

While answering the latest asks about Republic Commando in regard to Etain’s pregnancy it hits me that all the mess was avoidable if only Kal Skirata - a man that was fully aware of Darman and Etain (sexual) relationship and how babies are made - actually acted as a father should, give a proper talk to his son (if not to them both) and provided them with condoms for a safe sex. Here, the most simple resolution that no one apparently thought at all. 

Hell, the talk should not be only with Darman but with Ordo and Atin (the RC series / old canon stated Twi’leks and humans weren’t capable of conceiving children, was the sex betwen human and alien Twi’lek actually safe from the medical standpoint then? I know that Twi’lek ladies are the top sexy image in-universe and between a great part of fandom, but c’mon, there are no consequences like some venereal diseases from copulation between two actually different, incompatible species?). And let’s no forget the rest of Omega and Nulls. Especially the Nulls, who work out there somewhere in the galaxy and have freedom they did not have before.

What, from the perspective of time is one of the wildest thought I had about Republic Commando and the implication that no clones nor Jedi* had idea of safe sex and/or contraception is just… disturbing.

(Okay, in case of Besany and Laseema, who were naturally born citizens, there is a high probability that both women took this issue into account, but the realization that once again  all “responsibility” for contraception / safety matters may fall solely on women irritates me to no end.)

*I still need to research more about Etain in that regard, since Order 66 says “She’d deceived Darman from the start, planning to conceive, making him think there was no risk of pregnancy. It was her fault” but I do not remember them even talking about the potential danger of pregnancy in Triple Zero, as in she reassured him of the lack of consequences and I’m pretty sure the idea to have a kid with him came after they start sleeping together, not before so I’m not sure if that was Etain’s guilt speaking due to Kal’s influence or an actual plan of her but I’m kinda already deep into researching other stuff for myself so not feeling like touching that aspect right now.

Republic commandos Novel redraw

Image ID: on left side standing, clone commando Darman in black armor holding a female Jedi in his arms. Female Jedi name Etain standing on a stool to be tall enough to share a kiss with Darman. On the right side squatting down , another clone commando name Fi holding a cup in hand looking at the couple.

Original picture below
