#damian has his own love language ok


Tim : Ok fine. Jeez you rea-

Damian : You look like a fucking *horrendous French accent*croiiiissant.

Tim : I get it, I’ll-

Damian : The moon when at the beginning and end of its cycle ? You.

Tim : Damian, please, I-

Damian : You’re like one of those old flip phones *imitate the position* please have some dignity, straighten up old boy.

Tim : Are you going to cut me of every time I-

Damian : A goddamn macaroni, that’s what you look like.

Tim :

Damian :

Long awkward silence.

Damian : A chili, like woop *takes that crescent shape again*. A ducking slice of orange. Sitting there at your desk like a dang prawn. You boomerang shaped fool, you’re going to have back problems at 20. You there pretending to be a cookie in which someone bit in already. A pirogue or a coat hanger or something.

Again, a long silence.

Tim : You done ?

Damian : Yeah I can’t think of anything else that is shaped like the goddamn half eaten donut that you are. Straighten your back *leaves without closing the door*.

PS : @thatonebirdsposts​ your reblog of my stories implemented with memes always make my day. Thank you. 
