leave you alone even if you ask it to, you need to learn how to banish it. There are many ways you can perform a banishing- it highly depends on your own abilities and what is easiest for you. Some people have a lot more power in words, while others need to make a spray with herbs and oils. I highly suggest doing some research on banishing and find what works best for you.

6. Find a communication method

Once again, everyone is different. Some work better with pendulums (I personally don’t like using them), while others use tarot or another method. Getting to the point of seeing and hearing a spirit takes a while for some people, and that’s ok. It took me almost four years to get to the point where I can comfortably see and hear spirits with my third eye.

For anyone, I highly suggest using some sort of divination method to read what spirits are telling you. Pendulum, runes, and tarot are most common. Keep in mind, when you use these for spirit communication, you will need to avoid putting your own energy into them so the reading doesn’t get mixed up or end up reading you instead. Practice reading other people first to help with this.

Spirit Stage

So now about spirits. Once again, remember, spirits have their souls. They have emotions. They make choices. They have personalities. This means they are capable of both helping and harming you. I don’t really believe in “good” and “evil” since it is relative to everyone’s beliefs. Instead, I believe that every spirit is capable of positive and malicious intent. Please remember this: Spirits can hurt you. But also, don’t judge a book by its cover. Just be cautious.

How do I get in contact with a spirit?

I would suggest starting with a deity you trust and feel close to. Deities have an energy that can be easier to read, and you may already have a relationship with this deity. You can also reach out to spirits in an area that you feel is safe.

First of all, with any entity, you should remain respectful and treat them like you would any person you meet for the first time. Introduce yourself (out loud or projecting gently through your mind is fine) and ask if they would like to introduce themselves. Use your divination method to help receive answers.

Trust your intuition. If you feel unsafe, say goodbye and ward up more. Banish them if they won’t leave you alone.  Give yourself a good cleanse as soon as you can.

But also, trust your intuition in how the spirit feels as well. If you sense they are uncomfortable, apologize and back off. Some spirits are shyer than others- others may not feel like interacting.

Don’t feel frustrated if your first few tries are unsuccessful, it happens! This is one of the most difficult skills to get in my opinion, and can take a while to master.

I also highly suggest having a look at this pretty good thoughtform post

Good luck and I hope this helps!


Clove -Exorcism, love, money, and protection 

Lavender- Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells.

chamomile-Love, healing, and reducing stress, success, hex breaking.

Basil- Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas.

Bay leaves - Protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and psychic powers. Write wishes on fresh leaves and then burn the leaves to make the wishes come true.

Mint- Promotes energy, communication and vitality. Draws customers to a business. Use dried leaves to stuff a green poppet for healing. Can also draw good spirits when used during a ritual.

Cinnamon- Spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity.

Aloe- Protection, love and luck. Place on the grave of a loved one to promote peaceful energy. Thought to relieve loneliness and assist with success.

Rose- Magical uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships.

Rosemary- Health, love, protection, purification. Can be used as a substitute for many herbs. Associated with Fey.

Sage - Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy.

Witch Hazel -Magickal uses include chastity and protection. Carry to ease grief over a lost love. Use in a sachet to reduce passions. Use in love spells and spells to ward off evil. 

Vanilla Bean - Magickal uses include love, lust, passion, and restoring lost energy. Carried to increase energy & strengthen mental abilities.

Vinegar - Banishing, binding, averting evil.

Tangerine- Promotes energy, strength, and vitality. Awakens joy and dissolves negativity.

Sunflower- Energy, protection, power, wisdom, and wishes.

Thistle- Healing, protection. Use in sachet or amulet to aid in speedy recovery from surgery or illness. Hang in the home to ward off thieves and unwanted visitors.

Thyme- Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others. Wear a sprig to ward off unbearable grief or provide strength and courage when needed. Burn or hang in the home for banishing, purification, and to attract good health for all occupants.

Most of these herbs can be found around the kitchen making them easy herbs for beginner witches’.

These ingredients can be used in spells rituals, spell jars and satchels.




When performing the Celtic Cross, there are three positions that can reveal when the event will happen: The Advice, The Ultimate Outcome, and The Underworld. Acknowledge all these possibilities. But your intuition will tell you which is most likely.


The Fool – Whenever you are ready

The Magician – It has already begun

The High Priestess – You know exactly when

The Empress – During harvest season

The Emperor – It is almost done

The Hierophant – It is finished

The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice

The Chariot – In just a few moments

Strength – The minute you accept it

The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it

The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn Return

Justice – When you least expect it

The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change

Death – Whenever it is ready

Temperance – After the storm

The Devil – It is happening right now

The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly

The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen

The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment

The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise

Judgement – Soon and inevitably

The World – In divine timing



Ace of Wands – One day

Two of Wands – Two days

Three of Wands – Three days

Four of Wands – Four days

Five of Wands – Five days

Six of Wands – Six days

Seven of Wands – Seven days

Eight of Wands – Eight days

Nine of Wands – Nine days

Ten of Wands – Ten days

Page of Wands – As we speak

Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December

Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April

King of Wands – End of July to most of August


Ace of Cups – One month

Two of Cups – Two months

Three of Cups – Three months

Four of Cups – Four months

Five of Cups – Five months

Six of Cups – Six months

Seven of Cups – Seven months

Eight of Cups – Eight months

Nine of Cups – Nine months

Ten of Cups – Ten months

Page of Cups – Very soon

Knight of Cups – End of February to most of March

Queen of Cups – End of June to most of July

King of Cups – End of October to most of November


Ace of Swords – One week

Two of Swords – Two weeks

Three of Swords – Three weeks

Four of Swords – Four weeks

Five of Swords – Five weeks

Six of Swords – Six weeks

Seven of Swords – Seven weeks

Eight of Swords – Eight weeks

Nine of Swords – Nine weeks

Ten of Swords – Ten weeks

Page of Swords – Now, behind the scenes

Knight of Swords – End of May to most of June

Queen of Swords – End of September to most of October

King of Swords – End of January to most of February


Ace of Pentacles – One year or one season (3 months)

Two of Pentacles – Two years or two seasons (6 months)

Three of Pentacles – Three years or three seasons (9 months)

Four of Pentacles – Four years or four seasons (one year)

Five of Pentacles – Five years or five seasons (15 months)

Six of Pentacles – Six years or six seasons (18 months)

Seven of Pentacles – Seven years or seven seasons (21 months)

Eight of Pentacles – Eight years or eight seasons (2 years)

Nine of Pentacles – Nine years or nine seasons (2 years and 3 months)

Ten of Pentacles – Ten years or ten seasons (2 years and 6 months)

Page of Pentacles – It will take quite a while

Knight of Pentacles – End of August to most of September

Queen of Pentacles – End of December to most of January

King of Pentacles – End of April to most of May

To Help You Remember:

  1. Wands are days, because they are fire, and fire moves fast.
  2. Swords are weeks, because while a sword is quick to cut, it first requires some thinking on the warrior’s part.
  3. Cups are months, because they are water, and water flows with the moon, which completes a cycle in roughly a month.
  4. Pentacles are seasons to years, because they are seeds, and some seeds only require a season to grow while others need a year.
  5. The timings for the Major Arcana and the Pages are related to the cards’ meanings. Once you know the meanings, you know the timings.
  6. The Kings, Queens and Knights are the Zodiac signs’ birthdays:
  • King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
  • Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
  • Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
  • King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
  • Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
  • Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
  • King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
  • Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
  • Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
  • King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
  • Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
  • Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)



some resources to get you started with lunar witchcraft:

lunar deities:

  • artemis
  • selene
  • cerridwen
  • hecate
  • thoth
  • the wiccan goddess


  • moonstone
  • selenite
  • pearl
  • milky quartz
  • aquamarine

plants to grow/use in your craft:

  • cabbage
  • evening primrose
  • honeysuckle
  • iris
  • jasmine
  • juniper
  • lemon
  • lotus
  • mallow
  • moonwort
  • morning glory
  • mugwort
  • myrtle
  • sandalwood
  • sweetpea
  • violet
  • watercress
  • water lily
  • white rose
  • willow

things to start doing:

  • plan your spellwork around the lunar phases and their correspondences
  • look into your moon sign (free astrology chart generator here)
  • collect moon water on the full moon
  • talk to the moon at night. tell her your worries, your dreams, your hopes and desires. tell her what you ache for most deeply, your greatest regret and your biggest fears. dissect your heart in front of her, and feel it heal.
  • buy, print or make a lunar calendar
  • get the moon app
  • do a small ‘spring cleaning’ every new moon, whether that’s cleaning out your room, inbox, kitchen, phone or whole house
  • create a lunar altar
  • learn more about astrology, in particular which sign the moon is in and how that affects your life
  • try meditating outside, in moonlight
  • research dream magick

a good blog that posts about lunar witchcraft: @lunaesteria

and a lunar witchcraft playlist.or two.

for all my witches who work with the moon!




describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use this info, and why these are important to witchcraft

Times + Space

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft


describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft


describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

  • Crystals Correspondences
  • Crystal Use
  • Crystal Care
  • Elements
  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Local insects and animals
  • Seasons
  • Feather magick
  • Clouds
  • Weather
  • Bones
  • Vulture culture
  • Familiars


describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

  • Number correspondences
  • Tarot
  • Rune
  • Tasseography
  • Palmistry
  • Pendulums
  • Scrying
  • Dice Reading
  • Dreams
  • Dream Correspondences
  • Less common divination of your choice

Spirits + Energy

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

Home and Health

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft

  • Kitchen witchcraft
  • Bath magick
  • Cottage/Hearth witchcraft
  • Physical Health
  • Sprititual Health
  • Mental Health
  • Lifestyle
  • Cultures

Other Topics

describe what each is, important info on the topic, when/where/how to use information, and why these are important to witchcraft




In the Home:

  • Throw open the windows to let in fresh air
  • Cleanse your home with a floral incense such as Rose or Jasmine
  • Make eggshell candles
  • Set out vases to fill with fresh flowers
  • Paint or dye eggs to celebrate springtime fertility

In the Kitchen:

In the Bath:

On your Altar:

  • Decorate with colors of yellows, blues and greens
  • Symbolize fertility with fresh eggs or their shells
  • Scatter fresh flower petals across your altar
  • Light a pair of black and white candles to symbolize the balance of the light and dark hours in the day


tarot cliffnotes - major arcana

i am just explaining what they represent as a situation or outcome and without the influence of other cards

  • the fool: the answer is unknown
  • magician: positively, you already have you what you need. negatively, you’re being tricked/need to work something out asap
  • the high priestess: you’re not allowed to know
  • the empress: gives a feeling of things being okay but also reminds you that creativity can come painfully from the heart
  • the emperor: you’re dealing with a brick wall (a person or otherwise) and you’re just going to have to work out how to work around it or with it and create your own structure
  • the heirophant: living simply and appreciating small things. having faith day to day
  • the lovers: heart vs head (it’s up to you)
  • the chariot: you have to take the reigns now whether you like it or not but trusting your gut should help you know where to go
  • strength: real strength is quiet. suggests a time of perseverance and being the bigger person
  • the hermit: you need to work out the answer on your own. self reflect (you have possibly become out of touch with yourself) and and spend time alone. don’t ask for someone else’s opinion on the matter if you were thinking of doing so (you’re more easily led in the wrong direction at this time)
  • the wheel of fortune: whatever is happening has nothing to do with you and is out of your control. it’s not karma or fate or destiny it just is. if it’s good you are not being rewarded and if it’s bad you are not being punished it is just simply happening
  • justice: the outcome will be whatever you deserve (it will be fair). you will reap what you’ve sown
  • the hanged man: whatever it is, you’re looking at it wrong
  • death: endings
  • temperance: right time, right place. patience is needed because you can’t force it. you need to learn how to be calm if there is chaos around you because you are the only thing you can control
  • the devil: you’ve let something (or someone) enter or take over your life and it’s ruining you and probably strongly rooted itself in your identity and you must let it go. you’ve committed too much of your time to something that only consumes. (side note: rarely positive or about something light so i would take this warning seriously)
  • the tower: rock bottom. your foundation has crumbled and you have fallen and there’s nothing you can do about it. usually the foundation wasn’t stable to begin with. (to explain further, in serious cases i would say the querent definitely knew they were doing something wrong, like committing a heinous crime and getting caught but we all have tower moments regardless and can mean losing a job or the ending of a long term relationship for example)
  • the star: you don’t know the answer yet but you can trust that it’s for the best and you will be okay. this is your no. 1 sign that everything is fine and you are worrying too much
  • the moon: difficult/heavy emotional time
  • the sun: easy, light hearted time. if negative, which it is rarely, it means you are willfully blinding yourself and ignoring a problem
  • judgement: positively, a desperate, genuine prayer is answered. it can also mean that you are being asked to do something that you don’t want to because it’s scary but you know you need to do it.
  • the world: positive ending. starting anew. the energy of a yes answer
chlovoyant:Herbs Masterpost Valuable information on individual herbs down below!   Posted: May 7th,


Herbs Masterpost

Valuable information on individual herbs down below!  

Posted: May 7th, 2018.

Updated: June 12th, 2018.


Acacia:Masculine. Deities; Astarte, Diana, Ishtar, Osiris, and Ra. Element; Air. Planet; Sun. Powers; Psychic Protection and Powers. 

Agrimony: Masculine. Element; Air. Planet; Jupiter. Powers; Protection, banishes negative energy and spirits. Once used to detect the presence of witches.

Alfalfa: Feminine. Element; Earth. Planet; Venus. Powers; Prosperity and Fortune.

Allspice: Masculine. Element; Fire. Planet; Mars. Powers; Fortune, Luck, and Healing.

Almond:Masculine. Deities; Attis, Hermes, Mercury, and Thoth. Element; Air. Planet; Mercury. Powers; Fortune, Prosperity, and Wisdom.

Aloe:Feminine. Element; Water. Planet; Moon. Powers; Protection and Luck.

Althea:Feminine. Element; Water. Powers; Protection and Psychic Powers.

Amaranth:Feminine. Deity; Artemis. Element; Fire. Planet; Saturn. Powers; Healing, Calling the Dead, and Protection. 

Anemone:Masculine. Deities; Adonis, Venus. Element; Fire. Planet; Mars. Powers; Health, Healing, and Protection.

Angelica: Masculine. Element; Fire. Planet; Sun. Powers; Exorcism, Healing, Protection, Visions.

Anise:Masculine. Element; Air. Planet; Jupiter. Powers; Purification and Youth.

Apple:Feminine. Deities; Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Diana, Dionysus, Iduna, Hera, Olwen, Zeus. Element; Water. Planet; Venus. Powers; Love, Healing, Immortality.

Avocado: Feminine. Element; Water. Planet; Venus. Powers; Love, Lust, Beauty.

Keep reading

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♌ Leo Season Guide ♌

Leo season is the time to let your inner light shine! With the heavy emotions from Cancer season finally fading away, we can find ourselves feeling free at last. It’s time to be yourself, to the fullest extent. Allow yourself to let loose, at least until Virgo season!

You may be feeling more brave, strong, and excitable. This is good! Use these feelings to do something you’ve always wanted to do, so that you’re in a better place a year from now.

To Do:

✨ take a vacation

✨ make new friends

✨ go hiking

✨ dance!

✨ allow yourself to take up space

✨ be loud, be seen

✨ reevaluate yourself - make sure your actions lead you closer to your purpose

✨ take singing lessons, dancing lessons, ANY lessons

✨ laugh your heart out to your favorite comedy

✨ tell someone how you really feel, whether it’s good or bad

Leo rules the heart, spine, and upper back. Don’t forget to stretch, and practice good posture. Your body will thank you.

Hope you all find this useful. Love and light always.



This was taken from a Group on Facebook, thought I would share it here! 

Learning to Use a Mortar and Pestle
This tool will allow you to create wonderful, healthy foods and bring out the essential oils and flavor essences of your herbs and spices in a natural way.

You can also consider it an effective tool to use when the power goes out. Just as you may have a hand grinder for wheat and you’ll now have a hand food processor.

A small glass or porcelain set will be good to grind tablets and medications. Used as a kitchen tool you can make sauces and mix spices with it. 

Just so you know – the word mortar comes from the Latin word mortarium, which means “receptacle for pounding” and pestle comes from the Latin word pestillum, meaning “pounder”

Before You Use Your New Mortar and Pestle the First Time:

Just like a new dutch oven, you need to clean and season your new mortar and pestle. This process will clean out the stone dust that is inherently left during the manufacturing process (assuming you purchase yours new).

Wash it in clean water, without detergent and let it air dry. In fact, you should never wash it with soap unless you want your fantastic creations tainted with it. You should always use it dry, a wet mortar might gum up your dry ingredients.

Roughly grind a small handful of white rice. Discard and repeat until the rice grinds white. It will take several grinds. If you have a white mortar and pestle, plan on grinding three times. This is somewhat cumbersome in the small mortars but is great practice and you should be a grinding pro by the time you’re done. If your mortar has a tendency to slip on the counter while you are learning, put a non-skid shelf liner under it.

Next add 4 cloves of garlic, mash and muddle.

Add 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper to the garlic. Grind it all together, enjoy the smells, and discard.

Wash it again in clean water, without soap, and air dry.

In their book, Alchemy of the Mortar and Pestle, D & P Gramp suggest this rule of thumb when adding ingredients:

Driest ingredients first (dried herbs and spices, flour, etc.)
Moist ones next (garlic, onion, brown sugar, fresh herbs, etc.)
Oily ones next (anchovy, nuts, oils, cheese, butter, etc)
Wet ones next (lemon juice, stock, vinegar, honey, soy, etc)
Taste and add salt if needed

For those of you here who are witches or if you are simply an herbalist, you also know that you can make many things with the use of a pestle & mortar.

The book Alchemy of the Mortar and Pestle by D & P Gramp is chock full of recipes. Not only do they give some background on this wonderful tool, their recipes are easy to follow. 


I love my mortar and pestle, I have a soapstone one as well as a wooden one. the wooden one I use for things like salts and resins, while the soapstone I use for my herbs and roots. 

With all magickal tools, keep them safe from small hands, because its easy for them to pinch their fingers. Also, make sure you at the very least wipe out the inside of the mortar after each use with a damp paper towel or cloth. (especially if you use yours for resin)

Try to have one that is used for Food grade preparation, and another for Magick. This way, any poisonous herbs you use in incenses and such are not contaminating your delicious food. 

Let’s talk about: Incantations


Incantations, sometimes known as magic words, are probably one of the most famous types of a spell, and with good reason.  We often picture some kind of chant to help summon whatever magic powers we want to use at the time.  I love incantations in my spells, both because I am dramatic and live for ominous chants, and because incantations are a great place for a little poetry which I also love.

When it comes to the how to of incantations there’s very little to say beyond “do what comes naturally”.  Incantations can be long drawn out chants in verse, they can be a quick quip in latin saying what you want to do, they can be a single word that you made up for the specific spell you’re working on, or anything in between.  The greatest importance for incantations is your intent.

No matter what you’re saying, what language it’s in, or how many times you repeat it the incantation won’t work if you’re not clear on what you’re doing.  That’s why intent matters so much in all spells, it’s so very important to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and have it firmly in your mind before you begin, beyond that the only rules are what feels right and what has meaning to you.

Now for the most part incantations are a wonderfully unisex way to practice, but I’m sure there’s someone in the world saying, “Poetry, what guy is caught dead doing poetry?”  My response to that is a simple list of gods who have poetry included in their domain: Odin, Angus Og, and Apollo.  I’m sure there are more, but I don’t know who they are. It’s also worth pointing out that King David was an accomplished poet and wrote the psalms.

That brings my ramble on incantations to a close.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  

Let’s talk about: Bath spells


Bath spells are very common for witches today, and with good reason.  Who doesn’t love a nice relaxing bath, and using candles and herbs to set the mood has been done for years.  Like a lot of magic the main difference between a bath spell and a bath with candles and good smells is intent.  I’ve heard of a dozen ways to do bath spells, mostly involving putting different herbs in the bath to enhance it.  This is something you can either do loose in the bath, as a sachet, or as an incense burned nearby; I’m a fan of the sachet method for myself, just for the ease of clean up.

Adding candles and stones around the edge of the bath can also be a great way to bring magic to your soak, but of course if you’re doing anything with fire always put your safety first.  If you can’t place a candle safely on the edge of your bath, a nearby counter top with line of sight can work just as well.

Now you’re probably saying, “Hey! You promised us a masculine witch blog, baths aren’t very manly”.  To which I can only say, “So?”  While it’s true that baths don’t fall under the typical view of masculinity that doesn’t mean they should be avoided,  I like to use baths to loosen my muscles up after tough workouts, or meditate in a relaxing environment.  

That being said, here’s a few ways to make your bath spells more manly:

1. Take a shower instead of a bath, you won’t be able to enjoy it for nearly as long, but if you put your herbs in a sachet and hang it from the shower head you’ll get a similar experience.

2. Use scents that you consider more masculine, I don’t use scented candles often but when I do my favorite scent is tobacco; basically what I’m saying is you don’t have to come out of a bath smelling like flowers if you don’t want to.

3. Drink beer or whiskey while you bathe, obviously don’t do this one if you’re underage, but I find a nice rye while I’m soaking is a wonderful way to get me to relax and let the spell do its job.

4. Listen to a podcast, a lot of people recommend music to relax in a bath, but I always find I don’t like any of the usual “relaxing” music because it’s too slow; instead I’ll listen to gaming podcasts.

5. If none of those are masculine enough for you then I recommend this: Don’t bathe alone, you won’t get much magic done, but a soak with a partner never fails to relax me.

That finishes up my ramble on bath magic.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  

After so many of you enjoyed the low-energy ways to celebrate Samhain and Yule, I have decided to continue this little series for everyone who just doesn’t have the energy or time for big celebrations and rituals. Remember that your path is exactly that: only yours. Your practice isn’t worth less or means less just because it might be different to the ways others are able to celebrate. Have a blessed Imbolc my dear friends.

-Honey purifies and stands for beauty and prosperity, so you might want to stir an extra spoon in your morning tea or enjoy it on a nice piece of toast.

- Imbolc is a good time for beauty and selfcare magic and another way to benefit from the honey would be to mix it with some oats and milk and apply it as a face mask. Do something nice for yourself, maybe even draw some sigils onto yourself while applying it.

- Today we want to invoke the sun, brightness and happiness and invite them in our home. Citrus fruits represent just this. You might put some lemon in your water, snack on an orange or get yourself some sweet lemonade.

- Take a nice bath and try to use the time in there to reflect. What do you want in your life from this moment on? What brings you hapiness? A good idea would be bath additives with flowery or fresh scents, like lavender, roses or other flowers you enjoy.

- Imbolc is about celebrating light and the sun, so watching thesunrisewould be a nice way to start the day. If you can’t make it up early, you might want to watch a video of a sunrise or light a nice candle to welcome the sun’s returning.

- Integrate flowers in your day. It can be something that takes a little more time like planting some flowers in nice pots or your garden, but it may also be as simple as wearing clothes with a floral pattern, apply nail stickers with flowers on them or wear any colorful jewelry that might remind you of flowers.
