#day 6 darklight



The Language of Our Love

analogical week 2022 (@analogicalweek), romantic analogical, platonic lamp, superheroes, superhero Logan, superhero Patton, superhero Roman, supervillain Virgil, supervillain Remus, supervillain Janus, Virgil is a Little Shit


To prevent confusion, it should be explained that just as Prince, Heart and Logic were superheroes, known as the Light Side, Duke, Deceit and Anxiety (Virgil) were supervillains, known as the Dark Side. Not that they did much villainy, except robbing corporations and causing general mayhem for the rich assholes that lived in the city. Duke was Prince’s twin, which meant they were arch-enemies already, and it was easy to mutually decide that Heart and Deceit could be enemies just like Anxiety and Logic could be enemies. This worked fine for Virgil.

What also worked fine for Virgil was this train of thought that the three supers in front of him had started. No, he wasn’t mute, he just didn’t like to talk much in battle. However, he was not above having a little fun until his teammates came to get him from the building he was being held in, so instead of talking and telling the group that he could, in fact speak, he did the following.

Virgil tilted his head curiously, tapped on the table twice to ensure he had everyone’s attention, and then spoke for the first time in the last however long they had had him.

Analogical Week 2022

Day 6: Light/Dark

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just a short fluffy fic for @analogicalweek day 6: dark/light


“Are you a supernova explosion? Cause you’re the hottest known thing in the universe.”

“The hottest known thing in the universe is when two gold particles are smashed together.“ Logan had said, ignoring the flush he knew was painting his neck. “For a split second, the temperature reaches seven point two trillion degrees Fahrenheit. That’s hotter than a supernova explosion.”

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Fandom:Sanders Sides
Characters:Logan, Virgil
Warnings:Lots of kissing, some sex mentions, a very light fade to black at the end
Word count: 1342

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My writing masterpost

Starlight Universe masterpost

analogical week 2022
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Summary: They’ve woken up in each other’s arms before. But they’ve never woken up as husbands before. Logan thinks that being married might be the most magical thing in the world.

Notes:Day 6 of @analogicalweek 2022! This is for the prompt “light.” Takes place the morning after the beginning of forever, a fic from last year’s analogical week.


By the time Logan woke up, light was already pouring through the huge glass French doors of the hotel room, the sheer white curtains over them affording privacy but doing nothing to stop the room from filling up with daylight. He nudged Virgil, whose head was tucked firmly beneath Logan’s chin, his arms wrapped around Logan’s torso. “Good morning, beloved,” he murmured.

“Fuck you,” Virgil mumbled, burrowing somehow still closer to Logan under the covers and squeezing his eyes tighter shut.

Logan stifled a laugh. “I am sure we can make that happen, yes,” he teased, pressing a gentle kiss to Virgil’s head. “Good morning,” he repeated. “Although actually, I am not sure if it is morning any longer.”

“What?” Virgil actually opened his eyes at that. He blinked several times, pushed himself up on one elbow, and squinted around the room. His eyes swept over the pale-blue-and-white art on the walls, the loveseat by the fireplace, the table with wine and chocolates they’d hardly touched last night, and the discarded suits on the floor that Logan had halfheartedly tried to pick up and put away before becoming distracted by more important matters and abandoning them.

Virgil flopped back onto the downy pillows. “Oh my god.” He looked over at Logan, his eyes wide. “We got married.”

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Analogical week 2022

Day 6- Dark/ Light

Oops my hand slipped-


Fandom:Sanders Sides
Characters:Logan, Virgil, background Remus, Janus, Roman, and Patton
Rating:Teen & up
Relationships:Analogical, background Dukeceit, very background Royality
Warnings:Suggestiveness and some sex mentions/implied sex, almost all about background characters. (i apologize so much for literally everything remus says and does in this fic. in my defense (/hj) i firmly believe dukeceit are just Like That about each other all the time.)
Word count: 2236

Read on AO3!

My writing masterpost

Starlight Universe masterpost

analogical week 2022
start-previous - here - next-masterpost

Summary: A chaotic group sleepover in senior year of college winds down into soft cuddles and talk of the future. It’s a scary topic, but Virgil thinks that Logan is maybe the best person he could possibly be having this conversation with.

Notes:Day 6 of @analogicalweek 2022! This is for the prompt “dark.” Takes place in spring of the senior year of college.


It was well after three in the morning, and the six of them had all thoroughly tired themselves out. Patton had been yawning and scrubbing at his eyes for a good twenty minutes now. Janus and Remus were probably the most awake out of any of them, but only because the pair of them had been making out on and off all evening, and had used it as an excuse to get steadily more and more handsy with each other as the night deepened; they were to a point that was frankly indecent by now, even in the darkened room lit only by the glow of the television. The popcorn had all been eaten down to the very last dregs, Roman had made and downed three whole cups of bedtime tea over the span of the last hour, and everyone’s dishes had all begun migrating in the direction of the sink instead of getting refilled with yet more junk food. All in all, things were clearly winding down.

Virgil reached for the remote and shut off the TV. “Okay, everyone. Bedtime. Executive decision,” he declared. He gently shook Logan and pressed a kiss to his forehead, rousing him from where he’d been dozing on and off with his head on Virgil’s shoulder.

“Oh, good,” Patton commented sleepily, picking himself up off the floor and wrapping his big fluffy blanket around his tiny self, promptly getting lost in it, only his dark curls and round glasses peeking out to show where he was in the sea of puffy pale pink material. “Bedtime,” he repeated to himself.

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Day 6: Dark/ Light

*rapid sound of running feet not pictured*



Summary: Logan can’t concentrate. Try as he might, all he could think about was warm brown eyes and the soft, hopeful look on Anxiety’s face after their debate. Maybe he was getting sick? Or maybe… something else? Pre-AA so Virgil is Anxiety here

way behind on @analogicalweek but I’m gonna catch up! Day 2 - crushes also Day 6 - Dark

Finger tapped idly against his desk as Logan found himself rereading the same sentence for the sixth time. Why couldn’t he focus? Normally he could easily lose himself in a book, hours passing him by as he indulges himself in new knowledge or exploring a fantasy world (he’d never breathe a word about that to Roman). He flipped the book closed with a sigh, leaning back in his seat as he tried to figure out just what was causing his distraction.

It was a new development. That much he knew for sure. What had changed? The only thing that really stood out to him was the debate he had had with Anxiety just a few days ago, and he still remained rather impressed with the way the other was able to hold his own. But once he came back to his Room, that should have been the end of it. Thoughts of Roman or Patton never lingered like this, or heavens forbid one of the… Others… so what was it about this instance that was different? 

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Day 6: i just kinda drew something and maybe it could make an au or som in the future idk

Day 7: I didnt have any ideas so i’m posting a doodle i made a couple of days ago


Day six: Dark/Light

It was Friday aka date night and even with the cold and rain Virgil was determined to make this a nice date, weather be darned! He was reheating the pot-roast and vegetables that he cooked that morning and checking the timer on the miniature chocolate cakes when the power went out. Ugh, he hated when real world stuff translated over into the Mindscape! Whatever it was a small thunderstorm in Florida, the electricity would probably come back on in 5 minutes, 15 at most. No need to panic or get upset.

It was time for their date, an hour after the lights went out, and Virgil had to call in a favor from their resident reptile. Candles and lanterns gave the dining room a warm cozy glow, the unasked for rose petals were also a nice touch so Virgil wouldn’t complain about it. When he wasn’t plotting schemes Janus was a thoughtful person, just don’t tell him that.

“Oh. Virgil, this looks lovely. I had thought maybe we would be postponing our usual date night but you outdid yourself.” Logan gushes, well it’s gushing for Logan so hush, “you even made molten lava cakes, incredible.” Well now Virgil was blushing, his boyfriend was practically vibrating from excitement!

“Yeah I know you hate when plans get canceled so I made sure that we didn’t have to do that. And it’s not super fancy but I still want to spend these moments with you.” Only with Logan, who is there for his lows and never makes him feel pitied, can Virgil be this forward with his emotions.

In a few strides Logan has closed the gap between them and leaning in close, “it doesn’t have to be fancy as long as it’s with you” the moment is charged with love, dedication, and happiness so it’s no wonder that they seal it with a kiss.


The microwave coming back on signals the end othe the power outage, the timing makes the two lovebirds chuckle as they separate and head for the table to continue their evening.

