


{which witch by florence + the machines }

my creator celebration day 2: blasphemy

sooooooooooooo i started feeding the birds


the euphoria of elliot page (esquire)

Oh my DAAAAAAMN.Posted from: Juicy Asians at Slanted Pussy

Posted from: Juicy Asians at Slanted Pussy

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pukaon:You’d better lock your door, n’ throw away the key Cause you ain’t never met a man as guilt


You’d better lock your door, n’ throw away the key Cause you ain’t never met a man as guilty as me..


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The Dramatic Muses, Comedy and Tragedy

I thought of saving this for Lines of Power tomorrow, but it’s more of an observation, and I just feel like I have to call this out sooner than later.

When you turn their faces right-side up, that is some grade-A scary lighting.

Not only that, but…

Wow, yeah, there they are. Comedy and Tragedy, the ancient Greek muses of theatre.

Even as a theatre kid, I found the Comedy and Tragedy masks simultaneously frightening and fascinating. I drew them a lot, just a quick sketch of familiar, easy lines curving up and down. The visual of it has always held an intensely psychological draw for me, the juxtaposition and the dichotomy of the mad jester and the sad clown.

Even from the upside-down faces of Pete and Vegas, I could see the masks, and turning them right-side up only reinforced the similarity.

But now that I’ve seen their faces and made the association, I think back and believe Pete and Vegas may have been regularly switching back and forth regarding who has which mask.

When one is smiling, the other is frowning.

Back and forth, Pete and Vegas have changed more than once.

My thoughts here are half-formed, and I’d need to go back and actually review and find more evidence to back this up (not sure I have time for that), but I wanted to throw it out there.


no but seriously do we all agree that he’s wearing an earring here or am i seeing things
