#dating sims

THIRST AND SENSIBILITYhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/1542400/Monster_Camp_Outfit_Pack__Thirst_an


One could say Monster Camp is a bit more about shenanigans than love. That’s OK, but sometimes the heart longs for a torrid story of romance.

Does that feel like you?

Do you sigh while looking wistfully through the window and longing for a love story for the ages?

Do you shed a tear witnessing the beauty and poetry hidden in the smallest details of life?

Do you think that despite all its progress and technology, the current world is nonetheless a bit more tasteless, deprived of bustles and petticoats, top hats, and abundant facial hair?

Then the “THIRST AND SENSIBILITY” is your outfit pack.

Yes, the game’s core may remain pretty much the same; but the same words can be experienced different when the sights change so beautifully. Life tastes just a little bit different when gifted with an abundance of fancy hats and elegant sideburns.

So what do you say? Would you join us in this flamboyant dance imbued with romantic flair and Victorian perfume?

Post link


For the upcoming update we’re slightly upgrading the love log.

It is nothing big; but a bit of spice and narrative in sitting together with your homie!

Start looking for someone you trust to play this somewhat intimate update we’re cooking for you!



Some stuff coming next week ;)

It is not A LOT. But some nice content to enjoy a romantic session for two (or more) on the 14th ;***

It is time to answer the timeless question: is it OK to kiss your homies good night?

Who here has caught eye of the magnificent fish with teeth in #MonsterCamp?

It has its own special image in-game

Dang, we just love to put weird stuff in our game


Ah, turning one of our characters into a washing machine AND a bucket of water.

When we see the weird stuff we get to pull off we realize that we’re truly living our wildest dreams.

But tell us: which is the best Dahlia? Washing Machine Dahlia or Bucket Dahlia?



Go follow @claudimusik. And if you are a dev, consider hiring him.

He’s hella talented and creative.

Check the weird awesome song he composed for the alternative credits: https://youtu.be/DiHn4oO7TvU

He even introduces himself. It’s super cute!

HAPPY #NationalHatDay

To celebrate, we put a way on #MonsterCamp to make the ROs wear fancy hats for the rest of the match.

We even made an anthem for today:

Fancy hats, hats, hats, hats, fancy hats!

like&repost so we feel justified in doing this kind of dumb poSt more often!

