#danger tw


I’ve got you


pairing: thomas x reader


warnings:danger? distress? near death experience

a/n:hi! new taglist is here!! 

My eyes are squeezed shut. I scream out in pain when my body hits the glass beneath me. The force winds me, and I cough frantically for a minute or so.

I whisper to myself. “Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down.”

I suddenly hear voices, causing me to jump. I hear footsteps running, and then the sound of metal crashing. Two faces look down from a hole above me. One of them is a short-haired girl, and the other, a boy. They look surprised when they see me. I probably look the same, my eyes widening.

“They aren’t a crank!”

“How do you know?! We can’t save everyone, Thomas.”

There’s a pause. “We can try. We can’t just leave her/him here.”

The glass beneath me starts to crack. I can hear the deathly sound, though I force myself to not look down. My breathing picks up, and I call the pair, desperate. “Help me!”

“I’m coming! Hang on!” Thomas suddenly drops through the hole. He grabs on to any piece of rubble he can on his way down to me. “Don’t move!”

When he finally reaches me, I reach up with my hand, and I stretch out my arm, but the shift in weight causes the glass to crack further. “Oh! Shit!”

“Come on! You can reach!”

I keep trying. Just as I connect with the pads of Thomas’ fingertips, the glass cracks again before it breaks completely. I scream. Thomas is quick, though. He kneels down at just the right moment and catches my wrist.

“I’ve got you!” I reach with my other hand and grip his tightly. “I’ve got you!” He repeats.


After Thomas and Brenda had quickly introduced themselves and then led me out of the crumbling building, we made it to a small alleyway in what would have been a town.

“Are you hurt?” Thomas kneels in front of me. I’m sitting on the ground, gratefully sipping water from a flask.

“Surprisingly.. no. I think I’m okay. Thanks to you.” Thomas doesn’t say anything. He just looks me over a few times: as if inspecting for injuries. “I’m not infected, or bit.. or scratched… I promise.”

“It’s not that.. just.. I can’t help thinking- I mean..”

“Thank God, you found me when you did?” Thomas smiles, but it’s so small, you’d barely notice. He nods. “Yeah.”

“Thank you. So much… again.” I don’t even think before I throw my arms around him. I’m even more surprised when he actually hugs me back.

“We don’t ever leave people behind.” He mutters against my ear as he tightens his arms around my waist.

I smile against his shoulder. “Does that mean I get to tag along?”


Taglist@jiaraendgame @obx-direction-sos
