#darrow of lykos


I started my 3rd re-listen of Red Rising on Audible! That’s how much I love the series. Anyway here’s Darrow of Lykos and his young wife Eo.


If Darrow and Virginia ever make a perfume ad for some reason, they would pose like this:

(Do take a moment to thank Henry Cavill for his slutty youth, when his Charles Brandon era got him slutty ads )

heck yeah

 “Maybe you ought to stick to the city, Pixie” From Red Rising, page 106, end of chapter 14:I point

“Maybe you ought to stick to the city, Pixie”

From Red Rising, page 106, end of chapter 14:

I point to a massive black stallion with hooves that paw the ground. “I’ll take that beast.”

Matteo smiles. “This one is more your speed.”

Matteo gives me a pony. A big pony, but a pony. […] I do not take to riding well. […] Someone laughs in the distance, a girl with long hair. She rides the stallion I pointed to earlier.

“Maybe you ought to stick to the city, Pixie,” she shouts at me, then kicks her horse away. I rise from my knee and watch her ride into the distance. Her hair spills out behind her, more golden than the setting sun.

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