#daisuke jigen x reader


Mr. Hollywood

Warning: This fic contains alcohol, smoking, some mature sexy moments, a bit of harrassment, and drunken one night stands. If you’re uncomfortable with these things I highly encourage y'all to check out my other works.

Mr. Hollywood, won’t you come back soon?~ She said, “Mr. Hollywood, won’t you come back soon?”~ She said, “Mr. Hollywood, won’t you come back soon?” (ayy, ayy)~ She said, “Mr. Hollywood, won’t you come back soon?” (ayy, ayy)~ She said~

Your mother had always warned you about being cautious around men. Telling you to keep your heart close to you and to be careful with who you gave it to.

‘You don’t want to give it to a man who’ll only break it (Y/N). Nothing hurts more than to give it away and to have it treated poorly.’

She’d always say to you, always to try and spare you from the heartaches of love. And you always took those words to heart, always cautious and careful. For years you kept men at a distance, afraid of the consequences of acting foolishly. And it’d worked rather well. You kept your heart safe from the heartbreak of love. However like many things in life, there were times when no matter how hard you tried all of your efforts would be in vain. And like many before you, you were unprepared for it. It’d been a late night in the city that you lived in, the lights and neon signs painting the town in a array of colors. Night owls roamed the streets, either to go out and party or do other things. It was on a night such as this that you’d found yourself going to the local bar, wanting nothing more than to get a drink and let lose. The day had been horrendous for you, full of your boss shouting at you and your coworkers being an even bigger pain than the usually were.

So from the moment you got off of work you beelined for the nearest bar, work clothes be damned. Hurrying down the sidewalk full of fellow night people you finally came to the place you desperately wanted to be. With little to zero hesitation you pushed open the door to the bar, your heels clicking against the hard floor. The bar was crowded with people who wanted a drink or hook up with someone for the night. Cigarette smoke clung to the air and the slight scent of several bodies in a somewhat warm area hit your face. Yet you paid none of it any mind, practically flying towards the bar and its stools. Grabbing a seat you collapsed into it, a low sigh of exhaustion coming from you. The bartender gave you a look, taking in your appearance of your wrinkled work uniform and your hair falling out of the style you had it in.

“What can I get cha?”

The bartender asked his tone gruff. You pulled out your wallet and grabbed a couple of bills and slamming them down on the counter.

“Whatever you have that’s the strongest. I don’t care just anything will do.”

You said not even caring about how you sounded like an alcoholic. The bartender took the money and went to the vast shelf to go get your drink while you waited patiently for it. With a small look you saw the bartender get called over by another customer and bit back the frustrated noise that wanted to come out. You knew that getting pissed at the bartender for doing his job was rather stupid so to distract yourself from your frustrations you pulled out your cellphone and began to scroll through your social media accounts. You were so distracted with your scrolling you didn’t notice the man who sat himself down next to you.

“Hey sweetheart, I couldn’t help but notice you sitting here all by yourself.”

A voice cocky and flirtatious spoke up next to you. You jumped at the voice turning your (E/C) hues towards him. The man looked like he was at least in his late fifties, with a balding head and a gross kind of smile. You stared at him, unamused by his greeting.

“Good for you. Now if you would please leave I’d like to keep it that way.”

You said softly, tone professional like. You were so not in the mood for this kind of thing. The man gave you a small look before trying again.

“Aw sugar surely you don’t mean that. After all a lovely lady such as yourself shouldn’t be alone on a Friday night.”

He said persistent. You felt your eyebrow twitch, the exhaustion and rising irritation of the day hitting you and wearing on your patience.

“Look sir, I would really appreciate it if you would just leave me alone. I’m not in the mood to talk to you nor am I in the mood to flirt or whatever else you wanna do. So please kindly buzz off.”

You said your tone full of irritation. The man looked at you, the cocky smirk he’d been wearing falling off of his face. His eyes narrowed in anger and he quickly grabbed your arm making you stiffen up in shock.

“Listen here you little-”

He began to growl his lips pulled up into a sneer when a hand gripped the man’s shoulder and a cold tone chimed in.

“Hey pal, you heard the lady. She said bug off. Now let go of her or you’re not gonna like what I do next.”

A man much younger than the one harassing you said. The older man turned his attention towards the other his eyes glaring.

“Oh yeah what are you gonna do about it-?”

The creep snarled before going silent as he looked towards the man’s coat. You couldn’t see what was happening but whatever he saw had made him let go of you and quickly turn tail muttering under his breath. Watching him disappear you finally turned your attention to your savior.

“You alright miss?”

He asked you. You nodded offering a tired smile.

“Yeah I’m alright. Thank you for helping me out with that. I really wasn’t in the mood for it.”

You said softly. Your savior gave you a nod seemingly satisfied that you were alright.

“You mind if I sit here? I could really go for a drink after that encounter.”

He said gesturing to the now empty seat next to you. Giving him a much more sincere smile you gestured for him to sit.

“Go right ahead and be my guest Mr…..?”

You asked trailing off. Your savior sat himself down on the stool and tipped his hat slightly upwards to meet your gaze.

“Jigen. You can call me Jigen, and can I get a name from you?”

The man Jigen asked earning a small amused look from you.

“(Y/N), my name’s (Y/N).”

Ooh, I just wanna lay right by your side~ We don’t gotta love each other right~ We just gotta make it through the night~ You don’t gotta say~ You’re not into me no more~ When we pass out on the floor~ See the sun rise through the door~

After the introductions you and Jigen talked as you waited for your drinks. You quickly came to realize that Jigen was a rather strange yet dry man. He was wearing a suit and a hat that covered his dark eyes that you’d only caught a glimpse of. A beard grew on his face and his hair was dark and shaggy yet it seemed to suit him. Jigen made a few sarcastic remarks here and there earning a bit of laughter from you. As you talked and got your drinks you came to learn more about your mysterious savior. He did odd jobs for a living and traveled a lot, he was a few years older than you, at least in his late twenties or early thirties. He was a smoker and he liked to drink though he didn’t really like being in crowded areas. He was sarcastic and charming in a weird rugged way and incredibly smart. And in return you told him about yourself. You told him about your job at your office and the things you liked and disliked.

With each word exchanged between the two of you the more at ease you both felt with one another. Laughing and joking and conversing while you drank through your drinks like the two of you knew each other for years. Before you even realized it hours had passed and you were more than a little bit tipsy. Jigen wasn’t much better off, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol and warmth in the bar.

“Ya know? This day was absolutely terrible, like…..like downright awful. But now…..now I don’t think it was all that bad.”

You said your voice slurred a bit. The alcohol had made you a little bit more honest than you usually were, making your thoughts hazy and your guard lowered. Jigen gave you a look, his dark brown eyes staring into your own (E/C) ones curiously.

“Oh? And what exactly made it not so bad?”

He asked his own voice slurred as well. You couldn’t help but feel your breath hitch slightly as you answered his question.


You said softly sincere and hesitant. Jigen seemed to go still next to you, making you feel anxious and stupid all of a sudden.

'Why would you say that (Y/N)?? You just met the guy and now you’re saying things like that?? God what is wrong with you???’

You mentally berated yourself feeling embarrassed by your words.

“Haha I’m just kidding, I mean that would be really weird-”

You began to ramble slightly to try and do damage control when you felt a gentle but rough hand place itself on top of yours. You felt your cheeks burn as you snapped your attention to Jigen. The man was looking at you, his eyes which had been hidden for most of your conversation was now staring at you. His eyes held an unreadable look, yet they weren’t full of anything that was unkind. Squeezing your hand Jigen spoke.

“If that’s weird then it’s probably weird that I’m kinda glad I’d made your crummy day better.”

He said his gruff voice low and honest. You felt your heart skip at the naked honesty he’d shown you. You felt yourself squeeze his hand back gently, your mind fuzzy and your chest tight and warm. It was a feeling you’d never experienced before, so foreign and new but oh so addictive in a way. Without thinking about it you went with what your heart was saying.

“I see…….then I guess we’re both weirdos. Since we’re being weird would…..would you maybe like to possibly……accompany me home……?”

You asked shy and nervous despite the alcohol in your system. Jigen seemed to stop functioning, a dark look flashing in his gaze and you couldn’t help but shiver at it.

“Let me pay and we’ll head out.”

By the way you move, I know you want me to~ Tell you all the rules, I know I’m searching too~ Give me all your clues and things to guide me through~ The end of the world, the end of the world~ Don’t blow out the fuse when darkness comes to light~ So much I could do to make you come to life~ Fingers coming loose, I see there’s no more time~ Don’t tell me I’m gone, don’t tell me I’m gone~

It didn’t take long for Jigen to pay for your drinks before the two of you made your way out of the bar and into the chilly night. You and Jigen stumbled a bit on the walk to your place, you clinging to his arm and him keeping a firm arm around your waist. The sounds of you and his drunken laughter and soft whispers filled the night, the streetlights shining down upon the two of you. In an almost dreamlike manner the two of you finally made it to your place. Digging around in your purse you pulled out your keys and tried to unlock the door. After a few failed attempts you finally managed to get the keys in and unlock the door. Pushing it open you grabbed Jigen by his arm and pulled him inside with you. As soon as the front door was shut the two of you were on each other. Your lips met his in a drunken, lustful kiss. Your fingers laced themselves into his thick hair and his arms wrapped themselves around your waist pulling you closer to him. Stumbling through the living room the two of you barely separated from each other, exchanging kisses and touching wherever your hands could touch.

Jigen pulled away from you, his eyes dark and full of want as he looked at you. You felt your skin prickle a bit at the heated gaze, your heart pounding loudly in your chest and ears. Leaning down so his mouth was close to your ear he spoke, soft and low.

“Are you sure you want to do this (Y/N)?”

He asked his tone soft and questioning. You felt your heart swell at his question, a fuzzy bubbling warmth of emotion rising up. This was the time when you and him could leave it at the heated kisses, but something deep within you didn’t want to stop. You wanted Jigen, you wanted all of him even if it was only for the night. Giving consent you nodded and answered.

“I want it, I want you Jigen please…”

You spoke voice full of desire and sincerity. That was all he needed to know and his lips were once again kissing yours, trailing down to your neck. You gasped and clung to him.

“Jigen…..bedroom first door in the hallway……”

You breathed as you melted into a puddle. Jigen picked you up making your legs wrap around his waist. With stumbling steps he made his way towards the room. After that the rest of the night was a rush of lust and sensations, of kisses and heated looks of want and desire. Of touches and nips and breathless cries of carnal actions before collapsing into the pillows and sheets in a blissful sleep wrapped up in each other’s arms.

She said, “Mr. Hollywood, won’t you come back soon?” (ayy, ayy)~ She said, “Mr. Hollywood, won’t you come back soon?” (ayy, ayy)~ She said~ Ooh, I just wanna lay right by your side~ We don’t gotta love each other right~ We just gotta make it through the night~ You don’t gotta say~ You’re not into me no more~ When we pass out on the floor~ See the sun rise through the door~

You woke up to the sunrise and it’s pale rays. Your head hurt slightly and your body ached in a pleasant way. Blinking sleepily you looked around and saw that the other side of your bed, empty and turning cold. Sitting up you couldn’t help but feel your heart sink at the sight of the empty space. You had been hoping that perhaps Jigen would still be there with you but alas it appeared that he’d left earlier that morning. Clinging to the sheets slightly you recalled the time spent together last night. You could see the look in his eyes as the two of you mingled, the look of desire and another emotion that you couldn’t identify. You felt your heart stutter in your chest as a sudden feeling of sorrow hit you. You had known that Jigen would only be there for the night, that the time you two had together would come to an end. You had known this and accepted it, letting him have all of you and you taking all of him. What you hadn’t expected was this sudden painful ache in your chest.

It felt as if your heart was tearing itself apart, as if a piece of it was now missing. Your throat began to close slightly and tears began to burn at your eyes. To your confusion you felt them begin to overflow and slide down your cheeks. Wiping at them uselessly you tried to figure out why you were feeling like this. Tried to figure out why your heart and soul felt as if it was missing something important. As you cried your silent tears you froze as you came to a possible conclusion that you didn’t dare want to believe. The heartache, the tears, the sudden feeling of emptiness and sorrow. All of these were from one thing, all of them the consequence of the very thing you’d been warned about since you were young.

In the span of one night, you’d given your heart to Jigen.

You’d developed feelings for him.

You let out a loud pained mixture of a laugh and a sob as the truth finally hit you. After all of your efforts, after all your precautions when it came to your heart you’d still in the end had done the very thing you’d desperately tried to avoid. You’d carelessly given away your heart to a man who in return shattered it. The very thing your mother had warned you about and tried to prevent, only for it all to be in vain. As you began to drown in your heartbreak you couldn’t help but feel foolish. You’d let your guard down, had let your heart be put out there and like a thief in the night Jigen had taken it and in a way ruined you. And the thing that made it even worse was that you didn’t mind that Jigen had stolen your heart. If there was anyone that you’d choose to take it, it would be Jigen.

If only he felt the same way as you did.

Now you were left to pick up the pieces of your broken heart.


Jigen stared out into the sunrise, his chest empty and full of regrets. The gunman had just left your place before the sun even broke over the horizon, his heart heavy as he left you behind. Jigen hadn’t meant to get so attached to you in the span of a night but he had. Like a moth to a flame he allowed himself to be drawn in by you. You with your shy and beautiful smile, you with your chiming laughter, you with your sparkling eyes and kind heart. You with your quick wit and sarcastic humor. Jigen bit back the wave of heartache that hit him as he thought about you. Last night had been the most magical night that he’d had in a very long time. He could still see you in the dark bedroom, your eyes dark and full of desire, your lips swollen from all the kisses and your neck covered in bite marks……

The gunman shook his head, pulling his hat further over his face. Spending the night with you had been amazing. It’d had been full of passion and want. It’d made his heart pound and his soul sing as the two of you touched. He could still feel the magnetic current that had sparked to life with every touch and kiss.

It had been beautiful.

It had been freeing.

It had made him feel alive, like he could finally breathe properly for the first time in his life.

And it was exactly why he had to leave. In his long life Jigen had learned the hard way that feeling that way towards a woman could only end in tragedy. Especially given his past occupation and his current one. Jigen being romantically involved with someone was always bound to end in either betrayal or death. It was rare for him and his lovers to come out of things unscathed and it was because of this that he left you. He couldn’t bare the thought of you facing the same fate as so many others had faced when he loved them. Plus there was another reason that made him leave you. Because even if Jigen was willing to risk your life for this, (which he wasn’t) there was no way he’d be able to give you a life that was normal.

Because Jigen was a criminal, specifically the partner of the world famous thief Lupin the Third. Also known as his best friend.

That alone killed any chances of him having something with you. So with a heavy heart that screamed at him Jigen left. He left so you could be safe. And even if it was killing him he wouldn’t regret it, just as he wouldn’t regret being with you. Even if it had only been a night he’d never regret it. If given the chance Jigen would do it all, all over again. As the gunman watched the sunrise he couldn’t help but think about of the irony of his whole situation. Jigen a criminal and thief had, had his heart unknowingly stolen by you. It was funny in a rather ironic way. Reaching into his suit Jigen pulled out a cigarette and lit it before making his way back to the hideout where Lupin and Goemon and possibly Fujiko would be waiting for him to plan the heist for the day. As he turned his back from the sunrise Jigen took one last glance towards the direction where your home was. He could picture it, you laying in your bed covered in your sheets fast asleep.

'This is for the best…..for both of us.’

He told himself tearing his eyes away.

'But is it really…..?’

The thought whispered traitorously in his head. The gunman scoffed not bothering to answer his mental question, knowing that deep down he wanted nothing more than to go back to your side. But those desires weren’t in his cards, no matter how much he wanted them to be. With an almost forced will Jigen continued on his way not looking back and leaving his heart with you.

By the way you move, I know you want me to~ Tell you all the rules, I know I’m searching too~ Give me all your clues and things to guide me through~ The end of the world, the end of the world~

*Nani??? A fanfic that isn’t Hetalia this time?????? You bet your cute ass it is!!!! So I’ve been getting into Lupin the Third a lot lately and I may or may not have gotten quite fond of Jigen (coughJigenmybelovedcough). So I decided to go with him as my first attempt at writing something for this series. To be honest I was heavily influenced by the song Mr. Hollywood by Joji. It’s a good song that has a somewhat bittersweet vibe to it. I’d highly recommend listening to it it’s so good. I also apologize in advance if Jigen is kinda weird I’m still trying to get a feel for him as a character sgsgsgdgf. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
