


Lately my husband barely touches my pussy or clit. If asked to touch me, he mostly fondles my nipples, which makes me extremely horny. So I’ve taken to the habit of asking if I can touch myself. He almost always says yes to me. So I will lay there, gently touching my clit, while he casually ignores me. I try not to go too fast or too quick because I know what will happen once I get close. I want this to last long. Once my body gets close to the edge, my husband, who was ignoring me this whole time, will turn to me and place his hand on the my arm that leads to the hand that is currently in my panties. He knows my body so well and he knows when my orgasm is approaching. As soon as my body starts trembling for release, he firmly takes my hand away from my pussy. Sometimes he says nothing, other times he tells me that’s enough. Sometimes he just leads the same hand to his own dick and literally expects me to give him the orgasm he just took away. But always, I scream no, then whimper yes, and finally, thank him for keeping me denied.

Devotional Training: Cuntrolled.



Denial is good for her

Here’s why. Because there will come a time where she becomes so desperate to cum that she’ll do anything to be allowed to cum. The amount of depraved and disgusting things she will do in order to earn an orgasm from you will be incredible. So deny her until she has no shame left in her body and make sure she proves it.


Denial is a wonderful tool in creating a wet, needy, obedient fucktoy. Sure, it can be fun to force a cunt to cum over and over again until it begs You to stop, but You know what is BETTER than that?

Having a cunt that will beg You to degrade it, to hurt it, to piss on it, just so that it can come ONCE. And then simply denying it again, and again, and again.

Such fun.

Devotional Training: Denial.


*A little over a year and a half ago…

We were in bed, having sex. I was getting close to an orgasm. @cynicaldom was all serious when he looks me in the eyes and says “I want you to ask me permission before you can orgasm.”

It turned me on further but envisioning saying the words was embarrassing. I giggled and gave him my variety of expressions in an attempt to show that this was crazy, silly, unbelievable. His demeanor didn’t change. So as I got closer, I found the guts, even though I was sure he was just doing this so he could tell me no. “May I cum?” I asked. “Yes.” he responded. I was really surprised at his answer, but thankful for the orgasm. I decided that he just wanted to hear me ask permission. 

The next day, or honestly I don’t remember…but whenever it was that we had sex again, I got close to orgasm. “May I cum?” I asked. “please, Sir..” he said. I tried again, speaking quickly because I was really close. “May I please cum, Sir?” He gave me permission. I was so happy to cum, and happier with the look in his eyes. He was so pleased. “He really likes hearing me ask permission. This is fun.” I thought. 

So I was genuinely surprised the first time he told me no. Oh man. This isn’t a game to have him hear me ask permission. We kept going after he said no, though. After a while, he told me to ask again, and then he said yes. The orgasm was so much more intense than usual due to being delayed. From there, I realized I could ask permission multiple times in a session and I may get a yes after one or more times of being told no. That part of this was giving him room to delay my orgasm. This is still fun! I’m not great at being patient, but the more intense orgasm is pretty awesome. 

Eventually, a time came where he really denied me for the entire day. The next day, my orgasm was still amped up. He was proud of me for accepting denial with obedience. While I wouldn’t choose denial over an orgasm, I found myself able to submit to orgasm control. Generally speaking, he prefers seeing me orgasm to seeing me accept denial so he’s generous with my orgasms most of the time. I’m not one who enjoys denial but on the rare occasion when he has chosen that, a few times even for a week or so at a time, I’ve been able to accept it for the most part. I have handled denial really poorly a couple of times, though. At times it’s been hard. However, I like knowing it’s his choice, that my pleasure belongs to him. Occasionally in response to my “May I please cum, Sir?” or Daddy, as we switched to a couple months ago, instead of just “yes” he says “I want you to cum.” and it’s completely euphoric to orgasm when I’m reminded that it is for him. 

*A few weeks ago…

We’re talking about orgasm control based on something one of us had read. He throws in “it wasn’t my intention to start it full time when we did.”

“…..What?” I asked, genuinely confused. 

“I just asked you to ask me permission one day and you kept asking every time you wanted to orgasm after that.” He explains. 

“…Because you said I needed your permission…? I thought that meant in general, not just that one time.”

“Yeah. I thought at first you were just doing it because it was fun but eventually, I realized you thought it was a new requirement. But you were obviously comfortable with it because you just jumped in with both feet. I wanted it to be full time and you were comfortable with it so I just let it continue.”

I laugh. “So I just walked into a trap created by myself then!”

“You wouldn’t have if you didn’t want to.” he says, smirking. 

He’s right. 

Devotional Training: Getting what it really wants.



Not being allowed to orgasm makes me focus on being a good girl outside of the “sexual dynamics of D/s”. Meaning I can devote my time to tasks and education to help me become a better submissive. Being a submissive is so much more than the sexual aspects, the kinky sex is a bonus in the life of D/s. Keeping orgasms from me leads me to seek praise for non-sexual things that in the long run will make me a better submissive.


Having my right to orgasm revoked takes a lot of pressure off me to “perform”. Being a girl who does not easily cum by herself, it often has felt like a partner is disappointed if I can not cum. Therefor denying me orgasms is helping me. Even when I want them, helping me focus on the journey and not the goal is healthy. I am not “set up to fail”, and that feels devoid of pressure.


When I let someone take control of my orgasms, I can see how much it pleases them to tease and taunt me. It is so nice to be able to give such a gift to someone. My face lights up as their smile widens. My blushing and frustration clearly affecting them in a positive way makes me feel good about myself. I am a girl who speaks a lot and perhaps demands a lot of attention. Being able to give back this one very important and personal thing is a nice balance.


Denial makes me safe. I am a girl who is often horny and often thinks about sex, so a rule that restricts my orgasms has a lot of impact on my life, leading me to think about the structure and care I have been put under. I lets me sink into submission and feel taken care of and safe. It is a simple rule that even the most tired brain can comprehend - “do not orgasm without permission”, thus it’s a beacon of leadership I can easily take comfort in.


It is selfish in many ways, I know I am giving away a huge part of my personal rights when handing over the right to orgasm. Knowing I am able to do so obediently makes me feel good about myself. I am aware that I am pretty stubborn and good at keeping in line, this kind of rule impresses the world. When I can put weeks or months out there and see how people are impressed, it feels nice. The important ingredient is that I have given it away to someone - not just denying myself. I could deny myself for years if I set my mind to it, that isn’t impressive. So I am grateful that someone wants this for me and cares enough to enforce strict orgasm denial.


I love clear boundaries. I crave having a ultimate stopping point and detailed limitations. Stopping before an orgasm is a very clear boundary. I might sometime want to act out, like we all do in life in various areas - having someone hold the leash and deny me orgasms prevents me from going out of line and possibly regretting it later. It’s not a question of “how well did you write” or “did you take enough pain”. It’s a quantifiable, ridgid rule - you do not orgasm. It has no room for interpretation or feelings. I do not orgasm without permission.


I do not like to fail, and it hurts me when I can’t be a good submissive for any reason. I am not a patient person and can easily get unfocused if a task is hard. Being a submissive is hard work, and I do not always want to do tedious chores. Having me kept in strict orgasm denial gives at least one opportunity for me to always be submissive and doing it right. It is conflicting feelings inside of me leading me to think how a task might be too elaborate or practically hard. Making me resent the task a bit in some regards. But orgasm denial I can always submit to. It’s a safety net and something to re-calibrate my submission by should I stray.


For me to give up the right to orgasm, even though it’s a core need in me, it’s a physical craving - I need someone intellectually capable of keeping my orgasms away from me. And as a person I need intellectual resistance and growth through communication with other people, as we all do. The satisfaction of being able to hand over the control to someone I perceive as “worthy” brings me feelings of safety, of being seen and understood. It makes me feel accepted when someone is willing to be stricter with me than I am with myself.


As a child I had few boundaries and confusing ones at that, my home was not a stable sanctuary. As a grown up I have often doubted my abilities after years of bullying and such. It’s psychology and self image, me learning how to be a human was not under the best of conditions. Strict orgasm denial gives me all of these things I did not get as I grew up. Having someone hold me accountable, unwavering to my pleads to be let off the hook easily is paramount to my sense of safety. I want a reminder that someone is holding the leash, tight. I need accountability to feel valued.


Being kept in denial is fun. It’s challenging to see how far I can be teased and not break the rules. It’s fun to be an embarrassing, dripping, denied mess. It brings laughter and joy to both me and the one in control how easily I slip into a state of rambling depravity when denied orgasms. I love blushing, and there usually is a lot of that. I love being praised, and there’s hopefully a good amount of that too. But if I were to get an orgasm often it would take away value from all the fun and entertainment. Having to start over again in a sense. I am nerdy in many ways, and statistics are fun - where’s the fun in a statistic that say “20 days” - it’s much more impressive with one that starts with months.
Collecting data as we go along, letting the numbers grow and make me feel happy I have held out, making me grateful I was denied when I was wavering.

itsnotstrangeatall - April 2018.

Devotional Training: Cuntrolled Advantages.

denyingherorgasm: Agonizing over things, trying to figure out what you did wrong. I know you do it.Y


Agonizing over things, trying to figure out what you did wrong. I know you do it.

You shouldn’t blame yourself when I tell you that you aren’t allowed to cum.

Most of the time it doesn’t have anything to do with how you’ve behaved.

I tell you “No” because it’s what I want to do. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. The way you act is an extension of what you want, and what you want doesn’t matter. One day I’ll feel like saying yes.

That day just isn’t today.

Devotional Training: Lose your ego to find out it has nothing to do with you.

Post link


girls should never cum unless they’re told.

Here’s why:

1. Edging makes you perma-horny which makes your body always wet and ready for cock.

2. female orgasms belong to Men, not to the female themselves.

3. female orgasms should happen for MALE pleasure, ego or enjoyment rather than for female pleasure.

4. It’s rude to cum when you’re not told to.

5. It teaches self control.

6. It keeps you humble.

7. Denial makes you appreciate release.

8. The focus of sex should always be Male pleasure.

9. Deciding if/when you cum brings Him enjoyment and shows Him He’s in total control.

10. Only orgasming when commanded to demonstrates respect.

11. Because He said so.


Devotional Training: Always a reblog.


You know that post I made a couple days ago with all of my toys in it? I need to retake the picture of all the things that go inside my holes, because I’ve just added two toys to the collection!

I ordered them very late Saturday night, after about 15 minutes considering them. That’s me, not just a broke college student, but a broke college student with lots of debt, dropping almost $200 on toys with very little thought. Have I mentioned that I’m kind of dumb?

What would make me spend that much on toys, you ask? Well let me you you Tumblr! They are Bluetooth wireless toys, and not only that, they are controllable by anyone who has the app! That means you can control these toys, and you, but the jury is still out on you in the back left. 

So I ordered them on Saturday night, almost midnight. I thought I would have a week or two before they got to me, because who ships fast these days? This company apparently, that’s who! I picked up the box from my schools mail room just before noon on Monday, less than 40 hours after I ordered the toys!!

I had some things to do so I had to carry my box around campus before I was able to get back to my dorms and open the box.

This is the Lush, which goes in the front part of me. It looks strange because I haven’t had a toy like it before, but I’m excited to see what it’s like.

This is the Hush, a wireless app controllable vibrating butt plug! I’ve wanted a vibrating plug for awhile now. I’m very nervous and excited for this toy. 

It was like unwrapping presents, presents that admittedly I bought for myself. Opening the boxes the toys were in and pulling them out for the first time had me super turned on.

The plug made me pretty nervous, I should have gone for the smaller size. It seems shorter but fatter than the big medium plug. I’m really nervous about it, but hopefully the vibration will make it easier to handle!

So now it’s just a waiting game. Both toys are plugged in, charging up. The anticipation is killing me. 

You know what’s making it worse? Me being dumb and deciding that I should not be allowed to control the vibration on either of these toys from the beginning. So once they are charged, once I insert them, I don’t get to turn them on, I have to wait for someone else to do it. Isn’t that just a terrible lovely awful delightful thing?

Devotional Training: Remotely Cuntrolled.


Wear what he tells me to.
Heels and full makeup always unless told otherwise.
Don’t touch myself unless told to.
No sex toys.
Cock only.
Know he is watching.
Cameras everywhere.
Ankle bracelet monitor locked on.
No money.
No credit card
No ID. No passport.
Enthusiasm for all directions always or the shock collar goes back on.

Devotional Training: Cuntrolled.


10 reasons why I shouldn’t cum

Sir allowed me to edge ten times. My task was to write down ten reasons why I shouldn’t be allowed to cum and say them out loud after every edge.

1. I shouldn’t cum because being needy and desperate amuses Sir and I am only here for Sir’s amusement.

2. I shouldn’t cum because my focus should be on Sir’s pleasure and not my own.

3. I shouldn’t cum because it reminds me of my submission to Sir. I am wet and dripping because Sir wants me to be.

4. I shouldn’t cum because I don’t deserve the release that comes along with an orgasm. I should be always eager to satisfy Sir.

5. I shouldn’t cum because my pussy should always be wet and ready to be used by Sir.

6. I shouldn’t cum because cumming is a man’s privilege.

7. I shouldn’t cum because it encourages me to be selfish, but I don’t own the right of deciding when and how I can orgasm.

8. I shouldn’t cum because having to ask for permission to touch or cum is deeply humiliating and ensures that I know my place as Sir’s slut.

9. I shouldn’t cum because I haven’t earned it. Sir is in charge of my orgasms and as long as he is not pleased by my behaviour, I haven’t earned the right to cum.

10. I shouldn’t cum because I don’t have permission to do so. My cunt and clit belongs to Sir and he gives or denies orgasms.

Thank you sir for denying my orgasms.

Devotional Training: Cums don’t belong to it.

denyingherorgasm: I want you to remember something important. What we’re building here is something


I want you to remember something important. What we’re building here is something positive, something lasting. We’re trying to make each other more at peace with the world through our actions.

Just because we choose to live a lifestyle of denial does not mean we are embracing a philosophy of “can’t”, in fact it’s the opposite. I know you can control yourself. The entire idea is, in part, a celebration of self control and what you can do when you try.

It makes me happy to realize all of things we can do. In a way it lets me rest easy knowing that you can face tremendous stress and still be this lovely person, because, just like me, the world isn’t going to hold back.

We’re making you more resilient every day, expanding the possible list of things we can do if we put our minds to it.

Remember: Every time I tell you that you can’t, it’s because I care about making it so that you can.

Devotional Training: So that it can.

Post link


How does no touch affect you?

I was expecting to be grumpy.

I’ve always touched myself. Even when I’m denied I’ve always played or edged or just had a little stroke as comfort.

I really thought I was going to get cranky and miserable. I thought I might even feel resentment towards him for taking it away.

But I don’t. I feel an intense love for him. An overwhelming want to hold him and kiss him and tell him how much I love him. Thank him and show my gratitude.

I have never felt so controlled by anyone before. So loved. So wanted. And now I feel it every moment of every day.

His control. His ownership.

Of course it’s not easy. I miss touching. I really miss it. It’s so hard to hold off. But I wouldn’t give this feeling up for anything.

Devotional Training: Cuntrolled and Owned.



He loves cumming. He tells me how much it relaxes him, makes a bad day better, and generally makes him feel really good.

So when you’re having a very bad day, feeling low and start begging to touch and cum because he knows how much better they can make you feel.

He loves me and wants me to feel better. Gets sad when I’m sad.

So when I ask him if I can touch and cum because maybe it will make me feel better I had hoped so much that’s he’d say yes.


“But please you know how much an orgasm can make you feel better”

“No. They’re mine”

“Yes they are. Ok”

I know that deep down he is right. This is just a bad day. I would cum and then feel horrible afterwards.

So I’m grateful for his strength. To stay strong when I’m feeling weak. And to keep control of what is his.

Thank you x

Devotional Training: Cuntrolled Strength.

lovingdevotedobedient: Smile! Always! A husband is under enough stress and has enough to worry aboutlovingdevotedobedient: Smile! Always! A husband is under enough stress and has enough to worry about


Smile! Always!

A husband is under enough stress and has enough to worry about without having to deal with a sad, pouting, complaining wife. As a loving, supportive, subservient wife, you should always smile for him. Smile when you greet him, smile when he talks to you. It doesn’t matter what he says, if it makes you sad internally, or if you disagree….you should always smile and say something supportive and agreeable.

Maybe he doesn’t allow you to leave the home, so you asked if you could have your best girlfriend over for lunch, and he says “No, I don’t think it would be appropriate for you to have visitors when I’m not home.”

A good wife’s response might be to SMILE and say “Yes dear, I understand and you’re absolutely right. Thank you.“   -  No arguing, no nagging, no questioning. 

A smile and 110% support all the time. it’s what we owe our husbands.

Devotional Training: Always smile in your subservience.

Post link


You met me at a restaurant near the airport.

Wear a short skirt, I’d said. Look like I want you to look, I’d said.

You did. Scandalous, a teenage dream, a good girl who wanted bad things.

The waiter came. You started to order. I talked over you. You pouted, but I could tell you liked it. And you hated it that you liked it, and most of all, you hated it that I knew.

The drinks came. Yours went fast, and there was another.

Take them off, I said.

You started to rise, to go to the lady’s.

Here, I said.

You maintained eye contact as you bent forward and obeyed. The shame in your eyes, and the heat. You prayed no one was watching. You hoped someone was watching. You handed them to me under the table. They were damp.

You’re wet, I said. What kind of a girl gets wet from this kind of humiliation?

You glared at me, arousal and resentment fused into one hot emotion too big for you to process.

What kind of girl? I repeated

A submissive girl.

A what?

A submissive girl, you said.

A girl who likes to be told what to do. A girl who likes to be controlled, I said.

You nodded.

You like being controlled.

Yes, you said.

Fine, I said. Shall we discuss how?

Yes, you said.

Yes, what?

Yes, Sir.

Okay. I will name things I want to do to you in the hotel across the street. You will say “please, Sir” to the things you want and consent to, and “no, Sir,” to the things you don’t. Is that clear?

Yes, Sir.

I will spank your ass.

Yes, Sir.

I will wrap your hair in my fist.

Yes, Sir.

I will slap your face.

I will slap your face.

Please, Sir. Yes, Sir.

I will touch you with my hands and my mouth.

Yes, Sir.

I will bring you to the edge of orgasm and make you beg.

Yes, Sir.

I will deny you until you tell me what a desperate, mindless, submissive girl you are.

Yes, Sir.

I will cum on your face.

…Please, Sir.

I will make you look in the mirror and bring yourself to the edge while saying

I want this. This is who I am. I want this. This is who I am

Yes, Sir.

Devotional Training.

inferior-whore: flowerobeys: chaos-doll: Remember kids, don’t BITE your friends.That’s how you get cinferior-whore: flowerobeys: chaos-doll: Remember kids, don’t BITE your friends.That’s how you get cinferior-whore: flowerobeys: chaos-doll: Remember kids, don’t BITE your friends.That’s how you get cinferior-whore: flowerobeys: chaos-doll: Remember kids, don’t BITE your friends.That’s how you get c




Remember kids, don’t BITE your friends.

That’s how you get cults…

Interesting reading:



Why does this turn me on?

Devotional Training: Cuntrolled.

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erosiawriter: Body PositiveMy little girl had always been self-conscious about her natural curviness


Body Positive

My little girl had always been self-conscious about her natural curviness. She was always unfavorably comparing herself to all my other sluts. “My ass is bigger then hers, my stomach rounder, my tits fatter.” The litany went on and on.

I had finally had enough and decided to make a positive change in my little girl. I bought her sports bras, yoga pants, short shorts, knee high sports socks, tiny pink sneakers, sweat bands, wrist bands, spandex body suits, knee pads, all a size smaller than she really needed, all the perfect slut accessory for my little girl.

I put her on a strict regiment where I ultimately decided what she ate and when. I kept her off the crash/fad diets, and made sure that she had specific calorie intake involving a well-balanced meal based off the USDA guidelines. Sugars were completely taken out of her diet. In fact, my slut was eating more calories than average to compensate for her new workout routine I designed for her. But my slut didn’t need to know that.

I made sure that she took her protein shakes as vitamin supplement. She would watch hungrily as I would add a little of my own protein into the mix as well.

Her workout routine consisted of her keeping a logbook of her workout, mostly cardiovascular (jogging, plower) with some weight training and a lot of aerobics to keep her limber.

If she failed to meet her daily workout quota she would be punished. A light spanking for, say, going over her calorie intake, to a caning if she went overtime on the treadmill.

A serious effort on her part was met with a reward. The smallest was simply an opportunity to lick honey off my fingers. The next was dipping my cock in frosting and having her lick it off. By this point she was an addict for sugar and both tended to be powerful behavioral rewards.

The ultimate reward though was a thorough fucking. I put her on orgasm denial early in the training. The only time she was allowed to cum was with me fucking her and the only way that I would fuck her is if she consistently lost two pounds a week. Of course I was the only one allowed to read the scale, so I rarely ever told her when she didn’t meet her goal. My girl was desperate to fuck and I didn’t have the heart to deny her unless I thought it would help her stay focused.

Of course, I never had any problem with my little girl’s body. To me she was the most beautiful fucktoy I owned, curves and all. But I loved the way her body jiggled and bounced during all of her workout routines and I recognize her desire to be skinnier for me, to be “sexier” for me, was just another way for her to submit herself. Controlling what she ate and how much she worked out was another form of control I had over her as well. 

Devotional Training: Take advantage of the cuntrol it thinks it needs….

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hisrachelle: Control, the constant, consistent presence of male guidance is what makes us seek refug


Control, the constant, consistent presence of male guidance is what makes us seek refuge in the patriarchy. We know innately that we are incapable of the the thought and self discipline to be a fully functioning person and we need men to do that for us.

Devotional Training: Owned.

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newlifeahead: So many do not understand how we can do what we do. Surrender ourselves to another, fa


So many do not understand how we can do what we do. Surrender ourselves to another, fall to our knees and kneel at their feet. Do as they tell us. It is thought that we have lost our minds, especially those of us who are business/career women. To them I say, I have not lost my mind, I have found myself. I found myself in He who holds the key to me. I kneel, because of the honor he gives me in accepting me there. For I can think of no better way to honor and respect he who is my all. I am a willing slave a submissive. I belong to him, my Master. (tn)

Devotional Training.

Post link
denyingherorgasm: I want you to remember something important. What we’re building here is something


I want you to remember something important. What we’re building here is something positive, something lasting. We’re trying to make each other more at peace with the world through our actions.

Just because we choose to live a lifestyle of denial does not mean we are embracing a philosophy of “can’t”, in fact it’s the opposite. I know you can control yourself. The entire idea is, in part, a celebration of self control and what you can do when you try.

It makes me happy to realize all of things we can do. In a way it lets me rest easy knowing that you can face tremendous stress and still be this lovely person, because, just like me, the world isn’t going to hold back.

We’re making you more resilient every day, expanding the possible list of things we can do if we put our minds to it.

Remember: Every time I tell you that you can’t, it’s because I care about making it so that you can.

Devotional Training: So that you can.

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you know this is the truth, cunts.

That without a Man directing you, using you, cumming in you, that you serve no purpose. you are empty, aimless, useless.

So learn to follow simple directions. Reblog this post, and say “i am just a cunt, please use my holes and give me purpose” so that O/others may see what you are.

Do as you are fucking told, cunts.

Devotional Training: Purpose.


There’s something very wrong with my clit.

It seems to take control over my brain whenever I touch it. All I have to do is touch a fingertip to it and rub and all of a sudden I’m completely mindless, a blank, willing slate. Someone could tell me to do anything, anything at all, and I’d say yes, so long as they kept rubbing my clit.

It’s so greedy…so selfish, my clit. I’ve spent countless years rubbing it constantly, all so I can give myself thunderous orgasms. I’ve had dozens in a single day and still wanted more. And it’s just been making me so lazy!

Someone as horny as myself is by nature a slut. That much is true. But how can I be a good slut if all I’m focusing on is my own selfish pleasure? I’ve decided that must change.

From now on, my clit will be my learning device. I will use it to please others, not myself. Orgasms are something that must be earned, not simply stolen when undeserved. And so I will begin my lessons. I hope that everyone will help me understand that this is for the best.

Devotional Training.
