#daredevil cosplay

A few pics of my Daredevil cosplay at San Diego Comic Con this year. Ran into Ed Brubaker, who wroteA few pics of my Daredevil cosplay at San Diego Comic Con this year. Ran into Ed Brubaker, who wroteA few pics of my Daredevil cosplay at San Diego Comic Con this year. Ran into Ed Brubaker, who wrote

A few pics of my Daredevil cosplay at San Diego Comic Con this year. Ran into Ed Brubaker, who wrote my favorite run in Daredevil history. And was hoping to see Riri Williams cosplay, and I got my wish.

SENTIMENTAL POST WARNING: Highlight of the whole weekend was when I was in my Daredevil costume, a woman who teaches special ed asked me if I could say hi in a video to her student Braden, who is partially blind. She told me each kid in her class has a super hero nickname and his is Daredevil. I told him to stay awesome and never let anyone tell him that he can’t do anything.

Seeing the looks on kid’s faces and hearing them excitedly yell at their parents when they see a hero they love is the best part of comic con.

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