#dangers of veganism



kellire replied to your post

“kellire replied to your link “Netflix vegan hit ‘What the Health’…”

So have you found any reliable studies that point to a plant-based/vegan diet as healthy?

I guess it would depend on your definition of “healthy”?. You can’t really label certain diets like vegetarianism / veganism as healthy because it depends on the person. Someone that needs the protein provided only by meat obviously wouldn’t be healthy on a  vegetarian / vegan diet. ect.

Most of the few papers i’ve found have been more on some scientists arguing veganism /  vegetarianism being the way forward to save the environment. These papers don’t really have any experimental data but rely more on the previous research of other papers. And at the end of the day the scientists writing those papers were not experts in that specific field, and their paper didn’t sway me. Haven’t really found many (unbiased) ones that state plant-based diets are healthier than meat based diets.

There’s is a lot more papers however that state that reducing the consumption of red meats will be both healthier and more environmentally sound. Most people take this to mean “then cutting out all meat / plant only diets must be the best!” which is not what these papers are saying at all. 

Anyways enough of me rambling on. Here are some research papers: 

There’s a lot more papers on the nutrition benefits and negatives of plant-based / vegan diets, just like any other diet. 

I don’t agree with people stating vegan / plant-based diets are more healthy because there isn’t any overwhelming evidence that suggests that it is. Both diets have risks and benefits, and depends on the individual person.
