#day 3 disappointfantasy au

genisflyingkites: @oofurishipweeks Abemiha fantasy AU: Mihashi is a scared wandering samurai with Ab


Abemiha fantasy AU: Mihashi is a scared wandering samurai with Abe a wizard who wants to protect the samurai from monsters such as the giant Gashadokuro

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scorpiusdrawicus: You’ve come across the young witch Mihashi and his familiar Abe in the woods!While


You’ve come across the young witch Mihashi and his familiar Abe in the woods!While the familiar looks like more of a threat, don’t let your guard down around the innocent looking witch.

This is for day 3 of AbeMiha week @oofurishipweeks. I really wanted to participate in this AU and I’m so glad I did! I really like this idea of Mihashi being a witch with a bossy familiar that helps him refine his craft. I’d like to flesh this idea out more some time. I’m not totally happy with how this piece came out but I’m on a time crunch so it’ll have to do for now. Hopefully I can redo it sometime after I’ve mastered the art of doing eye whites correctly XD

Anyways, hope you like it and I’ll see you again on day 6 with an alternate sport AU!

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