#dark shadows


Cover art by George Wilson for the Gold Key ComicBook! “Dark Shadows).


A photo of a young Professor Stokes.

Oh! dark Shadows should have done a storyline featuring a travel circus that comes to Collinwood. Maybe it’s part of a time travel event. It would be great to cast it!

Ring Master - Louis Edmonds (Roger)

Bearded Lady - Joan Bennett (Liz)

Strong Man - Robert Rodin (Adam)

Fortune Teller - Grayson Hall (Magda)

Trapeze Artists - Nancy Barrett & Joel Crothers

Dark Shadows (1966-1971)

Dark Shadows (1966-1971)

Post link


Mind Over Manor: An Upcoming Dark Shadows Fic

Imogen Wood turns up in Collinsport with no memories. Quickly becoming front page news, she’s soon taken in by psychiatrist Julia Hoffman and the Collins family while she recovers. What dark secrets could she be hiding, and will they put herself, Julia and the Collins’ in danger?

Forever Tag:@softgamerking,@vivis-ghost-wife,@randomfandoming1,@genius2050,@tinkerbellbleu,@puccasanluv,@perfectlystiles,@ocfairygodmother,@oreostars,@foxesandmagic,@ochub,@butcherofblackwater,@boyiega,@itsjustgracy,@anotherunreadblog,@fiercefray,@misshiraeth98,@malice1329,@reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle

Imogen Tag:@kinkyforjooheon,@iticaboopsyou,@ghostsunderstoodmysoul,@shyhairdocoloralmond
