#danny phantom future au


If there’s ever a reboot or a continuation for Danny Phantom, I’d like it to be something like Steven Universe Future, regardless of how many SU fans hated it

Here’s an idea of how it’d go (and yes I know that I’m dragging headcanons that probably will never be canon into this)

A little older Danny, seventeen or eighteen, is crowned the Ghost King and having a bit of a hard time wrapping his schedule around it. Old childhood trauma suddenly start hitting him out of nowhere, everything from his death to his parents who still don’t know his secret, and thanks to it all his powers are starting to get out of control even more than they were when he first got them.

Jazz moved away to college a while back, and Sam and Tucker are moving on with their lives, all the while Danny feels like he has no future left and nothing waiting for him but ruling the Ghost Zone. Even Amity Park doesn’t need him anymore now that the people have an understanding with ghosts, and even though that understanding all happened thanks to him, he still feels useless with no one to protect.

Feeling like he wants somethingfamiliar, he picks a fight with Vlad, who agreed because he’s been wanting a proper fight for a while. Danny leaves the crown and the ring behind, deciding to use his natural power for this, and they start fighting. Vlad takes the upper hand for a while, mocking Danny and unconsciously pushes his trauma, and Danny snaps. A sudden wave of power hits him as his eyes flash red and he beats Vlad, leaving him speechless, and leaves.

Over the next whole, his form starts to change, becoming a lot more like Dan’s form, and it is not helping him. He’s growing fangs, his eyes flash red sometimes (even in his human form) and his skin is slowly taking a more blue shade. This, his friends notice, as well as the sudden change of attitude and tantrums, but he refuses to talk to them and instead runs away back to the only person who would know how to help him with something like this, the only one who would understand: Vlad.

Vlad does understand what Danny’s going through, as it was similar to what he had gone through back at the hospital, and agrees to help him. But of course, this is Vlad we’re talking about.

He tells Danny that for this to stop, he has to let Phantom take a little bit more control, to stop acting so much like a human when he isn’t. He teaches Danny to use his powers more properly and trains him, all the while telling him to quit holding back.

Finally he goes for a rematch, and this time, Danny takes his advice and doesn’t hold back.

It ends horribly.
