#dairy free cheese


This isn’t a super lazy recipe like I usually do. It’s also not completely dirt cheap, but it’s awesome, and it does work out cheaper than dairy cheese in terms of money and work. Grating a block of cheese over a pizza is labour intensive. Pouring this liquid gold is not.

It comes out as a really thick liquid that you can spread, drizzle, stir, pour or dip to your hearts content. If you wanted something like cheese sticks, you can probably thicken it enough for that too.

You can adjust the flavour to suit yourself, the key ingredients are very simple.

The base

  • ½ a cup of vegetable oil
  • ¼ cup of flour (I use wheat flour, but if you want to try a gluten free flour you could)
  • ¼ cup ground linseed (this is the secret weapon, this stuff is amazing)
  • 2 cups of almond or other non dairy milk


You have a whole bunch of options here. This is my personal favourite combination.

  • ¼ cup brewers yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cube of veggie stock
  • 3 tablespoons white or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon dried chives
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce

Other stuff you can add that is also delicious

  • Vegan friendly miso
  • Lemon juice
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Coconut cream (make sure it’s a brand that doesn’t abuse plantation monkeys and other wildlife)
  • Vegan cream
  • Nut/seed butter (like cashew or almond, or tahini)
  • A whole bunch of herbs and spices


  1. Mix everything except the almond milk together in a pot to form a paste.
  2. Add a little almond milk and mix again. Repeat until you have a thick, smooth paste.
  3. Put the pot on medium heat and keep stirring and adding almond milk until you run out of almond milk. A whisk is really useful for this step.
  4. Simmer for five or ten minutes, keep stirring so it doesn’t stick.
  5. Adjust according to your tastes and needs, you can make it thinner with more almond milk, or thicker by simmering it for longer (or add a little more linseed).
  6. Keep it in the fridge in a jar, and use it as you want it. It makes a great pasta sauce when it’s a little thinned out. Also excellent on sandwiches.
  7. My next step will be to see if I can make it solid and slice-able.

Here’s the deal. I like pizza. A lot. Like, if I had to live on pizza alone, I’d probably be pretty ok with that. I’d build a fort out of the pizza boxes and hoard olives like a vengeful olive hoarding dragon.

Sadly, I have yet to work out how to replicate the amazing basil sauce the local pizza place does, and I’m too broke to afford even cheap pizza on a regular basis.

So sometimes I make pizza at home. 

Some ready made dairy free cheeses are available here in New Zealand - and they’re pretty good, but they’re not super cheap. Hummus isn’t always super cheap either (unless you’re making it from scratch, then it’s definitely super cheap), but by weight, hummus is usually cheaper than dairy cheese anyway and it goes further. So here is my lazy cheese sauce for pizza, dips, toasties, sandwiches, etc.


  • Hummus (plain or garlic)
  • Vegetable oil


  • Lemon juice
  • Brewers yeast (add slowly, it has a strong flavour, so taste test as you go)
  • Salt
  • Thyme
  • Mustard (I like wholegrain but go with whatever you like)
  • Coconut cream (seriously, it’s weird but it does some kind of sorcery to smooth out all the flavours)


  1. Half hummus, half oil, stir until combined (it’ll be kinda globby at first). 
  2. Add any extra stuff you like. Personally I like a splash of lemon juice, a tablespoon of mustard, a pinch of thyme, a pinch of salt, and a tablespoon of coconut cream (the fatty part). I like quite a sharp taste with this sauce, if you’d rather something creamier or more subtle, go for more oil, and more coconut cream.
  3. Glob it on pizzas (it gets thicker when cooked), sandwiches, whatever you want.
  4. Omnomnomnom
Low Carb Vegan Nachos Con Queso | Meat Free Keto - These low carb vegan keto nachos are surprisingly easy to make, high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and the perfect dairy free game day snack!

I’ve been kicking around the idea of making some vegan keto nachos for a while, but for some reason kept putting it off. Well, I finally got myself in gear this afternoon and made myself some nachos. I’ve really been wanting nachos for a while, and it seemed like as good a time as any to make this dream come true. Full disclosure – these low carb nachos are delicious. I ate the entire batch…

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Pizza, using Vegan Cheese Fondue


Tried out Edgy Veg’s cheese fondue recipe! Approved by my cheese-addicted non plant based friend with a big sparkly nod. With leftovers you can make pizza and mac & cheese too.

As a note, this is the fondue before adding wine.
