#cyanotype emulsion


Albarran Cabrera   —–   Instagram

The Mouth of Krishna

#819 Toned cyanotype emulsion on aluminium

“Nothing is more abstract than reality”
-Giorgio Morandi 1890-1964

We, humans, abstract the idea of “reality” from our perceptual experience with the physical world. Therefore, the concept “reality” is an abstraction, an integrated sum of perceptions. The abstraction as such does not exist, it is not a physical entity; but it represents all entities at our conceptual level of consciousness.
The concept of reality doesn’t seem to be specifically tied to anything concrete. Reality could (hypothetically) be totally different and it’d still be a reality.
But, this is just a point of view. The philosophical discussions concerning this matter (how abstract is the concept “reality”?) are and will go on forever because we are “inside the box”. We are part of our own reality.

For both of us what we find the most interesting is the way an abstract image can trigger memories. When an image, or a part of it, cannot be interpreted as something specific, not only our perception but our imagination comes into play.
It is then when photography shows its full potencial.

Albarran Cabrera   —–   Instagram

The Indestructible

2019, #15 Toned cyanotype emulsion on aluminium

“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.”
―Frank Herbert, Dune

Sometimes human expressions of inner feelings and ideas have not a logical origin. As human beings and part of a chaotic universe, our way to express ourselves doesn’t always have a clear logic. This characteristic also defines the way we experience our journey in this reality. As Frank Herbert also states in the same novel: “The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
