#david twyla

Episode 7x14: Family Reunion* * * * * * *the heart grows fonderPatrick/David • Rated G • 1974 wordsP

Episode 7x14: Family Reunion

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the heart grows fonder
Patrick/David • Rated G • 1974 words

Patrick surprises David by bringing the Roses back to Schitt’s Creek for their first anniversary.


[Script] “Family Reunion”
Patrick/David, Alexis & David, Moira & Jocelyn, David & OC, Stevie & David, Johnny & Roland • Rated T • 5253 words

S07E14 Synopsis
There’s something familiar about David and Patrick’s new employee and nothing familiar about the new Café Tropical. Moira has acquired a stalker who follows her to town.


Street Lights, Big Dreams, All Lookin’ Pretty
Patrick/David, Alexis/Twyla, Stevie/Ruth, Alexis & David, David & Twyla • Rated T • 11574 words

Alexis and Twyla say they’re just friends. But people who are “just friends” don’t tickle each other’s necks with their eyelashes – right?
During one family vacation to New York, David and Patrick make a bet to answer this question and more. (David has a lot of feelings about being back in New York along the way, but that’s not a big deal. We don’t have to talk about that.)


Don’t worry, it’s his sister
Patrick/David, Alexis/Twyla • Rated G • 1854 words

“So, you’ll obviously be getting real save the dates as soon as we get them back from the printer but you are officially invited to our wedding on September 3rd!”
“WHAT?!” David yelps.
“Oh, David, must you be so loud? What could possibly be wrong with the date, you’re not even traveling, and you can close your little store whenever you and Patrick choose!” Moira says over the sound of Stevie snickering.
“That’s my anniversary!” David says, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

* * * * * * *

SC Season 7 wraps up with the Roses reunited! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x13: The New Addition* * * * * * *Ready, Set… Ready, Set—Patrick/David, David &

Episode 7x13: The New Addition

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Ready, Set… Ready, Set—
Patrick/David, David & Twyla, Patrick & Twyla • Rated G • 2503 words

David tells Patrick he’s ready for a new addition to the Rose-Brewer family byway of a furry friend.


Patrick/David • Rated G • 3979 words

A furry new visitor comes to Rose Apothecary.


David Rose: King of Compromise
Patrick/David • Rated E • 9716 words

Patrick has been away for days and David is delighted to have him back. He is significantly less happy with the prize Patrick has brought back with him and now seems determined to display around their beautiful home.
It may be one of the worst things he’s ever seen but for Patrick, he will try to learn to live with it.


David Rose vs. A Plastic Goat
Patrick/David • Rated T • 5315 words

Patrick wins a prize at a business seminar and David absolutely hates it. That only encourages Patrick to flaunt it around the house even more.


Sight for Sore Eyes
Patrick/David • Rated G • 4707 words

Patrick suspects that David needs reading glasses. David says he’s fine. But something’s been off since David came back from the optometrist…


Of All The Street Corners…
Patrick/David • Rated T • 3807 words

When the building on the fourth corner of Schitt’s Creek’s main intersection comes up for lease, the town gets a new restaurant. A peek into how the other shop owners at the corner (well, primarily Twyla, David and Patrick) feel about the new addition.


Gonna Buy Me a Dog
Patrick/David • Rated T • 1503 words

Five times David and Patrick look for a new addition to their family and one time it’s complete


Apollo and Artemis
Patrick/David • Rated T • 2732 words

“How would you feel about adding a new addition to our family?” Patrick broached the subject over dinner one night, having made one of David’s favorite meals to make sure the topic would be brought up while he was happy.
He paused with a bite on the way to his mouth, face playing out a whole movie’s worth of emotions.
Patrick’s suggestion for a new addition to the Rose/Brewer cottage is a bit different than David had thought but ultimately not unwelcome.


imagine adventure, imagine a story untold
Patrick/David • Rated T • 4682 words

If you had told pre-Schitt’s Creek David that he’d one day intentionally wake up at 3am so that he’d be able to set up a surprise for his husband in honor of their one-year wedding anniversary, he would have started laughing at “intentionally wake up at 3am” and never stopped.
David plans a surprise scavenger hunt for Patrick in honor of their first anniversary.

* * * * * * *

Episode 13 gives us all kinds of new things to love! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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Episode 7x10: Happy Holidays* * * * * * *All I Want For Christmas (is Quarantine to End)Patrick/Davi

Episode 7x10: Happy Holidays

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All I Want For Christmas (is Quarantine to End)
Patrick/David • Rated M • 2610 words

It’s November 1st during a pandemic, what will David do about the holiday season?


an open smile on a friendly shore
Patrick/David • Rated M • 8632 words

When Patrick pulls into the marina parking lot, a huge garish sign over the dock entrance reads All A-Boat Love Cruises Welcomes Our Singles!
“David,” Patrick asks, turning to his husband. “Do you have something to tell me about the romantic cruise you booked for us?”
“Okay, in my defense,“ David starts, and Patrick settles into his seat and waits.


locks like the raven
Patrick/David • Rated T • 1576 words

First footing:
The tradition of a tall, dark-haired man being the first person of the year to cross a home’s threshold, carrying symbolic gifts that bring luck and prosperity for the coming year


International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
Patrick/David • Not Rated • 1292 words

Ted mails David a dog biscuit for International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. Patrick has some questions.


in calm or stormy weather
Patrick & Alexis, David & Twyla, Patrick/David, Alexis/Twyla • Rated T • 4441 words

On National Siblings Day, Alexis spends the day with her favorite brother Patrick, and David bonds with Twyla.
David: Why are you at our house, Alexis?
Alexis: because i have a whole day planned for us david!!
David: Why?


Scavenger Hunt
Patrick/David • Rated M • 8118 words

It’s David and Patrick’s anniversary. David has plans.


Valentine’s Week
Patrick/David, Patrick/OMC • Rated E • 29082 words

The store is buzzing with energy. Everyday is a successful day and the two lovebirds are either working themselves to the ground or fucking themselves into the ground. And so, they don’t actually get around to booking their cruise trip until that weekend. David is going through his bedtime skincare routine in the en-suite with the door open when Patrick mutters a thick and enunciated, “Fuck.”
“What is it?” David turns around slowly, massaging the under eye jelly mask into his skin while walking cautiously to the bed. Patrick is sitting cross legged over the covers with his laptop in one hand and tickets in the other.
“It’s not a Valentine’s Day cruise for couples, David. It’s a singles week. All the activities are ice breakers and random blind dates and- it’s just that. It’s not for us.”

* * * * * * *

Episode 10 brings us special occasions and holiday cheer from all throughout the year! As you read, be sure to leave all of these great works lots of love in the form of kudos and comments. If you’re using the tracking spreadsheet don’t forget to copy and paste the latest batch of fics from the main spreadsheet to your personal copy. And if you want to participate in the giveaway for helping to promote these works, be sure to reblog this post and tag it #giveaway entry.

Creators, if your work is part of this episode, be sure to update the publication date to today’s date, and if you’re entering the creator giveaways, don’t forget to send an ask with your info, if you haven’t done so already.

Happy reading, everyone!

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