
denyingherorgasm: I want you to remember something important. What we’re building here is something


I want you to remember something important. What we’re building here is something positive, something lasting. We’re trying to make each other more at peace with the world through our actions.

Just because we choose to live a lifestyle of denial does not mean we are embracing a philosophy of “can’t”, in fact it’s the opposite. I know you can control yourself. The entire idea is, in part, a celebration of self control and what you can do when you try.

It makes me happy to realize all of things we can do. In a way it lets me rest easy knowing that you can face tremendous stress and still be this lovely person, because, just like me, the world isn’t going to hold back.

We’re making you more resilient every day, expanding the possible list of things we can do if we put our minds to it.

Remember: Every time I tell you that you can’t, it’s because I care about making it so that you can.

Devotional Training: So that you can.

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you know this is the truth, cunts.

That without a Man directing you, using you, cumming in you, that you serve no purpose. you are empty, aimless, useless.

So learn to follow simple directions. Reblog this post, and say “i am just a cunt, please use my holes and give me purpose” so that O/others may see what you are.

Do as you are fucking told, cunts.

Devotional Training: Purpose.


There’s something very wrong with my clit.

It seems to take control over my brain whenever I touch it. All I have to do is touch a fingertip to it and rub and all of a sudden I’m completely mindless, a blank, willing slate. Someone could tell me to do anything, anything at all, and I’d say yes, so long as they kept rubbing my clit.

It’s so greedy…so selfish, my clit. I’ve spent countless years rubbing it constantly, all so I can give myself thunderous orgasms. I’ve had dozens in a single day and still wanted more. And it’s just been making me so lazy!

Someone as horny as myself is by nature a slut. That much is true. But how can I be a good slut if all I’m focusing on is my own selfish pleasure? I’ve decided that must change.

From now on, my clit will be my learning device. I will use it to please others, not myself. Orgasms are something that must be earned, not simply stolen when undeserved. And so I will begin my lessons. I hope that everyone will help me understand that this is for the best.

Devotional Training.
