#girl squad

girl squad

I want a bomb group of bimbo sisters to take pics with, make money, and wear matching aesthetic clothes. Starting with recreating these outfits/pics and the new 69 video (my banner).

Sims mod from @bimbocouture on Ig

The clip was so freaking beautiful. I’m literally crying.
Starting with Amiris, Cris telling Amira that she’s out to her mother and saying that she’s not scared to tell her dad because she knows she can count on her mother and brothers.
Then Dani texting Amira to tell her some random thing, like they said yesterday. It shows that they’re still there for each other, they love each other and, when they’re ready, they’ll get together.
And finally, all the girls promising each other that they won’t stop seeing each other. Because no matter where they go their friendship will always stay strong.
And what I love the most is that you could tell that the feelings were real. Hajar, Irene, Celia, Alba and Nicole are friends, they’ve all went through the same experiences and that will bond them forever.
This remake was so special to me, just like the original, and I’m going to treasure it in my heart my whole life.


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Marinette felt lighter than she had in weeks for the next few days, even the two akuma she had to fight weren’t bothering her. She talked with Luka frequently, telling him about her day and the little things that made her happy or sad or stressed. Marinette could be vague about what was bothering her and her Hanahaki would ease up a little when she told Luka about it. She had found her loophole of sorts, talking around the problem helped, talking about how she felt even without context, helped. Marinette was confident that things were starting to look up for her.

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Baseless prediction: I think Psychomedian is gonna do a sort of personality swap among the girl squad.

I’ll open with saying that I believe nothing particularly important will happen in this episode and it’s basically pure filler. Also, it’s episode 5, only two after GoS, but before the girls’ hero episodes. We know from the Ukrainian dub leak that the girl squad is talking about Marinette’s lack of Adrienette progress in the cafeteria, and there’s a flashback to Gigantitan. We also know from the synopsis that Psychomedian can inflict specific emotions on people.

I think that this episode will have some indirect post-GoS reconciliation and pre-hero episode proof of how Marinette trust her girlies. Maybe they try to set Adrienette up on a date to Harry Clown’s show? Anyways. All of the girls show certain emotions more than others, and according to concept art, Psychomedian has four masks: happy, angry, sad, and afraid.

Out of the five girls, my baseless prediction leaves out Alya because she’s a more major, complex character who shows a wider range of emotions, and she’s the only one who got true closure after GoS. The rest of them probably think Marinette blew up at them over her relationship issues.

If I had to assign one of Psychomedian’s emotions to the girls, I’d say Rose is the happy one, Alix is angry, Juleka is sad, and Mylene is afraid. Of course, they’re all happy most of the time, and Juleka is anxious a lot, but this is the most simple distribution.

I predict Psychomedian will change all of them to the emotion they experience the least. Rose will be bitter with a short fuse, Alix will be a coward, Juleka will be overly cheerful, and Mylene will sulky and depressed. Cue hilarious shenanigans and weirdly high levels of characterization a la Gigantitan.

It seems inevitable that this will happen with Ladybug and Chat Noir, but between that and the akuma’s design, I don’t think they’d turn their long-time-in-the-works guest star episode into a dollar store Reverser remake, especially since that and the original Gagotor were probably being conceived in the same period and planned to air within the same season. And I bet they’ll both be hit by more than one emotion throughout the fight, but adding the girls into the mix would make it fresh and fun to me, especially if they’re trying to help during the battle or getting up to something beyond a few comedic relief throwaway lines.
