#dark acadamia aesthetic


There’s a physics professor in my school. He has phD in physics or masters in applied science for all i know but almost every single kid in my school who has been taught by him, hates him. The reason is he has knowledge, immense knowledge i assure you. I envy it but he just not know how to deliver it.

Never, he has just talked about physics as a subject for him it has always been a chore. Something to be accomplished and not learned.

i just watched a video of paramecium or blepharisma ( a single celled organism) disintegrating into nothing, fighting for survival and all i could think about was does that creature feel the panic too? The dream of being unconscious forever? Those little flailing flagellas, what are they holding onto? How lonely does that one microscopic organism feel? Why is it dying? What has drove it to this stage that it just goes erratic and disintegrates? What sort of stimulus had it perceived? Is it running? What is it running from? What motor synapse is firing into that little thing that makes it too much for it to bear? To sustain? Why its cell wall bursts? Instead of holding together why is it letting go?

Moreover, if it’s not conscious, it doesn’t realize it has ceased to exist where do we draw the line? Nematodes? Platyhelminthes? Aves? Mammals? Or it can feel itself drifting and dying? It just can’t decipher it? Because consciousness is just merely a learned behavior?

Why do i emphathize with this creature, is it the error in the phenomenon making it interesting or the capacity of human empathy?

Video by : Jam’s germs on YT.

Dark academia is iconic sleep deprived people messing up their class presentations due to their tongue doing ballet dancing

You and I dont make the rules

C'est la vie he said

But I don’t know what he means

I say alright C'est la vie.

~ our last words, death of love.

No matter how much i think about it, I have always come to same conclusion,

People are most beautiful when they are passionate.

It can be anger towards anything or the love for it. There’s just something so feral and pure about it that I refuse to quiver from my stance.

My calendar says February but it feels like withering of fall but at the same time as coldness of January.

I was just thinking about when we say “you’re a good actor” are we complimenting someone for being good at not being themselves? Someone who can cheat with their authenticity without making it obvious. Is that what we’re praising here? Isn’t that supposed to be a bad thing? A person who can put their real identity behind and be fluid and fluent in another. Is it a curse or blessing? In real life, we hate two-faced people and accuse them of jeopardizing our trust. How are we any different if we praise it in cinema and not in life?

Aren’t we bunch of hypocrites too?

“Oscar Wilde said that if you know what you want to be, then you inevitably become it - that is your punishment, but if you never know, then you can be anything. There is a truth to that.“

~ Stephen fry.

today my psychology professor said “what you observed as a child around you, makes the most of what you’re today” . You are what you saw in past, it stayed with you and almost without your permission.

And that does answer lot of questions.

The only difference between a Saint and a Sinner is,

A saint is known by his past and

A sinner by his future.

-picture of dorian gray

“What do you do when you’re blinded by this perpetual fear that you will always feel this way, that you have always felt this way?”



“You do nothing except scorching the eyes of person who tries to tell you otherwise, that you’ve never felt this way”

the feminine urge to write a research paper at 4:30 in the morning.

“The legendary question of WHO AM I” only the thought of it is enough to send us into deep ocean of existential crisis.

What if i tell you, the question in itself is wrong.

“You are never what you were” Your “am” stage is a delusion in itself.

Let me tell you a story, the legendary king of Athens, The Theseus once sailed a ship, to a nearby island. After Theseus died, people of Athens kept the ship as an artifact of historical significance. Over the time, ship started losing its stature, and shine. So everytime a part of it would fall, they would replace it with the nearly identical part. Now after 1000 years. Each part of that ship is replaced. Is it the same ship in which Theseus docked in? Arguably, people would say yes and no. Yes, because over the years there is only ONE ship of Theseus. No, because this ship having different parts, is different as a whole. In this ship Theseus never set a foot in.

Now, coming back to you, the question who “AM” I is not important. Because which state of am you’re referring to? You a second ago? You an hour ago?

We in our beauty of transient selves.

We never “are”

We thrive in eternity and being transient.

Paradox is what we’re.


Some days I want to sit in my sadness
     like a parked car, engine still

hot but breathing, waiting for
     a song to end. But some never


— Emilia Phillips, from “Moonpie,” published in Underblong

“This constant fear of being not good enough, the numbers validating your worth, whether it’s academics or social media or your job. Since when numbers were influential enough to drive people. We are held hostages by these numbers not what we aim to achieve. Time haunts us, but we are ghosts. We live life on autopilot mode. ”


• Unsolved Academia •

Late nights at libraries studying cryptids, watching The X-Files in your spare time, reading up on the history of old houses wondering if maybe some inhabitants never left, keeping an eye out for any news involving extraterrestrials, always asking the question: Are ghosts real?


Winter Landscape with Castle in the Mountains

byAlbert Bredow (1828-1899).
