#im fine





the team has to split up for like a week-and-a-half long con and quinn’s like *sprawled out on the couch flipping morosely through his paperback* “no ms devereaux i don’t MISS eliot. what am i, twelve. we’re adults. we’re adults and professionals we’re not attached at the hip we can spend time apart.i honestly barely even notice he’s not here. ok me not sleeping has absolutely nothing to do with the presence or absence of an eliot spencer, maybe i just drank too much tea this week, ever think about that. and i talked to him on the phone for two hours last night why would i miss him i JUST talked to him. sigh. unrelated but when are they coming back”

#parker: i miss alec :(

#quinn: that is a YOU problem. i for one love 2 not see my favourite person for weeks. refreshing a nice break. relaxing. fine. relaxing [via @darkfinch]


Love this for them! Does Eliot miss Quinn, though?

eliot is an ACTUAL professional so he is completely fine when he has a Work Task to focus on………but then it’s like. DOES he check in with quinn every couple of days on the pretense of making sure his dumb idiot roommate is Actually Eating the leftovers eliot set aside for him (did u like them. did they make u feel something any feedback) instead of defaulting back to instant ramen……maybe. he just doesn’t want his buddy getting,,, scurvy, or whatever, shut up,

(also does he quietly listen in on the other half of the team’s comm channel with help from hardison Just To Stay Up To Date And For No Other Reason before going to sleep every night MAYBE. he’s completely fine and normal about it please stop asking)

#*quinn voice* i actually completely forgot eliot wasnt here thats sooo crazy. didnt even notice. why are u asking
#*eliot voice* hey tell quinn if he doesn’t eat a vegetable today i’m gonna break both his arms <3[via@darkfinch]


dean wants so much to not turn out like his parents but if he has to turn out like one of them god he would rather die at twenty eight like his mother

facinaoris:you know i wouldn’t do this if i had any other choice - but he’s my friend. facinaoris:you know i wouldn’t do this if i had any other choice - but he’s my friend. facinaoris:you know i wouldn’t do this if i had any other choice - but he’s my friend.


you know i wouldn’t do this if i had any other choice -

but he’s my friend.

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Why make goals when I can never achieve them?


Winter Prompts Day 3: Crackling Fire

Pairing:Geralt x Jaskier
Fic Summary: After Jaskier confesses his feelings, Geralt leaves and Jaskier thinks he’s mad at him. As it turns out, things are more complicated than that. 
Doingthis thing 

Jaskier shivers and curls further in on himself tucking his knees up to his chest. The air is bitter cold and Geralt is nowhere to be found. Jaskier knows he upset him, but he didn’t mean to, he just couldn’t hold back any longer. It’s been decades now since that day in Posada and Jaskier couldn’t keep pretending like nothing was wrong. 

But his confession had been unwanted, bothersome. Geralt hadn’t even deigned to respond before getting up and walking away. And Jaskier’s heart had sunk, afraid that all his fears had come true. So he curled up on the floor in front of the fire, hoping that he could sleep and in the time that passed Geralt would have something to say to him. 

But it’s surely been an hour now and Jaskier has not been able to fall asleep, nor has Geralt returned. Which would be fine because Jaskier does have his own room, but he aches to resolve this tonight. Whether that means telling Geralt he’ll leave or spending the rest of the winter cooped up in his room, he doesn’t know and he doesn’t care. He just wants this awful sick feeling to stop and to know that he and Geralt are still okay. 

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it’s nice to see that weekends are STILL for boosh feels

it’s nice to see that weekends are STILL for boosh feels

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the “his name is ed” scene is my absolute favourite scene in the entire show for so many reasons but I think the biggest thing that gets me is how in that montage of stede thinking about all the things that make him love ed, every single moment they used is one that could have been considered a throwaway shot before being put in this context. like, mary saying “I’d call those things love” is superimposed over a shot of ed and stede just sitting on the deck laughing together. it’s the way that love is framed as something so simple, almost mundane, so easy and natural that you don’t even notice it. how there’s so many epic grand gestures of love between these two throughout the show, from “you wear fine things well” to ed literally saving stede’s life multiple times, but the times that stede retains best and ends up thinking about when he realises what love means to him are these little moments in between. and I can’t help comparing that with calico jack, and the way that he held the fact he saved ed’s life over his head - because ed has saved stede’s life, many times over, and yet that’s not what defines their relationship. that’s not what made stede fall in love with ed. stede doesn’t love ed because he did anything as grand as saving his life. he loves ed because ed made his life worth living.

Non lo so

Cosa non sa?

Che fine ho fatto.

Perché non lo sa? Dove crede essere finita?

Mi sono trovata al buio, negli occhi di chi da sempre mi guardava con ammirazione e adesso ha deciso di non vedermi più.


Not at all having a nervous breakdown

A Few Faces

Iron Bull Masterpost
Related Quest: In Your Heart Shall Burn

The PC approaches Bull by the tavern.

Iron Bull: Inquisitor, huh? Well, you’ve got the fortress for it. Speaking of which, when you’ve got a second, there’s something I wanna show you.

General: You had something to show me?
PC: What did you want me to come see?

Iron Bull: Here, come on. I’ll show you.

The scene cuts to night, and the PC is in mercenary armor.

PC: Why am I dressed like this?

Iron Bull: You’ll see. Come on, it’ll be worth your time. I promise.

The two of them join a couple of soldiers playing cards. They sit.

Iron Bull: Evening. Iron Bull. My merc band just joined up.

Tanner: Tanner. I’m from Jader. Well, near Jader.

Mira: Mira. I was guard-captain for Lady Pendall. Signed on after shit blew up at the Conclave. Share a drink? Who’s your friend?

Iron Bull: This is Grim. [They don’t] talk much.

Dialogue options.

  • General: Nice to meet you. [1]
  • General: How’s it going? [2]
  • General: [Say little.][3]

1 - General: Nice to meet you.
PC: It’s a pleasure.
Tanner: Hey, Grim, do I know you from somewhere?

2 - General: How’s it going?
PC: They treating you all right out here?
Mira: Seen worse.
Tanner: Hey, Grim, do I know you from somewhere?

3 - General: [Say little.]

4 - Scene continues.

Iron Bull: So, you ready to kill some demons or Venatori… or whatever that Corypheus asshole is?

Mira: This isn’t just about killing. We’re helping the Inquisitor save the world and build the next empire.

Dialogue options:

  • General: The Inquisitor’s helping.
    PC: Sounds like the Inquisitor is doing some good work. [5]

  • General: The Inquisitor’s just a [person].
    PC: The Inquisitor isn’t a god. [They’re] just a [person] trying to do the right thing. [5]

  • General:[Say little.]

5 - Scene continues.

Iron Bull: Well, long as I get paid, I’m happy. That’s why I signed up.

Tanner: I just couldn’t spend my whole life on a farm. Needed to live a little, you know?

Iron Bull: What about you, Mira? Why’d you join up? I thought you were serving some noble.

Mira: I saw what happened at Haven. The Inquisitor staring down that monster and his Archdemon… I don’t sing the Chant of Light as much as I should, but you can’t see something like that and not believe.

Iron Bull: Well, Grim and I should find our tents. Thanks for the drink.

They leave and stop a bit away.

Iron Bull: I know every soldier under my command. You don’t have that option… but a few faces might help.

6 - Dialogue options:

  • Investigate: Why did you act like that? [7]
  • General: This was good. [8]
    + Iron Bull slightly approves
  • General: Their attitudes surprised me. [9]
  • General: This was depressing. [10]
    - Iron Bull slightly disapproves

7 - Investigate: Why did you act like that?
PC: You made it sound like you didn’t like the Inquisition.
Iron Bull: People don’t always tell the truth when you’re polite. You gotta poke them a bit.

Dialogue options:

  • Special: They may think less of you. [11]
  • [Back to 6]

11 - Special: They may think less of you.
PC: But those two soldiers might think you’re an asshole.
Iron Bull: So?
[Back to 6]

8 - General: This was good.
PC: It was good to get their perspective.
Iron Bull: Yeah. Sounds like we could use an easy win for boys like Tanner. And vets like Mira have seen enough to be wary. You’ve got a good army coming along. Remember that, no matter what comes next. [12]

9 - General: Their attitudes surprised me.
PC: I knew some of the soldiers felt like that, but to actually hear it…
Iron Bull: It’s hard to be just an idea sometimes. That’s all you are to most of them. It’s why you could stand right in front of them without being recognized. You’ve got a good army coming along. Remember that, no matter what comes next. [12]

10 - General: This was depressing.
PC: I might be sending these soldiers to their deaths. Now I know their names.
Iron Bull: If you’re sending them to their deaths, you can give them that much. You’ve got a good army coming along. Remember that, no matter what comes next. [12]

12 - Scene ends.
