#dad bruce



*through the Robins group chat*


Tim: Jason it’s 4am

Tim: it better be important

Jason: stfu timmy I’m going through something

Jason: is the mansion haunted???


Jason: I was half asleep and then?? A big shadow was towering over me??

Jason: and don’t tell me it was a dream bc I heard the door closing

Damian: It was father

Tim: oh yeah, he does that sometimes

Jason: excuse me what

Jason: why is the old bat watching me sleep???

Tim: he wasn’t, it’s winter


Tim: he probably wasn’t able to sleep, so he was making sure we’re all warm so we don’t catch a cold

Damian: He just left my room

Jason: damn, the older he gets the crazier…

Dick, reading all the messages in the morning: what the heck

Dick: so the winter fairy isn’t real :c??



Word count: 482

A/N: No request for this convenience blurb, I figured I had better name the baby before I write any more blurbs, so here it is. Thank you to the anon who suggested the name, once you did , I could not see her being called anything else. I hope you like it!!

Series masterlist


Y/N could not believe that her humming Come As You Are to the baby seemed to be the best way to get her to sleep. It seemed that their daughter was taking after Bruce in music taste a lot earlier than they would have thought. She walked around the nursery gently rocking the baby in her arms and humming the song. It had not been taking long after she was fed for the baby to fall asleep and luckily this time seemed no different. She crossed back to the crib and gently laid the baby down carefully.

She made sure the baby monitor was turned on before turning to walk out of the door. Bruce was leaning against the door frame, watching her with a smile on his face. He moved back so she could step out of the room and leave the door so it was ajar.

“How’s she been?”

“Alright. She’s gone down pretty quickly after each feeding.” She turned to face him. In the hallway light, she could see a new bruise forming on his jaw.

He noticed her looking and took her hand before tugging her towards their bedroom. “I’m fine.”

She did not say anything as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out some clean sweatpants. She moved and sat on the edge of the bed as he got changed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. He walked back out and over to her. He leaned down and kissed her, pushing her up onto the bed as he did. The kiss was lazy and she knew that meant he did not want to go any further, not that they could for another few weeks at least, he was just happy to have her close.

They pulled back to breath and she reached up and brushed his hair back. “I’ve been thinking of some more names.” The baby had been home almost four days now and they kept going back and forth on names. Alfred had even started chiming in with suggestions because, as he put it, he could not keep referring to their daughter as the baby.

Bruce hummed and pressed a kiss to her jaw. “Go on then.”

“Well, it’s one really. Alfred dragged out your family tree for me to look at for some inspiration.” She tangled her fingers into his hair as he kept pressing lazy kisses against all of the exposed skin of her face and neck. “One name kept popping up. Grace.”

He stopped and pushed himself back up so he was hovering over her. “Grace.” He considered it before he smiled. “I like it. Grace Martha Wayne.”

“Have we finally decided on a name?” She chuckled.

“I think we might have.” He shifted forward again and kissed her.  

Taglist: In the reblogs

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Aww this was adorable I love the name Grace, so cute !! and I love that she’s already a Nirvana fan thanks to Bruce lmfaoo
