


Dagcup Week

June 27th- Day One: Deranged

June 28th- Day Two: Peace

June 29th- Day Three: Alternative Universe

June 30th- Day Four: Brother

July 1st- Day Five: Dragons

July 2nd- Day Six: Through the Years

July 3rd- Day Seven: Free Day

Alternative Prompts: Day by the Water, Redemption, Dancing


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that feel when ur gay, it’s cold, and you can’t find ur uber

IDK why most, if not all of my OTPs are just “Feral little man and his bratty nerd boyfriend” 

baisleyarts: The sound of running footsteps against the wooden planks mimicked Dagur’s racing heart.


The sound of running footsteps against the wooden planks mimicked Dagur’s racing heart. Amidst the crowd, he saw the blur of brown and green, and, before he knew it, a body flung itself to him, arms tangling around his neck and a searing kiss was placed upon his lips. One that shouted joy, love, and utter wholeness.

Hiccup was finally home.

Post link


I see a lot of stories with Dagur crushing on Hiccup. I would love to see a fic with that switched, and Hiccup pining after Dagur, especially if it resolved itself happily.
