




I saw this post and now all I can think about is young Derek being nonverbal and he hides peoples shoes when he likes them so they stick around longer–the more he likes you, the harder they are to find. Laura understands this and finds it funny to watch, especially when Derek practically shoves Peters shoes into his hands and Peter always thanks him for being so helpful (when really he’s telling him to f off).

One day, Sheriff Stilinski comes over with his kid and Derek hides Stiles’ shoes. They eventually have to leave without them because they’re hidden so well and it’s years before they find them.

I couldn’t resist the angst so here we go… (Brace yourselves)

All of his family’s shoes were burnt up in the fire. He tries searching all the places he hid them but they’re all gone, and he’s left with nothing to remember them by and no way to keep them around.

Or, imagine one pair survives. A tiny pair of white sandals with little butterflies on them that once belonged to Laura. Talia gave up trying to get Cora to wear them because she’d either tear the shoes off and run around with bare feet or she’d try to rip the decorative butterflies off. So Talia stored them away in a corner of the basement, the one corner that was untouched by the fire.

Years later, Derek adopts a little girl and gives her the shoes, watching the way his little girl’s face lights up when she looks at the pretty butterflies and realising that his little girl has Laura’s smile.

I don’t know how to put this into words but I really want grown up Stiles and Derek to have the kind of relationship that Buck and Eddie do in 9-1-1. Derek’s a single dad who is a loving and protective father. Maybe he and Stiles work together or maybe they just know each other, but they know that the other has their back no matter what, and there’s no one in the world Derek would trust more with his kid than Stiles. 

If Stiles is having a bad day, Derek invites him over to play video games or watch Star Wars with his kid or gets Stiles to take him to the pier. 

When Derek wakes up to find his kid missing, Stiles is he first person he calls, and most of the time Derek doesn’t even get to finish the sentence before Stiles lets him know his kid is with him.

Derek’s kid is sick? Broke an arm and ended up in hospital? Stiles is there for him. The hospital staff think he’s the kid’s dad.

All it takes is one phone call from the kid saying something’s wrong with Derek and Stiles is there in a heartbeat.
