#d-listers staying edgy






First things first- I’m fine. My friends and extended family in Vegas are fine. I’ve been up for about 2 days straight processing everything- but I’m grateful that I didn’t lose anyone and I’m gutted that 59 families can’t say that and that hundreds more people will never be the same. It’s incomprehensible. It’s infuriating- but I honestly don’t have the strength or the energy to get into yet ANOTHER debate about why gun control is an absolute necessity in my country.

Instead, I want to shift focus to something else that was infuriating and appalling that I saw today- and it comes from ‘Powder’,’Boondock Saints 1 & 2′ and ‘30 Days Until I’m Famous’ (lol) star: Sean Patrick Flanery.

Now, like many- I’ve met Sean. He’s a funny guy. He knows how to tell a good story- but he’s also heavy on self-promotion. When he’s not making bank at conventions for autographs and photo-ops with his ‘BDS’ co-stars- he’s heavily advertising his metaphor-laced book, “Jane Two”. His tweets are a weird mix of sincerity, sarcasm, and unintelligible cryptic code when asked for advice or his opinion. 

My point is this: up until today, I never had a problem with him.

Earlier today, a fan who admitted that English wasn’t her first language and apologized if the language barrier came across negatively- asked Sean why he didn’t use his platform to talk about civil rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, and the world’s issues in general. Sean, being Sean- re-tweeted her and commented that his answers could be found on his blog or in his book. Again, he self-promoted.

The fan, who then went on to say that she HAD read the book (twice) and DOES read his blog- but was still confused and admittedly disappointed by his answer- asked for clarification. Sean went on to re-tweet her and post this:


It didn’t stop there, though. Sean went on to post a series of tweets- most of them re-tweeted responses from his more rabid followers (see: Norman Reedus fans who trickled over) using turtle references to basically humiliate the girl while his followers began mercilessly attacking and ridiculing her.


When the girl in question confronted Flanery directly- he re-tweeted this:


This is a 51 year old (maybe 52?) man belittling and encouraging harassment towards a younger (female) fan who is trying to communicate in a language that isn’t her first. I watched as people repetitively demeaned her and mocked her attempts to explain what she was trying to say.

I finally jumped in, and was met with the same sarcasm and disrespect:


For the past several HOURS (no exaggeration)- Sean has continued to instigate and openly sic his followers on anyone who dared tell him he was crossing the line and should have conducted himself in a more mature manner. Simply saying “I don’t talk about current events or politics because a,b, or c” would have been sufficient. Instead, he tried to plug his book and humiliated an innocent girl for the sake of getting a laugh out of a group of middle-aged women who are obsessed with him and Norman Reedus.

My mentions have become overrun with their bullshit. I’ve been told I’m a terrible person, a bully (lol wat), uneducated, etc. so I’m publishing it here- just like I did when Yvette Nicole Brown and I went toe to toe years ago- because in that instance we both learned something about each other and admitted our own wrongdoings- and I’m hoping someday these women, and maybe even Sean- can do the same.

If your favorite actor/celebrity is calling for mass harassment of an individual on social media and you go along with it or perpetuate it- you’re not a hero or a fan. You’re a person who has become too infatuated with someone that you have rendered yourself unable to differentiate between right and wrong and have lost the ability to think for yourself or form your own opinions. That’s scary. That’s a very, very unnerving thing. You need to re-evaluate yourself as a person and your core values.

A lot of these women have children. How would you feel if an actor/actress your son or daughter admired turned around and encouraged their thousands of followers to gang up on him or her over a question or a difference of opinion? Yeah. Think about that.

And Sean? Grow up, dude. Seriously. That shit was pathetic.

I just wanted to add a quick update.

The girl in question responded to threads upon threads of abuse with why she was upset. Sean responded with this:


He’s a garbage human being.

I admit I turned in my fangirl card and blocked him a long time ago when he made those dismissive posts about the women’s march. It should have been sooner though. BDS got me through some really dark times, so I let him get away with stuff for longer than I should have because I didn’t want that movie tainted for me. 

I should have nipped it in the bud years ago when I first read his blog and saw the fat-shaming disguised as health advice. I remember being devastated because I was (and am) fat and all I could think was that he must have been disgusted when he met me. He probably was. Years of watching the body positivity movement flourish have gotten me past the point where I’d even care (and gotten me to the point where I’m actually ready to get healthier and am hella succeeding but that’s another story), but at the time it hurt. 

After a friend brought up yesterday that she’d seen him tell one of his more dedicated fans that she could totally succeed in losing 150 lbs by Christmas (it was late summer if memory serves), I remembered that I’d seen it too and been disgusted. I even remember telling a close friend at the time that some of the girls in the Shine Until Tomorrow group on FB were going to end up in the hospital someday since he never said anything to any of them when they were taking it too far. One could argue he wasn’t personally responsible for their choices, but he joined that group and interacted with it frequently, and if you’re going to tell people outright that they can do the physically impossible, then you’re at least somewhat complicit if that leads to them harming themselves. 

Still, even though I said that privately and even seeing some of the, frankly, cruel things he said in some of his blog posts/comments, I somehow convinced myself that he legitimately cared about people’s health and just didn’t realize he was being so harmful because he’s never had those struggles. Deep down, I knew it was a lie I was telling myself because I couldn’t face the truth yet and lose something that had literally been there when I had nothing else, but I accepted it for a while and moved on. 

I’m glad that girl was brave enough to ask the questions she did and that this moment has shown more people how problematic he truly is. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, the posts yesterday came across even more horrible. He spat in the face of any fans he has that aren’t straight white dudes. But he especially spat in the faces of any fans who are part of the transgender community with the “identifying as a turtle” bs. 

Also, this seems like a great moment to bring up the fact that the whole “Scary Boots” blog series he did implied that he gave Reedus date rape drugs. Obviously that story was fictional, but there’s a lot in it that is cringeworthy and I regret ever being any part of its readership. I suspect there’s a reason he never finished it that might have to do with the subject finding out that it existed, but that’s just speculation based on some stories friends shared with me. 

To summarize, there are people who will and are already making excuses for this incident. They’re saying he was being dismissive because he didn’t want to talk about it. Or because he feels he’s already answered those questions. He hasn’t. And his past actions, to me, only add up to one conclusion. 

Anyway sorry for the long add-on, but it’s time. And if anyone wants to unfollow me for this and keep telling yourself that this stuff is somehow okay, the button is right there. 

Hi, thank you for the add-on. Up until I saw your post I was unaware he was encouraging potentially dangerous weight loss “advice” on social media. I appreciate people who motivate with good intentions but to encourage reaching a challenging goal in such a short amount of time is pretty reckless.

I feel at this point I should make myself clear- because while a lot of responses to this have been pretty agreeable that what happened yesterday was completely unnecessary- some people have argued that his political views are no-one’s business- if not derailing the topic all together.

I don’t care about Sean Patrick Flanery’s political views. That was never my argument- and I’m not the person who asked him about them. He has every right to his opinion and his viewpoints- even if some of them are rooted in misogyny. That’s his problem and personal issue to deal with.

What I cared about was his inability to simply ignore a question (or questions- which he gets asked a TON of on a daily basis- as most actors/actresses/public figures do on social media) and instead re-tweeted a girl who was attempting to communicate in a language that she was not fluent in as a means to tease/mock/however people want to describe or defend it. This opened the door for more than a handful of his more fanatical followers to swoop in and ridicule her.

Were her questions appropriate? Maybe not- that’s a matter of opinion- but did they or she deserve to be treated like that for asking them?

Once more, when she expressed to him that it was hurtful to her- and even explained WHY- he continued to publicly egg her on- thus encouraging said followers to keep it up. Of course people are responsible for their own actions- but when someone is telling you that what you’re doing is hurting them- wouldn’t the responsible, mature thing be to back off? And, at the least- ask your followers to stop, as well? He doesn’t know this girl or what she’s going through mentally/emotionally- and what I saw was a grown man and a handful of middle-aged women kicking a young girl when she was already down.

Myself and a few others stepped in and explained that what was happening was unnecessary. He’d made his point- and he attempted to do to us what he’d done to her. That is not “joking”. It’s not “harmless teasing”. It’s a grown man indirectly encouraging unstable women to harass others trying to do the right thing for a distraught stranger.

People can continue to be fans. They can continue to defend him and make excuses. Much like his political views- their decisions are not my problem- but I do feel it was necessary to share what went down in the hopes that someone may read all of this and think twice before they fall into wolf pack mentality or follow the herd the next time something like this happens.

UPDATE: 11/19/18.

Hey y’all! It’s been over a year but this post is still making the rounds. I got a message today that directed me to one of Sean’s recent IG posts. The person in question was nice enough to forward a screen grab of the original post (I went and screen-captured some of the comments since they were hard to see in the message) so I wouldn’t feel compelled to gouge my own eyes out.

He’s still problematic, FYI- and his rabid fanbase are still dumb as hell. But Shine Until Tomorrow, amirite?

Can Sy-Fy and the Hallmark Network pull his terrible movies yet, or nah?
