#danny phantom void danny


Ectober day 27/28 burial/rot

Their hearts were bleeding for different stuff, let’s wonder why

One held his dreams between his hands along with his heart, so thight his dreams turned into power, in a dormant town he saw a sweet prince immune to his eternal dream, he gave away his heart to the prince only to find it broken in a lonely aftermath

The other always felt different, always uncomfortable in a body that doesn’t feel right, he wanted to be perfect as what his heart told him, not as what everyone else told him, he bleed his heart longing for a wish upon a dead star that heard his call, the dead star asked him for his wish, immediately the boy said he wanted to be perfect…, the monster smiles as it ruffles his hair

-Oh Danny…, but you are already perfect-

His wish was granted but he had to pay the greatest price…

The next one was trapped in shadows of a dark godness, claiming blood she turned a hero into a servant who could not scape his fate as day an night get him closer to the breaking point, until a new beast arrived… The monster felt the shadows pain, so they split it in two, their hearts will both turn into roars when the time comes…

The final one trusted too much, so much he didn’t saw the monster roaming around him, although the monster loved to have a brother, as everything else in life, anything can’t last forever when you drawn it in jaws and oil, even so he said good bye with the monster in his final thoughts

-I trust you… -

Void Danny- idk who did him

Silent hills specter, the drawned- by me

Trans Danny- fandom headcanon

Dannymay day 6 (space)

The stars shinned bright in the sky, a perfect and beautiful night for no one to see just a lonely ghost and it´s puppet

-You see, dear boy?…, a perfect world of peace and quiet in dreams and all thanks to you…-

Nocturne said in a soft tone to the boy who could not stop looking at his friends sleeping figure, a part of him having the best dream of his life, another one feeling he betrayed and hurt his friends.

-Yes…, master…-

Replied the puppet as he looked around the quiet place, a part of him could not bear it.

He just floated around with his gaze looking at the night sky, he could not process that he just beat Sam, the ghost girl he always looked up to, maybe sometimes being kinda jelous but…

Now she´s ok…, just dreaming…, everyone is happy now…

His doubt was cut short when a flash of light blinded him, adjusting his eyes to the light he could see… a portal…

A peculiar creature came out…, it´s head was mostly human, he looked even kinda similar to him when he was a regular human, black hair, white pale skin, but his eyes were green…, his jaw was made of a black substace , his sharp shark like teeth were visible in that substance that covered part of his neck too, under it his ribs and bones totally exposed, no organs and where his legs should be, this creature had a black mamba´s tail, he had 2 black wings in his back.

The creature looked in pain and kinda confused until it looked at Danny.

Nocturne looked through the boy´s eyes the new menace to their perfect utopia, he could see it´s dreams…, his… nightmares…

-What a peculiar being, you were torn from your dreams so soon…-

Danny was no longer in control of his body, being the puppet he´s, Nocturne looked through his eyes, speak with his mouth and moved with his body, the ghost gently touched the monster´s chin.

-Raw power in a mortal body hurts you doesn´t it?-

The creature simply nodded at the sense of confort in the ghost with another mouth, almost as if this creature was totally fond of this empty vassel.

-I miss…-

The creature tried to say but was cut short by the ghost.

-You miss your friends?, your family?, your… life…-

The creature nodded.

-I miss it all, I just want to go home, I want this to end…-

It exclaimed with despair in it´s voice, the ghost flew up hight, his hands letting out a smoke that made the creature dizzy.

-Don´t you worry little one, you´ll never have another bad dream ever again…-

The creature let itself being consumed by the sweet freedom of his dreams…
