#david singh


David Singh
[ David hears it. And he kneels over and spots Marco. And he gives him an ice cold stare. ]

…Weather Wizard.

weather wizard.
[ nervous smiling emoji ]

how’s the honeymoon?

pied piper
we haven’t had time for a honeymoon yet.

[ hartley says, as if nothing is wrong. ]

David Singh
We’re still in the planning stages. Will you come out from under the desk?

weather wizard.
i’d rather not, if it’s all the same to you.

David Singh
Come out from the desk.

weather wizard.
would it help if i stole shit?

David Singh

weather wizard.
you know, to make it look less like he’s cavorting with the enemy.

David Singh
It would NOT help one bit!
I can’t believe out of EVERYTHING you could say to me, you’d suggest MORE CRIME!

weather wizard.
it’s all i got, boss.

David Singh-Rathaway
Just saying.
James bites me all the time.

Kristen Kramer.
feisty— what

julie jackham
Yeah, James is one of the people who has bitten Marco.

David Singh-Rathaway

Kristen Kramer.
james as in
jesse? my ex?

David Singh-Rathaway

julie jackham
That’s the one I’m talking about.

Kristen Kramer.

David Singh-Rathaway
He’s mine now, Kristen. [ laughing-crying emoji ]
