



The Bakery

First Meeting


They hope she doesn’t break them. They hope she does.

Mr. Barlow’s Pets



You never forget your first love and Damiel hasn’t forgotten him.

Not Yours


“Were you a good girl, you stupid little whore?”


CW: Pet whump (BBU), lady whump, prison setting, referenced death and blood, vaguely implied noncon.

How long will it be? It doesn’t matter. She’ll wait.

Your Ghosts Remember

The Playground (@justplainwhump)

CW: panic attack, referenced captivity, referenced lady whump, referenced death of a loved one. Not much whump, yet big on the angst.

Damiel, the monster, who took the world from Isaac, gained everything Isaac himself lost forever.

More coming soon!

Summary of Hajar and Lucas’ livestream

Lucas: Our last clip together is so beautiful. My favorite clips to film were “Being with you” and the swings one

Hajar: The swings one will always be my favorite, when I pass by them I always think about it

Lucas: I’ve loved working with you

Hajar: Me too, I’ve been so lucky

Lucas: Are you happy with your season

Hajar: It’s better than I expected, I can’t believe I was able to do that.

Lucas: I keep rewathing the clips and I just love the love story we created

Hajar: What do you think that will happen in the future with Amira and Dani?

Lucas: They will be together, for sure. Dani won’t give up on her.

Hajar: They love each other. I think that once Amira gets more experience and knows how to deal with everything she’ll end up with Dani because when you love someone…and their love was super pure. They were very communicative with each other.

Lucas: You and I didn’t know each other and now I feel like I’ve known you all my life. The first day of filming, I wrote you a poem.

Hajar: I still have that poem, it was beautiful.

Lucas: I’m similar to Dani because we both make jokes, and are outgoing. But I’m different to him because he’s more romantic than I am, the way he jumps head first into the relationship with Amira is something I’m afraid to do.

Hajar: I’m the same as Amira but I’m more of an extrovert than she is

Lucas: Remember when we met for the first time after the confinement?

Hajar: After the confinemente we really clicked, I think it was because we had missed each other so much

Lucas: I want to say thank you for being an amazing partner. And also the fans for being so great

Hajar: We were very luck with each other and with the fans. Have you seen al the Damira edits they’ve made? They’re beautiful

Lucas: I want to make a Skam 10 years later and we see Amira and Dani with two little Amiras as daughters

Hajar: We have to say goodbye

Lucas: I’m sending you a big kiss. I’ll see you soon. It’s been amazing working with you

Hajar: Same, Dani. Oh damn, it’s just that Dani suits you so much better than Lucas, but we’ve already had that conversation.

Lucas: Amira my love. Amira I love you!!!

Hajar: You’re exactly like Dani.

Lucas: Goodbye, thank you

Hajar: Thank you

The clip was so freaking beautiful. I’m literally crying.
Starting with Amiris, Cris telling Amira that she’s out to her mother and saying that she’s not scared to tell her dad because she knows she can count on her mother and brothers.
Then Dani texting Amira to tell her some random thing, like they said yesterday. It shows that they’re still there for each other, they love each other and, when they’re ready, they’ll get together.
And finally, all the girls promising each other that they won’t stop seeing each other. Because no matter where they go their friendship will always stay strong.
And what I love the most is that you could tell that the feelings were real. Hajar, Irene, Celia, Alba and Nicole are friends, they’ve all went through the same experiences and that will bond them forever.
This remake was so special to me, just like the original, and I’m going to treasure it in my heart my whole life.

Dani on Instagram: Yesterday was great but tomorrow will be better

Rewatching the Damira clip to edit it I can’t help but notice how, once again, even though Dani was clearly super sad, he still tried to make Amira smile with a joke. Because that’s who he is. What they have, whatever it is, is so fucking beautiful.

The way all the couples ended up together except Damira. 

The way everyone got to say something in the speech except Amira. 

I’ve been a hard defender of Skam España since minute one, and I still am, I think the show is amazing. But these past two weeks are just a mess. And so unfair to Amira. 

I rewatched the clip and even though I ended up sobbing I understood it better.

I’m still mad at the ending, not going to lie. But I get it. They love each other but they’re not ready to be together, not now. But they’re very important to each other. And they want to still be in each other’s lives. And in the future, when things are easier, they’ll get back together. 

So it looks like I’m not finishing my Damira edit after all.
I’m so mad and sad and just broken inside. I can’t believe they did this.
Was it a beautiful clip? sure.
But the message behind it and the season? “Hey don’t bother trying to fight for the person you love even if you like each other just the way you are because it’s not worth it so just give up at the first sign of problem”
And we’re back again with the all the girls get their endgame except the Muslim one.
I can’t even process the clip and explain what I’m feeling. I feel betrayed and sad and disappointed

My theory for today is that Amira won’t be sure about going to her date with Dani but the girls and especially Cris being the captain she should’ve always been will convince her like in the og. And Amira will go and Damira will be endgame

I NEED that


 “Me alegro de verte”

“¿Qué pasa con mi hermano?”

“Creo que Amira debería saberlo”

“Tú y yo no somos nada”

“Hoy hace un año”

 “¿Dani y tú volvéis a ser novios?”

“Entiendo que me dejaras”

“Es mejor poner distancia”

“¿Y te sorprende la confusión?”

“A lo mejor en el futuro…”

“Ya me ha quedado todo claro”

PRIMER CAPÍTULO MAÑANA EN AO3. ( notificaciones en twitter @ damiratheonefic )


“I’m glad to see you”

“What’s going on with my brother?”

“I think Amira should know”

“You and I, we’re nothing”

“It was a year from today”

“Are you and Dani together again?”

“I understand now why you broke up with me”

“It’s better to put some distance between us”

“And you’re surprised that it’s confusing?”

“Maybe in the future…”

“Everything is clear”

FIRST CHAPTER TOMORROW ON AO3. (get notified on twitter. @ damiratheonefic)

Dani + Amira | the 1 | SKAM España


Let me explain what this fic is about. After Skam ended I asked myself: what is going to happen now to Amira and Dani? Well here’s the answer, well, my answer.

This fic will tell us what happens in Dani and Amira’s lives during the next four years, starting from Skam España’s last clip.

The written chapters and chats will be posted in ao3.

There’s a twitter account (@ damiratheonefic ) where I’ll be tweeting whenever I post so you can turn on the notifications and be notified when there’s new content.

The posts will be posted at the exact time the things are supposed to be happening, though obviously, the days won’t match since the fic is supposed to be set during four years and there will be multiple time jumps. For example, maybe I can post something on a Monday that’s set on a Tuesday of June and then the next day I can post something that’s set on a Thursday of July. Everything will be indicated. But I’ll be posting at the exact time.

I’m going to try to post at least something every day, but that will depend on how fast I can write, so I apologize in advance if there are some days I can’t post. I’ll try. The content will be posted in Spanish and English so everyone can have access to it.

Tomorrow the “trailer” will be posted, which will be a few quotes and dialogues form the fic to creat some hype.

And that’s it, I hope you like it and please be patient with me.




Os comento un poco cuál es la idea del fic. Tras el final de Skam España me pregunté ¿qué pasará ahora con Amira y Dani? Bueno pues aquí tengo la respuesta, bueno,mi respuesta.

El fic recorrerá los próximos cuatro años de la vida de Amira y Dani, partiende desde el último clip de Skam España.

Tanto los capítuos escritos como los mensajes de texto se subirán a ao3.
Hay una cuenta en twitter ( @ damiratheonefic ) en la que twittearé cada vez que haya contenido para que podáis si queréis activar las notificaciones y que os avise cada vez que haya contenido y no os perdáis nada.

Los post se subirán a la hora real ne la que se supone que ocurren las cosas, si bien, como es obvio los días no van a corresponder ya que al ser un fic que abarca tanto tiempo habrá saltos temporales. Es decir, que puede que un lunes ponga algo que pasa un martes de junio y al día siguiente sea algo que ocurra un jueves de julio. Pero sí que quiero conservar la gracia de poner cada cosa a su hora.

Mi intención es poner algo todos los días, pero dependerá del ritmo de escritura que pueda tener, así que me disculpo desde ya si algún día no hay post. Aunque lo intentaré. El contenido se subirá en español e inglés para que todo el mundo pueda acceder.

Mañana se viene el “trailer”, es decir, un avance de algunas frases que se incluirán en el fic.

Y bueno, nada más. Que espero que os guste y que tengáis paciencia conmigo.

Dani & Amira | Their story | SKAM España
