


Dannymay 2022

Anddd we’re BACK for Dannymay 2022! This year we’re switching it up a little bit and decided to include AU Monday where we’re featuring a new popular AU each week (plus a bonus day on the 28th). As always for these prompts. you can draw, write, create music, make a video, craft something cool, really whatever you want! Crossovers and OC’s are allowed for all prompts!

Whether you just wanna do one prompt or all of them, everyone’s welcome to join! This is a fun event first and foremost, so go at your own pace. Once you’re done with your creation, post it to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2022 tag so we can see it!

Below the cut, I will give a brief explanation for the 6 AU/HC’s included, as well as a few other prompts that need an explanation. I will also put a text list of all of the prompts. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask!

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cookietastic: Dannymay Day 4: Videotape Think it would be cool if Danny’s Hair and Eyes doing things


Dannymay Day 4: Videotape

Think it would be cool if Danny’s Hair and Eyes doing things when a lot of ghost are near

Bonus Quick Doodle

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Dannymay 2022

11. Blood blossom

Dannymay 2022

8. Stained glass + 9. Ghost King AU

Dannymay 2022

6. Space

I imagine this is somewhere in Clockwork’s lair.

Dannymay 2022

2. No One Knows AU

When your friend is pulling away and something is clearly wrong but you have no idea what it is :/

Dannymay 2022

1. New Style

Danny’s parents are mermaid hunters (for scientific reasons) and Danny is transformed into a half merman when he accidentally activates a mermaid artifact his parents found in the ocean. Whenever he touches water he turns into a merman. He hides his merman form from everyone on land and hides his humanness from the mermaids he meets in the ocean by his town. It’s tough keeping his identity a secret, but at least he has two great friends who can help him get out of sticky situations. Danny’s parents and the mermaids are constantly at odds and it’s up to Danny to keep the peace and stop them from capturing or killing each other.

Wanted to bring mermay and dannymay together! I hope it’s ok I didn’t follow any prompts to do so

Dannymay day 6 (space)

The stars shinned bright in the sky, a perfect and beautiful night for no one to see just a lonely ghost and it´s puppet

-You see, dear boy?…, a perfect world of peace and quiet in dreams and all thanks to you…-

Nocturne said in a soft tone to the boy who could not stop looking at his friends sleeping figure, a part of him having the best dream of his life, another one feeling he betrayed and hurt his friends.

-Yes…, master…-

Replied the puppet as he looked around the quiet place, a part of him could not bear it.

He just floated around with his gaze looking at the night sky, he could not process that he just beat Sam, the ghost girl he always looked up to, maybe sometimes being kinda jelous but…

Now she´s ok…, just dreaming…, everyone is happy now…

His doubt was cut short when a flash of light blinded him, adjusting his eyes to the light he could see… a portal…

A peculiar creature came out…, it´s head was mostly human, he looked even kinda similar to him when he was a regular human, black hair, white pale skin, but his eyes were green…, his jaw was made of a black substace , his sharp shark like teeth were visible in that substance that covered part of his neck too, under it his ribs and bones totally exposed, no organs and where his legs should be, this creature had a black mamba´s tail, he had 2 black wings in his back.

The creature looked in pain and kinda confused until it looked at Danny.

Nocturne looked through the boy´s eyes the new menace to their perfect utopia, he could see it´s dreams…, his… nightmares…

-What a peculiar being, you were torn from your dreams so soon…-

Danny was no longer in control of his body, being the puppet he´s, Nocturne looked through his eyes, speak with his mouth and moved with his body, the ghost gently touched the monster´s chin.

-Raw power in a mortal body hurts you doesn´t it?-

The creature simply nodded at the sense of confort in the ghost with another mouth, almost as if this creature was totally fond of this empty vassel.

-I miss…-

The creature tried to say but was cut short by the ghost.

-You miss your friends?, your family?, your… life…-

The creature nodded.

-I miss it all, I just want to go home, I want this to end…-

It exclaimed with despair in it´s voice, the ghost flew up hight, his hands letting out a smoke that made the creature dizzy.

-Don´t you worry little one, you´ll never have another bad dream ever again…-

The creature let itself being consumed by the sweet freedom of his dreams…

Dannymay day 3 and 4 college years/videotape

The girl has been walking around the ghost town for a long time, she´s just trying to find a shelter before nightfall.

Strangely enough, despite not knowing anything about combat, just having a wooden stick and being in the middle of a dense fog, she has not found a single monster or anything trying to hurt her…

Almost as if an angel is taking care of her…

She stopped at that thought…

Turned around…

And found that angel…


She exclaimed as she saw him hitting a monster with a pipe…

-Just…, keep walking…-

She smiled as she got closer.

-I thought you didn´t want me near Mr. monster-

She said in a strangely happy tone for this situation.

-Don´t call me that…-

He left the corpse on the ground.

-Couldn´t bear the idea of someone totally defenseless walking around this town…, what are you looking for anyways?-

He asked, finally giving up in trying to be sneaky.

-I knew you were my friend!, well, I´m just trying to find my dad!-

He looked kinda worried

-Why would he come here?-

She shruged

-I don´t know, he just said he worked here, but now… I fear he´s involved into this stuff-

Danny pulled out a map from his pocket.

-Don´t give up that easily, maybe he´s hiding in the school-

He pointed it in the map.

-Some people from the outside hide there because… I can´t get in there too…-

He gave her the map, she took his arm.

-Please… don´t…, the school is just two buildings away, I´ll come to get you two out of there tomorrow, ok?-

She let go…

-You promise?-

He smiled…

-I promise…-

She got in there with great ease since the monsters looked like they respect the area, once she got through the door a tall man with silver hair and blue eyes appeared in front of her, she screamed.

-Don´t you worry miss, you´re safe here, welcome to my sanctuary…-

She knew this guy was trying to be kind, but… she had a bad feeling about this, something felt off unlike Danny despite dangerous at night this guy looked like if he was hiding something…

Time passed by…

She tried to look around for other survivors, she could find none, until… she found an old TV in a classroom that she accidentally turned on…

The video had two teenagers looking around the place, exploring until they found a symbol on the floor.

-I´m not sure about this Jack…-

Said the thin boy with a green, white and yellow shirt with a lab coat to his friend who was wearing an orange and black hazmat suit too.

-Come on V- man, just touch it and we can head out, ok?!-

The other one tried to complain, but his pleads went unheard as he accidentally step on it, the TV went static…, the sirens now going off, the girl went into the nearest closet, she could see the man getting in… he looked kinda sick…

Just like Danny before the last nightfall…

Dannymay2022 day 2 (no one knows au)

-He´s gone…, he´s really gone…-

I muttured to myself as I go inside this building.

I don´t know how long it has been since I saw it, how long I have been watching my brother´s body rotting, becoming less and less human…

He has been long gone since that incident.

Tied up to an obssesion that´s not his, drifting away from me…, from everyone chasing other ghost…, becoming more hostile for even the most weak ones.

Inside that building I looked at the stairs…, a shiver ran down my spine as I got closer…

He won´t speak, he hasn´t come home, Sam and Tucker don´t know what happened to him.

I´m so tired…

Even though I´ve been trying to reach him.

Why would a ghost would want my brother´s corpse?.

He would flee every time I get near.

I´m just looking for a burial before he changes his body more…

I´m on the ending of the stairs… the roof…

He was gone the next morning…

I walked near the edge…

He has been gone for 2 months now…

Even ignoring ghost, but…

I put a foot near the abyss…

He won´t ignore someone in danger, right?!

I slipped…

He always comes…


He… he at least thinks I´m his brother…


Is he even in here or the Ghost zone?


He won´t leave me die, right?!


He can´t!




Come back…


I just closed my eyes…

Dannymay day 1 (New style/genre)
This is the time where I hate being an horror/angst artist
I don´t like doing ships/fluff like at all…, but I´ve never done it, so I had a hard time thinking of what to do but finally I´ve got something
(yeah my favorite ships are pitch pearl and amethist ocean, so I went for pitch pearl)


Dannymay Day 5: Lies

The green doodles weren’t initially supposed to be here but I liked them so much that they made the final cut, original is underneath

Keep reading

[image id: a monochrome comic page featuring characters from danny phantom. in the first panel jazz crosses her arms, a concerned expression on her face. “danny, you can tell us things, you know?” she says. “we’re here for you.” in the second panel sam and tucker look at the camera with concerned expressions, silent. in the third panel, danny breaks eye contact, rubbing an arm self consciously. “i’m fine,” he says. end id]

[dannymay 2022: ft prompts no one knows au, lies, promise, friends]

i draw my favorite au, at last

Starting off Dannymay with a new style challenge! I wonder how many radio stations the ghost zone ca

Starting off Dannymay with a new style challenge! 

I wonder how many radio stations the ghost zone can get

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Day 31 ~ Free Day!

Ah man, I can’t believe the month’s already over! Super fun and challenging trying to think of something for each theme. Even more fun seeing everyone else’s awesome works! Now I can take a day off and finally go read those Dannymay fics!

Day 30 ~ Corpse AU

I found it both werid and funny that when I turned the TV on my lunchbreak today Weekend at Berine’s was on. I’d reckon if Danny left his body when going ghost Sam and Tucker would be constanly trying to pretend he was okay. With how clueless Amity Park’s residents are, I’m sure no one would notice…

Day 29 ~ Dysfunction

I feel like Plasmius’s entire life is the definition of dysfunctional…

Day 28 ~ Inverse/Reverse Trio

I had a few different ideas for this theme, but I freaked out and felt too tired to draw them. So I just when with drawing the trio in each others design. Which felt…strange. Fun, but strange.

Day 27 ~ Friends

I like the idea that Vlad and Skulker start as a mutual truce to catch the ghost kid, then actually form a proper friendship.

Day 26 ~ Overcome

A battle of the minds…

Day 25 ~ Gravity

Day 24 ~ River

Like the idea that Amity Park’s waters are just full of ghosts.

Day 23 ~ Disabled Danny AU

Ah, didn’t have much time to draw today, so had to rush it a bit. I thought of a AU that after the portal accident he slowly develops Pure alexia. It’s kind of like Dyslexia yet it only effects reading. Danny can still write perfectly fine to others, but to him reading become increasingly difficult as words start to look “ghostly”. Even to his own writing. So he decides to hide that fact from literally everyone worried that it might somehow point to his half ghost powers, even as his studies plummet. Which might be a good reason he was so willing to cheat on his C.A.T test…

Day 22 ~ Decay

Vlad’s mansion would have fallen into quite the state after he left…

Day 21 ~ Hollow

I guess Clockwork has a somewhat hollow chest… I don’t know I’m tired today.

Day 20 ~ Forgiving

Even though his parents tried to waste him all the time, I’m sure Danny would forgive them. [ Now whether Jack and Maddie can forgive themselves is another matter entirely…]

Day 19 ~ Crossover.

Ah, man I didn’t have much time for this one. I like to think if Danny Phantom and Generator Rex shared the same universe they’d become good friends. Danny would be always sneaking Rex out of Providence so he can go see his favourite rock concerts.

Day 18 ~ Placebo

This one was tough. The only thing that came to mind is I remembered reading a debate that the “awake buzz” in coffee was just a placebo. That led to me thinking how Danny would be practically living off the stuff to function from the lack of sleep.

Day 17 ~ Promise

Iwill be back! I’m inevitable….

Day 16 ~ Portal AU

Woo! Over the half-way mark! This theme really stumped me in how to draw it. Everything I thought of Danny being the portal and throwing up ghosts was a little… too gory lol. So I went with the portal being sentient. So this AU is over time the portal becomes a ghost itself, whispering to the living and trying to lure them to it in an almost hypnotic way. Danny is immune to this so he’s not aware of the growing danger in their basement. So the portal keeps getting stronger, the voice louder till, well…heh, people start disappearing….

Day 15 ~ Ghost Biology

With all that ghostly knowledge that Vlad has, you’ve got to wonder how many experiments he did on himself in the beginning…

Day 14 ~ Simulation

Always proceed with caution when playing Phasmophobia VR for the first time….
