#cuz everybody loves a good christmas market right


Christmas Market Event,

Day 1

This little story belongs to my Christmas project, a series of stories leading up to Christmas Eve! Check my Event Masterlist for more information, and have fun!

A/N: today’s snippet contains interactions with my MCs CloverandViolet, but you don’t have to know them to understand the story!

The habitants of the House of Lamentation were sat in the living room. Belphie, Beel and Clover were cuddled together under a blanket, Levi was playing on his Nintendo switch next to the fireplace. Mammon was hogging most of the couch, but Violet next to him didn’t mind, because she had to sit closer to Lucifer that way. Satan and Asmo were sharing an armchair – well, Asmo had been whining until Satan made place for him to make enough space for his booty.

They were either reading, playing games, browsing on their phones, or napping.

And at some point, everyone noticed how quiet it was.

Usually, at least two of the seven brothers would be fighting by now. Lucifer would be at the edge of both, a burnout as well as a tantrum, while, again, at least one other demon would try to push him off that edge.

But the atmosphere now was so tranquil, so… warm.

The oldest brother was the first one to notice all that, and, despite feeling a little suspicious about it, he was glad to see that his family was able to enjoy a peaceful moment together.

He felt so at ease that he dared to let out a deep breath, gently placing his head on his girlfriend’s head.

Violet’s eyes widened in surprise at the gesture, but now she started to feel this peace as well.

Smiling, she thought that maybe, it was the act of spreading Christmas love for the last two weeks that gave everyone a bit of calm. She couldn’t resist taking a deep breath as well.

Truly, this is what life should be like, she thought, her eyes flattering shut as well.

They didn’t stay shut for long.

At some point, it seemed like footsteps were approaching. A pair of heavy, but excitedly approaching footsteps.

Some heads perked up when the lounge’s swung open.

“Ah, there you are!”

“Lord Diavolo?” Satan was the first one to notice the prince’s presence.

The prince was smiling widely. “It’s so quiet in here, I thought you guys went out to town!”

Another knock on the door, and Barbatos asked to be permitted inside as well. Weirdly enough, he had the rest of the exchange student squad with him as well.

They were all dressed in rather thick winter clothes.

“What are… All of you doing here…?” Lucifer asked, very well knowing that the moment of peace was now officially over.

The Clover-Beel-Belphie cluster (now awake again) made room for Diavolo to sit down, but the demon prince shook his head.

“There is no time to sit down” he said.

“… Why?” Belphie asked in suspicion.

And Diavolo seemed truly shook. “Well… It’s not Christmas yet!” he called out in disbelief. “There is no time to lay back!”

“Oh no…” You could hear Lucifer sigh.

“Lord Diavolo is scheming something again”, Mammon grinned.

“Diavolo, I believe we finished the secret Santa project two days ago”, Lucifer began.

“Yes, and I’d say it was a total success”, Diavolo agreed. “but there’s still a week left until Christmas Eve!”

“… But we have nothing left to do”, Levi mumbled. “The presents are all given out.”

“I know.” Diavolo nodded calmly.

The demon brothers gave a confused look. Knowing his friend all too well, Lucifer rubbed his temples in distress.

“So… You want to have other Christmas festivities until the very day of Christmas Eve, yes?”


“So, why did we hurry with giving out Christmas presents, then?”

“Yeah” Violet nodded in agreement. “I was wondering why we giving out the presents so early.”

And Diavolo’s smirk was telling it all.

“… You planned all this” Satan pointed out. “You had several projects planned from the beginning, that is why we were giving out presents despite not being anywhere near Christmas Eve yet.”

Diavolo let out a sly chuckle.

“Oh, Satan, do you think I would do that? Rush all of you through two weeks of a present-giving event, so you have to desperately try and finish your presents in time, only to come by two weeks later and surprise you by saying ‘but there’s more’?”

And the whole room responded:


“Well, well… Maybe I planned it right from the start… Told you that 'this way, we’d have a couple more days in case one present wouldn’t be done in time’, and 'i know you’re impatient so let’s start early’… But let’s not spill the details here.”

He did a dramatic pause.

“Because now, it’s time for our next Christmas adventure!”

Before anyone could word their protest in any way, Diavolo clasped his hands together, opening a portal in the middle of the room.

“All of you, dress up warm!

We’re going to the human world!”


Everyone got dressed and ready, hurrying because oh boy, Diavolo seemed excited to get going.

He announced that they would be visiting a christmas market, the biggest there was in the human world.

“We’re heading to a city called Vienna” Barbatos explained. “It’s the capital of Austria, so our german girl’s should understand the denizens’ language. This will make it easy for all of us to communicate.”

They also decided it would be best to split into groups of at least two people.

“We learned in school to always stay in groups of three though” Clover pouted jokingly.

“We’re not in school anymore, Clover”, her friend Violet laughed. “We don’t need such rules.”

“Yeah” the first huffed. “Now we’re together with demons that, most of the time, seem to share one single brain cell. Surely there’s nothing that could go wrong…”

Violet’s face twitched in rising concern.

“And we’re going to let them loose on a crowded market in the middle of the human world” Clover added, however, also feeling more uneasy by the second.

They exchanged a glance.

“Oh boy… We’re in for a ride…”
