#cw abo


Title:Penny For Your Thoughts?


Fandom:Code 8

Setting:Marcus’ Club

Pairing:Marcus Sutcliffe/Connor Reed

Characters:Marcus Sutcliffe, Connor Reed




Word Count: 1012

Type Of Work: One-Shot, For the @ficwip Tiny Ship Fleet Fest


Warnings:Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, AU - A/B/O, AU - Omegaverse, A/B/O Dynamics, Alcohol, Alcoholism, Alcoholic!Marcus, Drug Use, Drug Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Prostitution, Strippers & Stripclubs, Garrett Mentioned, Implied Garrett/Connor Reed

Disclaimer:I don’t own anything.

Summary: “That’s rich, coming from a man who already knows.”

AN:Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have a writing Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD If you want it, please contact me on Twitter!

Guess who got into a fandom that doesn’t even have an Ao3 Category? It’s this fucking guy. Apparently, I can’t chill out and I must get into fandoms where I am the sole proprietor and audience, but that’s okay. I’ll do this song and dance until I’ve squeaked on by to something else. Hopefully, I don’t, I’m really enjoying writing for this. I love Code 8, it was so good. I keep watching it, oops.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this!

Code 8 Fic Masterlist

Penny For Your Thoughts?


Marcus was no stranger to second glances.

Connor would be far from the first or last person to keep casting his eyes at him over and over again as he lounged in the club that Marcus owned. Granted, it had been some time since he’d seen a pair of blue eyes like Connor’s. Even without being lit up with his electricity, they were something to be admired, and from the looks of it, had found something to admire in him. Of course, there was a lot to take in, Marcus Sutcliffe was one of the biggest names in Lincoln City.

The Electric never drank anything, not usually. He had only seen Connor here every night for four days, and never once did he so much as look at the girls, or think about the illicit products Marcus’ establishment offered. Watching from his typical booth, an old-fashioned glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other, Marcus rose a brow, his head tilting a little. That was an interesting development, now, wasn’t it?

Scrubbing both hands over his face, Connor held up his hand at the bar, and whatever he ordered was on the bar in a matter of minutes. With how much work he’d been doing for them, and his status as a level five Electric, it didn’t surprise Marcus for a second. What did seem to surprise him was how close Connor had suddenly gotten. 

When had he walked from his VIP lounge all the way to the bar?

There was way too much Psyke in his system if he didn’t remember doing that, either that or Connor was some kind of witch, too. A TK, maybe? Perhaps he had electro-magnetism.

To be fair, Connor turned slightly when someone sat beside him and nearly leapt out of his own skin at the sight of him; Apparently, it was a shock to bothof them.

No pun intended.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Marcus asked finally, his words slow, slurred, and disjointed, eyes unfocused even as he tried to keep them on Connor’s face.

“That’s rich, coming from a man who already knows.” Connor spat back, turning back to his glass. He’d been contemplating this for a solid ten minutes before even ordering the damn thing, and he still was struggling with hyping himself up to drink it. Marcus’ eyes focused on his cheek, and the pounding of the musing, the haze of the booze, it all slipped away.

“There’s barely a point in grazing on your brain when I want to have a decent conversation, Connor.” Marcus offered, leaning a little closer, only to find his head pressed up against the Electric’s muscled arm. Up this close, even Marcus could tell that there was the scent of an Omega underneath a thick layer of scent blockers. His mouth hung open, his eyelids fluttering shut, as he breathed in a heaving lungful of Connor’s scent.

Noticing the way that the Alpha was acting had Connor rolling his eyes, finally shooting the whiskey as though he’d never get enough of it. He wasn’t getting paid enough to deal with this

“What?” It wasn’t like Marcus didn’t already know exactly what he was doing, and Connor thought as much. The mere thought put a slow smirk on the Alpha’s lips, and Marcus leaned a little closer, “You’re beautiful, you know. A real special kind of specimen…” One of those spidery hands slunk up Connor’s arm, down to his wrist. That was the only part on the Omega’s arm that he could wrap his thumb and forefinger around the easiest. Despite this, his fingers still didn’t touch all that well.

There was just something different about feral Breeders that set them apart from the rest. Maybe it was the sheer size of them, or maybe it was the fact that they were so easy to get to. Regardless, a thrill shot down Marcus’ spine as Connor snarled at him, a sub-vocal growl tinging all of his words.

“Hands off, Marcus, it’s not like that.”

The Alpha purred in response, pressing a half-ashamed kiss on the younger man’s thick bicep.

“Ofcourse it’s not, Connor… I know. You’re just… What, ‘passing through’, is what you said?” Complete with air quotes, too. Connor could have reached forward and bit him, if he didn’t think that Marcus would have loved that. Shaking his head, Connor jerked his arm slightly, trying to give the man he worked for enough knowledge about what he was doing to be able to balance himself.

Naturally, Marcus took no hints and awaited the chance to berate the Electric for what he’d done.

That was, up until his descent to the floor was interrupted by those strong arms wrapped around his back on both sides. 

“Myhero~” Marcus chortled, rubbing a hand up the center of Connor’s chest. Connor’s escape was a frown, a raised eyebrow, and a quickly deposited drug lord left on a bar stool in drunken confusion. Apparently, Connor wasn’t having it. Connor never really wanted to have it, did he? All he thought about was money…

Andthat was something that Marcus could work with, provided that Connor wasn’t an expensive hooker.

…Or maybe that would work out for all of them. Putting an Omega Breeder on a stage would get them plenty of cash. He could advertise it, get Connor a crash course on being a stripper, and the club would be absolutely packed to bursting with Alphas that thought they could get at him. Even if he was impossible to work with, the younger man would do anything for a quick buck. 

Marcus had a few ideas he was sitting on for that, too. If he could just get Connor semi-compliant, then he’d be in Heaven. Garrett would get a decent cut of it, too, so it wasn’t like either of them could complain.

Even still, he knew that it wouldn’t be easy. Connor was a stubborn one, and Garrett only had one thing in mind at all times. That being said, nothing was impossible for Marcus Sutcliffe.


AN:Welp, there we have it! This will be a two-parter, sort of. Not necessarily two separate chapters but two connected one-shots. The second one will be HARD SMUT, so you’ve been warned.


alpha character x alpha reader is something not thought of enough. forced submission…..they want you so bad they don’t care you’re not biologically compatible <3 they’ll forced their knot into that tight little hole anyway, just relax baby.


I can be petty too (omega!bakugo x alpha!reader)

A/n: another old ask from the old blog-

Big ty to my amazing beta- wouldn’t b able to post w/o them tbh-

(Sorry if I’m slow to upload lol this mental illness got hands)

Warnings: omegaverse, Bakugo tries to make reader jealous, it doesn’t work, reader tries to make him jealous, swearing, possessiveness, deku nd Shoto being creeps lowkey lmao, paranoia but it’s valid on bakugos part, drug use (weed)

You were ready to drop by the time you got back to the dorms, you’d been working overtime with Fatgum, Kiri, and Momo. They were just as exhausted as the three of you made your way back. When y'all split, you and Momo went to change and check on your mates while Kiri went to grab a snack. Imagine your surprise when you arrived at your room to find it desolate, Katsuki’s nest empty and the room cold. You shrugged it off, he’d been acting weird the last few days, you hadn’t had the chance to check in with him until tonight. He was probably just in the common room with Denki and Mina or something, so you just showered and got changed, then went to look for your mate.

You checked Denki’s room first, but that only contained the wrong blonde, and shinso was over so you moved on as quickly as you could, following Katsuki’s scent to the common room and freezing when you got to the door. There was your mate, cuddled up to Kiri, who’s terrified eyes darted up to meet yours. Your stomach dropped when you saw Katsuki rub his cheek over Kiri’s scent gland. Okay, so it was like that, huh? If Katsuki wanted to be with Kirisofucking badly, who were you to stop him? So you didn’t say anything, pushing down that hurt feeling, holding your breath and making a point to ignore Katsuki as you walked through to the kitchen, scent taking on a sour scent you couldn’t do anything to stop.

Of course you ignored Katsuki on the way back, too, not even glancing in his direction as you stormed back to the rooms, going past your room and knocking on Deku’s door. It swung open a few moments later, Deku’s shocked face peering up at you, Shoto behind him sitting on the bed.

“Katsuki is being a dickhead, is it okay if I stay with you guys for a bit? I brought gifts.” The last part was emphasised by you producing a blunt, and Deku was quick to nod and let you in, closing the door behind you.

“So, what’d he do this time?” Shoto opened the window, making room for you to sit with them on the bed, Deku grabbing the ashtray for you.

“He was just all over Kiri, so I figured if he wants to hang with Kiri so bad I’d let him, and come hang with you guys!”

“Hanging with Denki wouldn’t make him mad enough so you came to Deku and me?” You almost missed Shoto’s smirk, and you couldn’t help but grin.

“Aww, you know me so well!”

Okay, that hadn’t happened the way he’d planned it, Katsuki thought you’d say something, maybe pull him off and back to your room, not completely ignore him. It wasn’t his fault you hadn’t been giving him enough attention, what else was he meant to do other than make you jealous?

“Hey Bakubro, don’t uh, blow my head off or anything, but Y/n is hanging out with Midoriya and Todoroki….” Denki’s words had Katsuki jumping up from where he’d been next to Kiri, looking like he’d been slapped across the face as he bolted out of the common room. Why the fuck were you with Deku? That wasn’t safe- that shithead fucking omega and his fuckstick alpha would steal you away the first chance they got if he didn’t save you! Of all the people, why the fuck did you have to go to him?

The three of you were watching a movie, with you squished in between them, which you couldn’t help but think was kinda odd. The two of them were dating, you had no idea why they’d want you in the middle, but maybe they were just trying to stop you feeling left out? Then Deku rested his head on your shoulder and you froze, heart skipping a beat when the omega rubbed his cheek over your scent gland- What was he doing-? Shoto was right there and- since when had his hand been on your thigh?

“Um- guys- what’s uh- what’s-“

“Youwanted to make Kacchan jealous, didn’t you Y/n? I’m just helping!” Deku pulled away so he could look at you, feigned innocence the only thing you could see in his eyes, he knew you weren’t the smartest, and he’d treat you so much better than Kacchan if you just let him-

He went back to covering himself in your scent, Shoto’s thumb rubbing circles on the exposed skin of your thigh-

Then the door was thrown open, a growl cutting through the haze of the room, and you were being yanked out of the room and thrown over Katsuki’s shoulder before you could process what was happening.

He was too angry to speak, slamming the door to your dorm, locking it to make sure there were no unwanted visitors, and then he was pulling your clothes off, ignoring the way you tried to kick him off.

“Katsuki- what the fuck-“

“You fucking reek, Y/n!” He finally snarled, and you shut up, letting your omega strip you down to your underwear, quickly pulling on the hoodie he threw at you. Fuck, he was pissed- honestly you were glad he’d come in, you weren’t sure what would’ve happened if he hadn’t- you were still pretty high, if you were being honest.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Katsuki sat down next to you, anger still coming off of him in waves as he brought his wrist to your neck, rubbing his scent gland so aggressively over yours, you couldn’t help but flinch.

“Uh- I was um-“ It was hard to think, you were already exhausted from work, and so much had happened since then- “You were just uh…. On Kiri so I thought I’d… uh…. Go hang out with them… since you were busy…” You trailed off, you could barely talk, let alone think of lying to him. Katsuki had to bite back a snarl, you were so fucking dumb, just his big dumb alpha, huh?

“You fucking idiot, I was trying to get your attention, I’ve barely fucking seen you all week, you haven’t fucking scented me in days- but if you’d rather hang out with Deku-“

Oh, well, that made sense, you didn’t waste any time pulling him into your lap, rubbing your cheek over his scent gland and peppering kisses over his neck, you could feel the anger melting off him.

“Shoulda just said so, you don’t need to pull that shit with me Katsuki, you know I don’t pick up on stuff like that.” You leaned back against the wall when you were satisfied, resting your mate’s head on your chest and letting your fingers play with his hair. He didn’t respond, just grumbled as he pulled the bedcovers over you, but his scent was back to the warm caramel you were used to, and it wasn’t long before the two of you were dozing off.
