#daniel day-lewis


The Oscars loves a historical drama and there is plenty on offer this year. Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln has every chance of scooping Best Picture at next month’s awards.

Focusing on President Abraham Lincoln’s efforts to have the Thirteenth Amendment passed by the House of Representatives, this is no lightweight film. In fact, a major criticism of it would be that it is too complex and moves far too quickly for those unfamiliar with the subject matter.

It is heavy in dialogue although it contains some incredibly fine acting, best exemplified by the formidable Daniel Day Lewis and Tommy Lee Jones. Daniel Day Lewis has perfected all the peculiar mannerisms associated with the important historical figure and it would certainly be no surprise if he adds to his Academy statuettes. The resemblance is uncanny and every expression or movement has been considered

At 150 minutes, the film feels quite long although much of the events are rushed through with little explanation. It has its moments but is a film best suited to historical enthusiasts deeply rooted in this era of American slavery history.

It may or not be a political masterpiece but it fails to excite and entertain in which a thriller like Argo has done in recent times. Lincoln has much to offer but it is just not slick enough.

Lincoln - Trailer - 2012

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one of my favorites.

one of my favorites.

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