#cupid g valentin

Wanted to do a render of Tiger-shaped Cupid since it’s year of the Tiger, then I got carried away wi

Wanted to do a render of Tiger-shaped Cupid since it’s year of the Tiger, then I got carried away with wanting to do a little more complex of a background.

(Cupid is a trans man and uses he/him pronouns)

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A render of Cupid that was initially meant to just shake off some dust but well.  I got a little car

A render of Cupid that was initially meant to just shake off some dust but well.  I got a little carried away.  Ah well.  Based on a photo of Blondie I found a while back and really liked(under the cut)

(Character is a trans man, he/him pronouns only)

Ko-Fi Link


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Shaking off the rust with a little crossover :p  Cupid cosplaying the Tasque Manager from Deltarune(

Shaking off the rust with a little crossover :p 

Cupid cosplaying the Tasque Manager from Deltarune

(Character is a trans guy, he/him pronouns only)

[Ko-fi Link]

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