#cw sa mention


alright élite is a guilty pleasure and i’m aware that it has always been messy and “problematic” for the lack of better word, but i really feel like they could have done without the rapist redemption arc in s5





Like… what? *cringes*

Okay. I actually WATCHED this video. I can verify it’s not incest, but I still have a LOT of reservations about the story. I appreciate the plot twist, but the girl lies about being raped to save her lover from her violent brother.

I am not saying this would never happen or that no woman has ever lied about sexual assault, but the story ends at the revelation. There’s no follow-up on what happens to the brother due to his violent crimes. Or what happens to the girl and her lover from that point. I get that this girl in this story is young - a teen - and she’s been raised in a highly dysfunctional family. She’s dealing with pregnancy. The father is also a teen. There’s no clue about how he’s dealing with this - or if he’s even still her lover. It also makes the viewer more sceptical about victim claims of assault.

So, while I appreciate the subject matter on one score, I’m not sure it was handled in an entirely mature fashion. It seems to have been thought up more like a ‘gotcha’ sort of thing that the sister got one over on her horrible, violent brother, who in his sick way showed that he cared about her by exacting vengeance on the men he thought had harmed her. (Although the story is vague about his motivations. It seems to be more about the brother’s ideas of family honour than any actual affection for his little sister.)

All of this brings me to a final point. I’m not sure how old this storyteller is, but I did watch several of their other stories. There’s a lot of unhelpful messaging about body image and overly simplistic “morals” to the stories. However, the visuals and animations are above par for sims videos.

The banner is click-bait and skillfully so. I’m not sure I’d recommend this storyteller overall though.
