
Rhys’ echo eye (Tales)Rhys’ echo eye (Tales)

Rhys’ echo eye (Tales)

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Screenshots from the Season pass 2 trailerScreenshots from the Season pass 2 trailerScreenshots from the Season pass 2 trailerScreenshots from the Season pass 2 trailer

Screenshots from the Season pass 2 trailer

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Sasha appreciation post!!Sasha appreciation post!!Sasha appreciation post!!Sasha appreciation post!!Sasha appreciation post!!Sasha appreciation post!!Sasha appreciation post!!

Sasha appreciation post!!

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A simple sketch of Moze from Borderlands 3.Thought she might need some enhancements :3c

A simple sketch of Moze from Borderlands 3.

Thought she might need some enhancements :3c

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 Tiny Tina wanted to try a new way to blow people out and Moze volunteered to help her out on her ne Tiny Tina wanted to try a new way to blow people out and Moze volunteered to help her out on her ne

Tiny Tina wanted to try a new way to blow people out and Moze volunteered to help her out on her new experiment!

Unfortunately this was not what Moze had in mind in becoming Tina’s assistance.                                    

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I have to admit that having the game’s audio playing in my earbuds is still fucking getting me bcs you can H E A R everything.

For example, I hate Eden-6 with all I got (but on the other hand, I stan Wainwright and Hammerlock), but the Jakobs mansion is freaking me the hell out. The sounds man, wtf.

Everyone in Borderlands during a forced dialogue: Be careful! These men are trained psychopaths who will end you by one single look! I’m not shitting you! O N E.

Vault hunter who stopped listening at the word “careful”:

I’m currently re-playing Borderlands 3 (for like the tenth time or so). 

I have the Handsome Collection and Borderlands 3 at home. So, naturally, I’ve started looking for the first OG one and I’ve started searching for Tales from the Borderlands so I would have all the games at home whenever I would like to play them (which is more than 4+ times during a single year.) 

I would start with the first one and work my way up. And I’ve found out that OG Borderlands (Game of the Year edition) for PS4 isn’t availible in my country and not even on the PS4 store? 

And TFTB was completely pulled out of the market, not even on PS4 store or Steam for that matter because it’s licence had expired… What the fuck, bro? 

Sure, the games aren’t the best ones, but the nostalgy value is HUGE with these badboys. The story of BL1 is non-existent, the resolution and FPS rating is terrifiying, but I would still love to replay it. Don’t take it as whining, BL2 is my favorite title of the whole series… But… You know, it’s kinda sad.

Patricia Tannis makeup test! Not too bad for never having done cel shading before huh?

Patricia Tannis makeup test! Not too bad for never having done cel shading before huh?

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promethean menace

hex is my borderlands fan character; a vault hunter who turns shields into weapons and body mods. extra close up:

scarsji: If the canon doesn’t please you, throw it away.


If the canon doesn’t please you, throw it away.

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monday-headache:Countless of hours and I can finally call it done O.O I’m so happy at the result.Man


Countless of hours and I can finally call it done O.O

I’m so happy at the result.

Many thanks @piaart and @michellespenscratchz for their support and advice <3

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headshot drawings of borderlands characters. fl4k is squinting their eye as if smiling, timothy is looking desolate and beat up, maya looks mischevious, sasha is holding back a laugh with tears in her eyes, and zer0 is irritated with blood covering them.

hehe blands prompts for the expression meme :3c ty for everybody who sent one!! <3
