#darwins game

Kaname takes his shirt off, from episode 5 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname takes his shirt off, from episode 5 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname takes his shirt off, from episode 5 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname takes his shirt off, from episode 5 of Darwin’s Game.

Kaname takes his shirt off, from episode 5 of Darwin’s Game.

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Kaname shirtless, from episode 1 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 1 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 1 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 1 of Darwin’s Game.

Kaname shirtless, from episode 1 of Darwin’s Game.

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Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.

Kaname shirtless, from episode 6 of Darwin’s Game.

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 ITS DONE!! Shuka & Kaname from darwins game. Took a thousand years to do this and around 40ish  ITS DONE!! Shuka & Kaname from darwins game. Took a thousand years to do this and around 40ish  ITS DONE!! Shuka & Kaname from darwins game. Took a thousand years to do this and around 40ish

ITS DONE!! Shuka & Kaname from darwins game. Took a thousand years to do this and around 40ish layers of clipping and un clippling and a bucket of tears.

Im glad i stuck to this and continued working on it. There was so many time where I wanted to throw it out because of how long it was taking or the line work or the feeling of just being unsatisfied with how it was turning out.

This is probably my most complex piece to date. the throne they are both sitting on was inspired by a chair I saw online. The skull study I did definitely helped with the base of the throne. I added chains in the background cause ya know shuka.

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I had completely forgotten to add my WIP to my tumblr. (I’m new to tumblr hence why I have a lack ofI had completely forgotten to add my WIP to my tumblr. (I’m new to tumblr hence why I have a lack of

I had completely forgotten to add my WIP to my tumblr. (I’m new to tumblr hence why I have a lack of posts (there’s more on my instagram @thelazypineapple_) and why I have no idea how to navigate this site XD).

I finished the painting recently so It should be posted here and on my insta soon.

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