#daryl the walking dead


New one shot out tomorrow :)

Hey guys!! 

Again sorry for the late updates!! 

Finally finished a Daryl one shot request! I’ve merged 3 requests together in this one! hope the original requester’s Don’t mind! As it’s 3am now I’m going to edit it and post tomorrow!

Let me know if you want on the tag list when it goes up :)

Hope y’all have a great day :) 

Love Jen <3

When I Found You (Pt. 06 of 19)

Pairing:Daryl Dixon X Reader | Negan X daughter! Reader

Word count: 2.7 K

Summary:You saw Negan build his empire, saw your father become a monster, a murderer, and never had the courage to stand your ground. So everything you do it help as much people as you can, carrying the guilt of being part of it. But one day, your world is shaken when you find him, the man with blue eyes locked up inside a cage. You decide to help him, to keep his community safe. And for that, you’ll have to pretend you and Daryl are in love… But how long until the lie becomes the truth?

Warnings:Some sensitive topics such as mentions and light descriptions of self-harm. (I kept it light, so don’t worry about graphic descriptions.)

<- Previous part (05)

Next part (07) ->

{The Walking Dead Masterlist}

A/N:I wanna thank (and give a lot of credit) to to absolutely awesome friend @multific, who helped me with a lot of ideas, and also with the final editing of the text. Love you, girl!!


Bloody Secrets

Daryl was impressed that what (Y/N) promised was happening. Negan ceased to bug Alexandria, but he knew it was only a pause. He knew this act had to go on, for the sake of the people he cares about. His family.

He missed them, every single one of them. Rick, Carol, Maggie. God, he needs to know how she and the baby are. Little Ass Kicker, Carl, and Michonne. Sasha, Rosita, Denise. As he lies down on the couch, he thinks about them. He never felt welcome before, not even by his blood relatives as he feels by this random bunch of people he stumbled upon when the world went to shit.

But the truth is that he thought doing this would be harder. Daryl started despising the angel-like girl the moment he saw her. She was one of them, a Savior. And when she proposed all this, he knew he had to suck it and get on with this stupidity. But now things are different.

Daryl is seeing (Y/N), the girl behind the Savior mask. The vulnerable human being. He had a special sight of it when she was hurt, two weeks ago. He never felt so protective of someone before, and certainly not someone like her. A girl, still a stranger in many ways. And now there are feelings inside him that he just can’t understand, it doesn’t matter how hard he tries.

What does it mean when you close your eyes and someone’s face pop right up? And what does it mean when your heart starts beating faster when this someone walks into the room?

Too many questions Daryl can’t answer. And he hates not having the answer.

Good thing he doesn’t have to. Not now.

When he looks at the clock, he sets it in motion, leaving the apartment and going to the place she told him to.

Today, Rob will be made an example of.

He finds a crowd on the Northside of the compound, near the fences where a lot of walkers are tied up to. Making his way through the people, getting some angry looks and rude words, Daryl finds her, standing right on the front line, next to her bodyguard. (Y/N)’s eyes find him quickly, and there’s a look he can’t understand.

“Daryl.” She mumbles as he walks over to her. She wants to say something, but she can’t. Not here, where people could hear it. It’s insane how easily Daryl learned to read her.

He’s about to say something when voices make him look to his left. It doesn’t take much for him to spot Negan, and half a dozen people coming out, opening the gate, and walking around the walkers to stand right in front of the crowd. They drag a badly hurt Rob with a bag over his head.

“Well, well, well.” Negan chants, and immediately, people start kneeling. He hates it. But it’s not the first time he’s forced to degrade himself in such a way.

Daryl stands his ground for a while, but when he sees near him kneeling down, he knows he has to. Everything to keep up the act. To keep his family safe.

He’s just about to bend the knee when he feels (Y/N)’s hand grabbing his. For a moment he freezes, unsure of what to do. Looking up at her, he finds a silent sentence, written all over her face.

We do not kneel. It burns through his brain as her fingers intertwine with his. A sensation he never felt before.

Looking ahead again, he sees a very annoyed Negan staring right at him, eyes falling on their connected hands.

“Rise up.” He commands, and so it happens. “We’re here today for a special occasion.” In a fast move, a man pulls the bag off Rob’s head. “This fella over here stepped way beyond the line.” He hisses, swinging his bat in the air. “He hurt my baby girl.”

“I-I’m so sorry.” Rob bags, blood coming off his mouth.

“Just kill him already.” (Y/N) mutters in a low voice, so low he’s not sure if he was supposed to hear it.

“Shut up!” Negan shouts. “And we all know that nobody. Touches. My. Baby. Girl.” He hits Rob, but not on the head as Daryl was expecting, on both his legs. And everyone here heard bones breaking. “This is an example of what happens to those who disobey my orders or hurt my daughter!” He shouts again, yelling at the crowd. “It will not be tolerated! Simon! Mark!” He calls, and both men step ahead, already grabbing Rob and pulling him up. “Show people what we do to those who can’t follow simple rules.”

And so it begins. Rob is pushed forward to a spot where a walker can reach. And it does. Simon makes sure Rob’s legs are reached first, and as he screams in agony and tries to crawl away, they push back, over and over, until the walker finally gets his hands and teeth on Rob’s guts. Then, it’s dead silence. All that can be heard is the screaming, and after a while, incomprehensible moaning and the sound of flesh being torn apart.

Daryl doesn’t know how he feels about it. Rob’s death is probably for the better, but dying like this… Nobody deserves it.

“(Y/N)?” Jim suddenly calls, and at the same moment, he feels her grip on his hand getting loose as she collapses on the floor. “(Y/N)!”

Jim is quick to move, ready to pick her up. But it happens almost at the same time, without Daryl even noticing. (Y/N) reaches for him instead, and he’s fast to lift her up.

“What the hell is going on?” Negan asks, but Daryl doesn’t give a shit. The girl in his arms feels like she’s passing out anytime soon, and he has to take her away from this gruesome scene.

The crowd moves out of his way, as (Y/N) hides her face in the crook of his neck.

You’re glad when Negan and the doctor finally leave. You didn’t want all this attention, so you’re relieved when it’s just Jim and Daryl. From your place seated on the bed, you sigh, looking down at your hands.

“Jim, can you spread up that I didn’t have breakfast? That I wasn’t feeling well for a couple of days?”

“Sure.” He nods.

“Can you go and do it, please? They know we’re close, they’ll believe you.” Reaching out your hand, you smile when Jim grabs it.

“You don’t have to say please, (Y/N).” With a playful shake, Jim stands up and walks out.

Daryl only moves when the door closes, taking Jim’s place at the armchair near the bed. Taking a deep breath, you pull your legs, hugging your knees. “Thank you for–"

“Why did ya faint that way?”

“I didn’t faint.”

“Ya almost did.”

“Daryl, I–”

“Don’t lie to me.” He cuts you off, and you close your eyes for a while, just to gather your thoughts.

“Nobody deserves to die like that.” You speak up, raising your voice at the frustration. “Nobody! I wanted him dead, yes, but not like that. Not like that.” Your hands go to your thighs, squeezing it a little and shooting pain through your skin. You take a deep breath, taking it in. The long, bloody scratch marks are here, and you can’t wait until you’re alone to draw some more. It makes you smile a bit, knowing you have this to relieve you. A little bit of pain for all the unbearable pain you cause.

“What the hell are ya doin’?”

“Nothing.” You mutter, running your hands through your hair. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, so it’s good you’re here.”

“Was it true?” He suddenly asks.


“That ya didn’t have breakfast.”

“Oh… Yeah.” Confused, you furrow your eyebrows. You didn’t know Daryl got that part. “I didn’t sleep well so I woke up late for the thing and just… Just didn’t eat.” Without saying anything, Daryl nods and gets up, leaving the bedroom. “Hey, where are you going?” Stumbling off the bed, you follow the man… Who’s not going out, just to the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

“Makin’ ya somethin’ ta’ eat.”

Furrowing your eyebrows again, you lean against the door frame. “Just make enough for both of us.” Daryl is a mystery, one you’ve been trying to discover. Biting your lip, you walk to the kitchen, sitting on the table and watching Daryl move around. He gives you a few glances whenever he takes something as if waiting for you to tell him not to.

“So… Do you usually cook for people you hate or am I just lucky?” Breaking the ice, you take in the amazing scent of bacon.

“I don’t hate ya.”

“Mmm… My father killed Abraham. And Glenn, whose wife is pregnant…” Drawing figures on the wooden table, you sigh. “He psychologically abused your group. How can you not hate his daughter?”

“‘Cause yer not Negan.” As he speaks, Daryl puts a plate in front of you. Scrambled eggs with basil and bacon, and it was only now you noticed how your stomach hurts.

“…Can I tell you something?” Whispering, you have your eyes on Daryl as he serves himself and sits across from you.

“Yeah. But eat.” Jerking his chin at you, he only starts eating when you do.

You eat in silence for a while until your stomach stops complaining. “I… I wanted to run away a while ago.” You finally say, keeping a low voice. “Couldn’t take it anymore so I just… Just wanted to go. Find a place, be by myself but… I’m not a survivor, you know? I can fight, I can hunt and everything but… The truth is that there are a lot of evil people out there. And eventually, I would have ended up with them. And I don’t want to get hurt or… raped… I’m safe from those things here.”

“I don’t blame ya for that. I’ve been around for quite a long time and I’ve seen a lot of evil men.” Daryl’s eyes burn on you, and there’s something in them, anger, sudden and unexpected. “And a pretty girl like you would drive them mad.”

Blushing and looking down, you giggle. “Save that up for when we’re around people. It’s of no use here.”

“I ain’t lyin’.”

“Yeah, I–” You’re cut off when you hear the door being open, and when you hear Negan’s laugh, you roll your eyes.

“(Y/N), come–” He stops the moment he gets in the kitchen, and despite having your back at him, you know he’s staring at Daryl. “Can we have lunch? Like a normal family?” He says in an annoyed voice.

“Only if Daryl can come.”

“Nope. Just you and me. Family only, c'mon.” He stands next to you, and you look up at him. “We need some father and daughter moments… And we need to talk about this whole thing going on here.” He gestures at you and then at Daryl.

“Fine, Dad…” Sighing, you give Daryl an apologetic look. “I’ll just finish here then I’ll go. Can we cook some of mom’s recipe?”

“Great!” He exclaims. “Now get over with whatever this shit is.” And he leaves, but not before giving Daryl an angry stare.

Taking a deep breath, you continue eating.

“If ya need me, ya know where ta’ find me,” Daryl says and you nod, raising your head to look at him.

Some time after you’re both done eating, he helps you with the dishes. You’d like to lie down for a while, but since Negan wants an update on your love life, you go straight to him.

You make one of your favorite recipes, and you chat as it cooks. You reassure Negan over and over again that you and Daryl are becoming a thing. That the interest is mutual.

Once you both eat, you decide to stay a little longer. You were feeling dizzy, so you crashed on the couch for some hours, and that’s when the childhood memories started being brought up. You miss those times. You miss your mother, Lucille, and you miss the man your father was. The man who didn’t enjoy killing or hurting people.

You were lost in that sweet time when some of the Saviors got here. Being Negan’s favorites, they were invited to stay and have drinks. You immediately felt uncomfortable, but for the sake of appearances, you stayed, chatted, and laughed.

Until they started talking about the people they killed.

Until they started talking about Daryl’s family.

With an excuse, you left, but on the way to your apartment, their voices echo through your head.

“That one was tough.” Simon said, in between laughs. “Skull cracked open and still standing.”

“There was some of his brain on my boots.” Mark mocked.

“And the Chinese guy?” Simon basically yelled, laughing too hard.

“God, that one was fun. Eye popped out and still talking.” Your father added, and all the others joined the laughter.

“And his super hot pregnant widow? I’d totally bang her.” It was the last thing you heard before going out.

You’re a crying mess when you get to your apartment, closing the door behind your back and safely locking it.

All the pain Negan caused is too great. A child will grow without their father. A wife was left alone. Friends lost a dear one.

Before you can even notice, you’re already in the bathroom, pants taken off, and fingernails scratching the outside of both your thighs. The pain makes you cry even more, but that’s nothing compared to all the pain the Saviors cause.

That you cause, because you’re one of them.

Sobbing, you only stop when your fingertips are covered in blood, and it drips down your legs.

You move straight into the shower because you need to make sure the wounds are clean. After a while, you hear a knock on the door, which makes you close the water. Rolling your eyes, you quickly dry yourself and put on your panties, and the light pink robe before heading to the door to dismiss whoever came. Walking makes you feel dizzy, and your head is full of images of death.

This is what you are. Death.

“What the hell do you want?” You say as you open the door, half hiding behind it. But when you see Daryl, you freeze, your heartbeat increasing. Or maybe stopping.

“Came ta’ check on…” His voice fades when his eyes fall on your hand, resting on the door near your head. Confused, you follow his gaze, and it takes no time for you to notice what he just saw.

You didn’t have time to clean the blood under your nails.

“What’s that?” He asks, and you immediately push the door close. But Daryl is faster, pushing it open and stepping inside, grabbing your hand and taking a better look at what you can’t hide anymore. “What is this?”


