#tw abo


The Zoldyck’s Omega (yandere!Zoldyck Fam x omega!Reader)

Warnings; Broody behavior, yandere, platonic and romantic yanderes, abo au, polyamorous relationship, visit from platonic yandere gramps, broody hen, aggressive behavior from omega, mention of past loss,


“She’s been acting hostile for how long?”

“Several days now.”

“Odd, she seemed quite alright last time I spoke to her…”

Netero walked down the halls of the Zoldyck estate with Silva and Zeno, the two younger men relaying what information they could to the elder alpha. Based off of their descriptions, Netero had a feeling he knew what was plaguing his grandchild, but he wanted to be sure.

Given the rarity of omegas, it was only natural that the Zoldycks would call upon Netero any time new behavior began. There were no others they could go to who had similar experience in handling an omega like you, so when your behavior took a drastic shift they called upon Netero for help. In truth, they were actually quite concerned seeing as the new behavior being shown was primarily aggression towards them.

As they entered the room that housed the constructed nest, a low guttural growl greeted them. The sound was surprisingly intimidating despite the fact that the three men were all apex alphas and had nothing to truly fear from an omega. Deep within the nest which had been tucked away in the closet on the far side of the room, more low growls rumbled out.

You were in your nest and seemed to be absolutely livid that anyone dare to approach you, even your mates. It was rather confusing to your mates to have you snarl at them the way you were, used to you being affectionate towards them at all times. Truly, it concerned them because they did not want to lose you, especially when they had no idea what they did to anger you in such a way. The low snarl only gained volume and pitch, becoming a clear sound of warning, warning the alphas in your room of your deep burning aggression.


“Get out!”

“I just want-”



“Out! Now! Now! Now!”

Netero abided by your now frantic and snapping commands, ensuring the two alphas with him did the same and retreated from your space. The sound of your growling only quieting after they closed the door behind them.

Netero knew what was happening and why you were being so hostile about your nest towards everyone, he just needed to explain it to the assassins. He had seen such behavior before from his own omega mate back when he was young, he knew how jarring it was to experience. To enter your mate’s room fully expecting a greeting from an affectionate omega only to be greeted with snapping teeth and growls of hostility. The two alphas with him seemed to only be more stressed due to your actions, having honest concern about your sudden shift in temper towards them.

“She’s being broody.”


“It is normal behavior for an omega to become broody at certain points throughout the year, especially after being in heat. Usually, this kind of behavior can be an indicator that an omega has pups, but it can also happen regardless of if the omega is pregnant or not. Seeing as she has had contraceptives up until now, it is unlikely she has pups, but she is still going through the motions of Brooding.”

“Why is she being aggressive towards us, though? I thought omegas were primarily reliant on their mates when they have pups.”

“Because, early in gestation and about a month after they are born, pups are extremely fragile. They cannot regulate body heat and are completely defenseless early on, meaning they need to be protected and kept warm. As an omega, she is instinctually compelled to be a good parent, so her hormones are telling her that she needs to warm her nest and that everyone who comes near is a threat- even her mates- because of this fragility.”

“But we’re fairly sure she doesn’t have pups, so why is she acting this way?”

“Pups or not, her brain is set to brood and be broody. She should snap out of it in a few weeks when her body continues the cycle of hormones or until she has a whelping den and bears her pups. If this temper of hers lasts for more than two weeks, you have near indisputable confirmation that she is pregnant with pups. If that is the case, she will need a whelping den to fully feel secure and begin accepting help from her mates again. Typically an omega seeks a whelping den that meets their requirements of safety, but it is often easier to set up the beginnings of a den and let her do the rest. Omegas that are Brooding do not typically eat or leave their nest much, only breaking this willful starvation after settling into a whelping den.”

“Would it be better to put her in a whelping den now?”

“No. If she does have pups, it would be fine, but if she doesn’t have pups she will begin to believe she somehow lost them and will search until she finds pups to Brood over. A whelping den- to an omega- means they should have pups soon, no matter what, and when those pups they believe they are going to have don’t come, they become feral and distraught. She will likely go as far as to leave her mates completely until she finds a pup to kidnap and raise.”

“Got it. No whelping den unless we confirm she has pups.”

Zeno sighed, noticing his somewhat louder tone had resulted in more snarls from within your room. You couldn’t see them but you could hear them and that stimulation alone set you into a snarling fit.

“How do you know all of this? Of course, you know some from raising (y/n), but even then, you speak as if from experience.”

“Because I had an omega of my own, once. But when I had my omega, I knew next to nothing about caring for or protecting one and I refused to ask anyone for help. I made every mistake I now warn you of… And my mistakes cost me the life of my mate. We had one litter of pups and only one survived, my son. He went on to be much like me, but I always hoped he would be better than me. Eventually he wound up at my door with a tiny whimpering and wailing bundle, burned out by grief and set on revenge, he couldn’t care for an omega pup and train. So I raised her instead, and I’m hoping she is better than both he and I could ever be, and I will do all I can to keep history from repeating itself.”

A quiet silence hung in the air, the two Zoldycks having never known the full extent of what Netero had gone through in his life. Maha spoke rarely of it and even then would insist it is not his story to tell. If they wanted to know, they would have to ask Netero themselves and they were far too polite to do that.

Now they understood Netero spoke from experience and had seen what happens to an omega that is treated too callously. No doubt he had loved his omega, he just didn’t know how to properly protect them and as a result lost his omega.

The thought was a truly depressing one and carried surprising weight with the Zoldycks who worried what they would do if they lost you. It was painful to think about with any seriousness as you had caused such a drastic shift in behavior within the Zoldyck family, losing you would make the family collapse. They survived without you before, but they doubted they could go back to living that way again.

It was obvious that they would easily do whatever it took to keep you happy and with them. Whatever it took.


I can be petty too (omega!bakugo x alpha!reader)

A/n: another old ask from the old blog-

Big ty to my amazing beta- wouldn’t b able to post w/o them tbh-

(Sorry if I’m slow to upload lol this mental illness got hands)

Warnings: omegaverse, Bakugo tries to make reader jealous, it doesn’t work, reader tries to make him jealous, swearing, possessiveness, deku nd Shoto being creeps lowkey lmao, paranoia but it’s valid on bakugos part, drug use (weed)

You were ready to drop by the time you got back to the dorms, you’d been working overtime with Fatgum, Kiri, and Momo. They were just as exhausted as the three of you made your way back. When y'all split, you and Momo went to change and check on your mates while Kiri went to grab a snack. Imagine your surprise when you arrived at your room to find it desolate, Katsuki’s nest empty and the room cold. You shrugged it off, he’d been acting weird the last few days, you hadn’t had the chance to check in with him until tonight. He was probably just in the common room with Denki and Mina or something, so you just showered and got changed, then went to look for your mate.

You checked Denki’s room first, but that only contained the wrong blonde, and shinso was over so you moved on as quickly as you could, following Katsuki’s scent to the common room and freezing when you got to the door. There was your mate, cuddled up to Kiri, who’s terrified eyes darted up to meet yours. Your stomach dropped when you saw Katsuki rub his cheek over Kiri’s scent gland. Okay, so it was like that, huh? If Katsuki wanted to be with Kirisofucking badly, who were you to stop him? So you didn’t say anything, pushing down that hurt feeling, holding your breath and making a point to ignore Katsuki as you walked through to the kitchen, scent taking on a sour scent you couldn’t do anything to stop.

Of course you ignored Katsuki on the way back, too, not even glancing in his direction as you stormed back to the rooms, going past your room and knocking on Deku’s door. It swung open a few moments later, Deku’s shocked face peering up at you, Shoto behind him sitting on the bed.

“Katsuki is being a dickhead, is it okay if I stay with you guys for a bit? I brought gifts.” The last part was emphasised by you producing a blunt, and Deku was quick to nod and let you in, closing the door behind you.

“So, what’d he do this time?” Shoto opened the window, making room for you to sit with them on the bed, Deku grabbing the ashtray for you.

“He was just all over Kiri, so I figured if he wants to hang with Kiri so bad I’d let him, and come hang with you guys!”

“Hanging with Denki wouldn’t make him mad enough so you came to Deku and me?” You almost missed Shoto’s smirk, and you couldn’t help but grin.

“Aww, you know me so well!”

Okay, that hadn’t happened the way he’d planned it, Katsuki thought you’d say something, maybe pull him off and back to your room, not completely ignore him. It wasn’t his fault you hadn’t been giving him enough attention, what else was he meant to do other than make you jealous?

“Hey Bakubro, don’t uh, blow my head off or anything, but Y/n is hanging out with Midoriya and Todoroki….” Denki’s words had Katsuki jumping up from where he’d been next to Kiri, looking like he’d been slapped across the face as he bolted out of the common room. Why the fuck were you with Deku? That wasn’t safe- that shithead fucking omega and his fuckstick alpha would steal you away the first chance they got if he didn’t save you! Of all the people, why the fuck did you have to go to him?

The three of you were watching a movie, with you squished in between them, which you couldn’t help but think was kinda odd. The two of them were dating, you had no idea why they’d want you in the middle, but maybe they were just trying to stop you feeling left out? Then Deku rested his head on your shoulder and you froze, heart skipping a beat when the omega rubbed his cheek over your scent gland- What was he doing-? Shoto was right there and- since when had his hand been on your thigh?

“Um- guys- what’s uh- what’s-“

“Youwanted to make Kacchan jealous, didn’t you Y/n? I’m just helping!” Deku pulled away so he could look at you, feigned innocence the only thing you could see in his eyes, he knew you weren’t the smartest, and he’d treat you so much better than Kacchan if you just let him-

He went back to covering himself in your scent, Shoto’s thumb rubbing circles on the exposed skin of your thigh-

Then the door was thrown open, a growl cutting through the haze of the room, and you were being yanked out of the room and thrown over Katsuki’s shoulder before you could process what was happening.

He was too angry to speak, slamming the door to your dorm, locking it to make sure there were no unwanted visitors, and then he was pulling your clothes off, ignoring the way you tried to kick him off.

“Katsuki- what the fuck-“

“You fucking reek, Y/n!” He finally snarled, and you shut up, letting your omega strip you down to your underwear, quickly pulling on the hoodie he threw at you. Fuck, he was pissed- honestly you were glad he’d come in, you weren’t sure what would’ve happened if he hadn’t- you were still pretty high, if you were being honest.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” Katsuki sat down next to you, anger still coming off of him in waves as he brought his wrist to your neck, rubbing his scent gland so aggressively over yours, you couldn’t help but flinch.

“Uh- I was um-“ It was hard to think, you were already exhausted from work, and so much had happened since then- “You were just uh…. On Kiri so I thought I’d… uh…. Go hang out with them… since you were busy…” You trailed off, you could barely talk, let alone think of lying to him. Katsuki had to bite back a snarl, you were so fucking dumb, just his big dumb alpha, huh?

“You fucking idiot, I was trying to get your attention, I’ve barely fucking seen you all week, you haven’t fucking scented me in days- but if you’d rather hang out with Deku-“

Oh, well, that made sense, you didn’t waste any time pulling him into your lap, rubbing your cheek over his scent gland and peppering kisses over his neck, you could feel the anger melting off him.

“Shoulda just said so, you don’t need to pull that shit with me Katsuki, you know I don’t pick up on stuff like that.” You leaned back against the wall when you were satisfied, resting your mate’s head on your chest and letting your fingers play with his hair. He didn’t respond, just grumbled as he pulled the bedcovers over you, but his scent was back to the warm caramel you were used to, and it wasn’t long before the two of you were dozing off.


real event that occured that i cant stop thinking about


18+ only

hinata shoyo x f!reader, dubcon, omega!reader, a/b/o, knotting, breeding, possessive, scent kink (?), hint at slipping into subspace, mention of pups, reader is described as small (meant in a ‘we’re a sexually dimorphic species in this universe’ way), i didn’t proofread this sorry, im half asleep writing and posting this

You’re surprised when you come onto the MSBY Black Jackals team as an athletic trainer and meet someone who’s still unpresented, yet alone someone who most likely will not present as alpha based on his stature. However, you quickly learn not to be concerned over Hinata Shoyo being dwarfed amongst all the alpha players - he’s rather fearsome in practice and at play, and the fact that he’s able to strike such a presence despite his status makes him all the more impressive. He’s become your favorite player to meet with and talk to, finding it easy to converse with him without worrying that you might be doing something to unintentionally seduce him, but also genuinely enjoying your time spent with the lively redhead.

Still, as an omega, you feel a little lonely and nervous at times being surrounded by all these hot-blooded alphas. While you trust your suppressants, you’re cautious to keep your interactions with all the players at arm’s length. You’re not ignorant to Miya’s comments about how small you are, Bokuto always asking you to compare hand sizes, and even the occasional telling pat on the head from Sakusa. Although being mated to a pro-athlete would be ideal for some, it’s just not something you’re ready for despite what your body might try to tell you on those days you’re a few hours late in taking your suppressants - a little predicament you find yourself in right now as you rush out the door after you had checked your phone to see a message from one of the managers.

Strangely, Hinata had missed the last few days at practice. He’s easily one of the healthiest members of the team, following a balanced diet and mental focus routines long before meeting with any trainers and nutritionists. In fact, you two had just discussed it last week when you asked him what kind of protein shakes he likes. You told him that you can’t find any that taste good, but you want to up your protein and fat intake for when you do eventually find a mate. He didn’t seem ill then, though you suppose a virus could get the best of anyone’s defenses.

His apartment is apparently not too far from yours - hence the manager asking you to check on him on your way to the gymnasium. You follow the directions on your maps app, the light nagging in the back of your mind that you forgot to take your suppressants gets pushed away by the fact that it’s just Hinata that you’re going to go see - you can always be a few minutes late to work to go back home after you make sure he’s alive and well. You wish he would just respond to the text you sent him and then you could be on your way. But it’s pretty early, and the sun is barely rising when you climb the steps to the second floor of the complex.

It feels strange knocking on his door so early in the morning. You wonder if nobody has heard from him and that perhaps it would have made more sense for one of his teammates to do a wellness check. You wouldn’t consider yourself close to Hinata, and you don’t think he would either other than a typical friendly work relationship. You suppose it’s part of your job though, and that’s what you tell yourself to shake off any awkwardness you’re starting to feel as you rap your index and middle knuckles lightly to his door.

Something makes your nose twitch that you can’t quite place, but then you hear the footsteps and movement behind the door. There’s a click and suddenly the door is wide open, and you fear that you have the wrong unit. You’re met with huge, hungry brown eyes that seem to shimmer with excitement when they land on you, and a glimpse of the pink tip of this person’s tongue running across his bottom lip. Your heart stills. This could be quite the fuck up.

“Food,” says the man in front of you in a strained voice. “Please tell me you have food.”

“Uh,” you utter dumbly, and realize that it is Hinata, looking rather haggard. Perhaps he is sick, though aside from the flush of his tanned skin and mess of his orange locks, he looks healthier than ever in his tank top and gym shorts. You might be hallucinating, but it looks like he somehow put on a couple kilos in muscle since you saw him last week, and maybe more than a few centimeters in height as well. No. Maybe you just underestimated his actual size. Maybe his doorframe is just small.

“No food,” you manage to say once you collect yourself, choosing to blame the morning for your brain malfunctioning. “Just checking to-”

You’re cut off with his groan and pitiful whimper as he turns around and slinks back into his apartment. He leaves the door wide open, leaving you confused as to if he’s inviting you in or not. You peek your head inside and hear what sounds precisely like a body flopping onto the cushions of a couch. Quickly you step inside and slip off your shoes, remembering to close the door behind you.

You call his name, making your way out of the entry hall and into the kitchen. There’s empty food wrappers and containers all over the counter, and the pantry door is open to display barren shelves other than some spices. Something tells you to leave- no, stay- no, leave- no-

“So hungry,” you hear Hinata groan that leads you to him lying face down, legs sticking out comically off the arm of the couch in a way that makes you wonder if he’s even comfortable.

“Are you feeling okay?” You ask, crouching down to eye level with him. His cheek is smushed against the cushion, face contorted in a pout. He really doesn’t seem sick, you think. If anything it reminds you of when you’re hormonal. Your nose twitches again, and you realize that it’s not because of all the food trash in the kitchen.

You don’t know what it is that compels you to reach out to him, perhaps it’s because he’s adorably pitiful in this state, but your hand finds the side of his face as your thumb gently pulls at his top lip. Your eyes fly open and you go to immediately retract your hand when you catch a glimpse of the fangs that must be painfully pushing to find room in his gums.


You try to scramble up and away, but one of his hands latches onto your forearm, forcing you to fall forward to your knees. Your face is mere inches away from his as he shifts to push himself up and bring the underside of your wrist pressed directly to his nose, making you gasp as he breathes in deep, your heart and his eyes fluttering at the action.

“You smell- Good. And sweet,” he mutters, facial muscles twitching. “Hungry. I’m so hungry.”

Your breath quickens, feeling some kind of primal instinct to flee or freeze like he’s going to make a meal of you. You know there’s no slipping out of his firm hold on you, so you shakily gulp down the anxious feelings starting to knock at your chest.

If what you think is happening, is happening, then you’re fucked. So fucked. Hinata inhales again, this time running his tongue over the sensitive thin skin of your wrist. He whines, needing more than just the faint taste of your scent. His breath nearly steams off the wet patch of skin. A shiver creeps down your spine and has you reconsidering that maybe being completely fucked isn’t be such a bad thing. Yes- No- Yes, get out- No, let this happen.

His eyes snap open, brown irises completely blown black and you realize that you don’t have a choice. He pushes himself off the couch, slithering toward you on the ground as you slowly scoot backwards- to make room? To make a desperate attempt at putting some distance between you? It really doesn’t matter. You can’t take your eyes off him, feeling like prey who will certainly get devoured the moment your attention breaks.

“Hinata,” you say his name despite your heart feeling like it’s not pumping any oxygen, or maybe too much oxygen. Every alarm in your body is going off- the good ones, the bad ones, all screaming at you- as he crawls closer and closer until his knees are pinching your hips and his nose is nearly touching yours. You bite the inside of your bottom lip in anticipation. Heat rolls off his body, and suddenly you’re aware of a scent- spicy, tangy like a high note penetrating your olfactory senses in a way that makes your brain buzz all the way out to the very tips of your nervous system.

His head dips to the side and he presses his nose into your neck right below your ear. You cry out at the sensation, making him groan in return. His breath is heavy on your skin, every huff making you feel hotter and hotter until you grow agitated at your clothes for feeling like they’re suffocating you. He licks at the source of your sweet, alluring scent, fangs grazing as if he wants to bite down. Your skin raises, vision struggles to stay focused. It’s too hot. Everything is suddenly way too hot.


You don’t know of what you beg for. Even if he let you go at this point, you wouldn’t move away from him. He lifts his head at your plea, a pained expression on his face that tells you that at least a little bit of the usual Hinata is still in there.

“Sorry, I’m just so- You smell so good. I want-” He pants, unable to make sense of what’s going on with his body and instincts. You can feel the heat of his breath on your lips as he seems to dance around the idea of consuming you, drawing his face in closer and pulling away. Closer and away. Closer and-

You decide for the both of you, or more your desire takes over as you crash your lips onto his, messy and hasty, tongue and teeth with desperate moans and cries exchanged in between. Your ankles lock behind his knees and fingers pull at the back of his neck, bringing him to his elbows as to not completely crush you beneath him as you lose yourself in chasing his tongue with yours. It’s wet and filthy and noisy and oh so overwhelmingly hot that you both don’t even know whose clothes you’re tearing at- just wanting them gone and out of the way.

You growl and he snarls. No logic, just need. The hasty, clumsy, heated battle to get naked takes longer than what would please either of you, though neither of you are willing to pull away from each other’s lips or stop grinding for long enough to fully get rid of the garments. You can’t help it, feeling the large bulge of his cock nearly has you falling over the edge every time it catches against your clit through the layers. Both of you whine for more, yet you can’t get enough of how good it feels to rub yourself on him, covering yourself in his scent.

Red marks from rough, eager fingers litter your skin and his when you’re both finally bare to one another. His tanned and freckled skin shines with sweat and the glow of something molten inside him that’s ready to explode. You exchange a glance, drinking in how wild he looks as he stares at you pinned beneath him, bits of orange hair stuck to his forehead while the rest is mussed from where you’ve been running your hands through and tugging his lips closer to yours. If there were any part of your rational brain left, you’d take a moment to find it funny how you ended up like this. But it’s not funny right now, and there’s a mutual understanding between both of you that every passing second that he’s not buried balls deep in your throbbing cunt is more painful than the last.

Please,” you beg again. This time, you know what for. Your voice is strained, on the verge of tears from how badly you need to feel him inside you.

He pushes himself up so he can grab the backs of your knees, pushing your thighs closer and closer into your chest as his thick cock comes down onto your soaking cunt with a wet slap. You gasp at the heat that seems to radiate from his dick, making you clench as if he’s already filling you up. His rough fingertips dig into your skin as you begin to writhe, desperate to get his angry, leaking, red tip aligned with your entrance.

Please, please, ple-!

Your voice chokes as he plunges into you, your body unwilling to take in even a small breath as if to better accommodate the size of him stretching you out. Your legs quiver around him, feeling the last threads of your sanity snapping with every bit of him that sinks further into you and starts to press on that sweet, deep spot inside.

So fucking good,” he moans, hardly able to keep his tongue in his mouth and eyes from getting lost in his head. The praise makes your head go fuzzy and your pussy gives an encouraging squeeze. You claw at his arms, needing to feel him closer and get lost in the heat of his body and scent of sweat.

He falls forward to his hands on either side of your head, forcing the last bit of him in besides the beginning swell of his knot, and nearly knocking the rest of your breath from you. It stings so deliciously sweet as your cunt drools in excess to assist with the size. His hips start moving, perhaps maybe with a little intent on taking it slow. However, that quickly dissolves as every thrust draws the sweetest little cries from your lips and urges him lose himself in the sounds of your pleasure, wanting to hear more, more, more.

He’s not so quiet himself, groaning and growling every time your pussy sinfully grips around him, as if consciously trying to milk him directly into your womb. The thought makes him go wild, picking up the pace and pressing into you even further. You’re completely folded beneath him, legs dangling helplessly over his shoulders. Your own slick coats your thighs, his stomach, his taught and heavy balls, and onto the floor underneath your hips that are completely lifted at this point. It’s downright nasty, yet every lewd squelch and wet slap of skin makes you squeeze tighter on him, muscles shaking from all the tension.

“Gonna make you mine. All mine. They can’t have you. All fucking mine,” he huffs as he seeks out the sweet smell on your neck again, making you keen and writhe with a wave of painfully strong need flushing through your body.

“You want it. You want that, little omega.”

He’s not asking you. He’s telling you. And yes, you do want it. You’ve never wanted anything so fucking bad in your life. Tears prickle in your eyes from how badly you want it- to completely belong to someone. To be completely consumed by him.

Omega,” he says breathlessly and you swear you can feel yourself slipping into some place hazy at the endearment, and the push of his cock driving you deeper. It sounds so sweet, feels so good that you sob and wrap your arms around him tighter.

Tale as old as time. Just like you had been told your entire life: You’ll know when you know. And right now, there’s no doubt in your mind, and no mind to even doubt. You were made for this. You were made for him.

Alpha,” you whimper into his skin. “All yours, alpha. Please, make me all yours.

It doesn’t matter that you thought of him as nothing more than a coworker mere minutes ago. It doesn’t matter that you were convinced you weren’t ready for a mate yet. It doesn’t matter that he’s just recently come into his fully mature self. You know, and all that matters is that he knows as well.

He groans contentedly into your neck, the rumble of the sound tickling your ears and flooding your body with more heat. You swear you feel his cock grow even harder and more swollen inside you as his thrusts get stronger, as if he intends to hit the deepest spot inside of with every pump.

Fuck- Yeah, mine. All fucking mine. Gonna make you- Gonna-”

He rambles on, snarling and lost in the feeling of your cunt sucking him in, drunk on the lewd sounds of his rhythmic ruts. He moves his forehead to rest on yours, taking the occasional opportunity to try and swallow your cries. Every swipe of his tongue on yours makes your pussy flutter and has him pushing you harder into the floor.

Alpha, please.Knot- Your knot. Please cum. Please- Pups. Your pups,” you sob on his lips, feeling teased by the bulbous swell of his knot knocking against your swollen lips and clit. “Need you. Need all of you.”

Your plea pulls a guttural growl from him, his facial muscles twisting and teeth clenching as he works to give you everything you need. Faster and faster his hips move, shoving your bodies across the floor and making your shoulders burn with each thrust, though it doesn’t compare to the burn in your core- the uncomfortably tight coil that begs to be snapped.

Mine. My pups. Fuck- You’re Gonna- Yeah, you’re gonna be all mine. Full of- Full of me- mine.”

He’s gone, lost in a single thought, once again seeking your scent. He hastily moves his hands to grip into your hair, needing to hold onto something- anything as he chases fulfillment.

You cry and beg for more- for his knot, for his cum, for his pups, feeling so helpless for needing to be full of him so you know that you’re truly his. His cock continues to piston in and out of your sloppy cunt, each one with the power and intent behind it to stuff you full. With one last hard thrust, his knot bullies its way inside. Your eyes go wide, nails scrambling to find hold on his back and shoulders as if to transmit some of the pain of the stretch. Though the discomfort is only temporary, quickly fading into pleasure and reminding you that you were born to take him.

“Take my knot so fucking good. That’s my girl. My omega,” he coos just before melting into the full enveloping heat of your cunt.

It feels so hot. So fucking good that you wish you could stay like this, stuffed full of him, for the remainder of your days. You truly were born for this, designed by the gods to serve this man, your alpha, with a place to dump his seed.

“You ready? Ready to- oh fuck- Ready to take my cum? Gonna make you- Gonna be so full- All me. All mine. Oh fuck- oh fuck-

All it takes is a few more of your sweet squeezes at his words for him to come bursting inside of you- cum shooting so hard that you can feel it like a faucet head against that deliciously deep spot against your walls, hot and sticky and oh so satiating as it fills you until you’re overflowing and spilling even around the plug of his cock. Your eyes roll shut, the sound of his broken howls of pleasure are nearly drowned out by the state of bliss you’re thrust into. Your belly feels so warm, so good, so pleased with the amount of spend that paints you.

It’s a few minutes of both of you trying to catch your breath before trying to move or speak. He finally softens enough to remove himself from you, somehow finding the strength to fall to the side and roll off of you rather than collapsing directly on top. It takes all his reserve to reach over to grab your hand and keep his eyes open to make sure you’re alright.

“That was- Sorry. I don’t know what- I mean, it was really good. For me. I just-” He fumbles through the fog of his brain, breath still a bit haggard. “Are you okay?”

You roll your head to look at him, this boy, this man, this alpha- your alpha that you only knew on a casual level just moments before. You smile, giving his hand a light squeeze. You’re already completely enamoured.

“Might be a little sore,” you giggle.

“Sorry,” he winces. “I have a bed. Don’t think I can get up though. So-”

Right on cue, his stomach let’s out a long and loud rumble, making his cheeks glow bright red.

“Give me a minute. I’ll order something to be delivered,” you say as you give your legs a testing stretch.

“You’re the best. I’m just gonna…close my…”

And just like that, he’s completely passed out naked on his floor. You giggle, scooting over to give an affectionate little peck to his sweaty forehead that makes the corner of his lip twitch into a momentary smile.

There will be time later to mull over the details and talk about the situation, but for now, you study the cute sleeping face of Hinata Shoyo and embrace the warm, secure feeling coursing through your body.


A few hours later, there’s a knock at the apartment door. Shoyo passed out again after eating two days worth of calories in one meal, his body doing its best to keep up with all the changes. Wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his sweats, you scuttle to the front door and peek out the peephole. Your heart stops when you see a familiar face. Tentatively, you crack open the door to the surprised face of Sakusa Kiyoomi, who stares you down, his expression even more intimidating with the black mask hiding the lower half of his face.

“Was told to check up on Hinata since you no-showed today as well. I’ll just- Yeah. Bye.”
