#danis drabbles


My boyfriend always has to be right. Tonight is one of those nights where I can’t fucking handle it

Why make goals when I can never achieve them?

10/10 life sucks right now

Boyfriend wakes me up an hour after I went to sleep and is confused as to why I’m upset

I appreciate Kari and Nic so much

Will I ever get to sleep 8 hours again

My poor boyfriend is freaking out about calling the gas company. I love him

Got some packing some before work but work was hell today. Long story short, the power was out for 3 hours and we had a lot of angry customers.
Hopefully I’ll be signing my new lease in 9 hours. Then I’ll have a crappy 4 days of painting, packing and working

I hate moving because what I’ve known as mine, is no longer mine. The little things that make my house home are no longer around. It makes me sad

So I have 5 days to pack (Because I put it off) and 4 days to paint 1100 square feet. Oh man I’m in over my head

Pest control is here tomorrow so now I’m cleaning in the midst of packing

I’m so fucking tired of finding bed bugs. So fucking sick of it.
I feel like bugs are crawling on me all of the time because I’m so paranoid.
My boyfriend can’t even spend the night because they make him sick.
I need the next 10 days to go by FAST

Ugh I miss my boyfriend

I’m starting to find the things my boyfriend does that annoys the fuck out of me. Like not putting the new toilet paper on the fucking toilet paper holder.

When I was in high school, I broke up with my first boyfriend because I determined I couldn’t be in love with him but then also have a crush on somebody else.
I still believe this is true and it’s been put to the test by a regular customer who I now know likes me, a lot. I’m flattered, really but it’s not something I am super comfortable with. I love my boyfriend more than I know how to describe.
So thank you for the compliments but I am not interested in the slightest.

Excluding my apartment, I’ve lived in 11 different places but the first place I’m in on my own, I get bed bugs

I had to get rid of two of my favorite stuffed animals because they won’t make it through the wash when we move

Bed bugs keep getting into my apartment so guess who’s gonna be moving roughly 3 months earlier than planned.
My landlord is blaming me for the bugs. I found 2 in a 10 day span and we have no real signs of them other than the actual bugs. So I’m gonna buy out my lease and leave.

I think “I’d put pants back on for you” is the biggest compliment I can give someone

I’m not religious anymore. I kind of stopped believing after I had a really shitty pastor when I was a teenager.
But the one church I considered as my church, the one pastor in all of my life that was “my” pastor, is stepping down and I don’t know how I feel about that.

I can feel how physically exhausted my body is but my brain is not at all tired

Backstory- my grandmother is VERY religious and also very strict. She, to this day, hates my mother because I was born out of wedlock(I turned 21 this year). She also is one of those “your body is a temple” Christians.
I have my lobes pierced three times and my right ear also has a cartilage piercing. She didn’t know about them, nor had she seen me since I got my second and third piercings. None are stretched. They are literally just standard piercings.

On thanksgiving last year, my grandmother poked my ears and said “What are those?”
“Why do you need so many holes in your head?” She asked with the typical “I don’t approve” voice.
Without missing a god damned beat or even thinking about what I wanted to say I said in my bitchest tone “Because I wanted them.”
I have never seen my grandmother so shocked. It was like she watched me grow up in a span of two second.
She replied “okay” calmly and went back to eating dinner.


You know how they have purse dogs? I want my cat to be a purse cat. But he doesn’t like car rides so that’s impossible

As I finally decide to crawl over my boyfriend and go to the bathroom, he rolls over and cuddles me closer
