#day 2 crushesconfession



Fandom:Sanders Sides
Characters:Logan, Virgil
Rating: Teen & up
Warnings: None, just lots of fluff
Word count:2017

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My writing masterpost

Starlight Universe masterpost

analogical week 2022
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Summary: Logan is pretty sure he’s picked the best anniversary gift for his husband. Only one way to find out.

Notes:Day 2 of @analogicalweek 2022, prompt “confession”! Takes place on Analogical’s 1st anniversary.


“I’m home,” Logan called, a wide grin on his face as he opened the door.

The door of the closet-turned-office slammed open, and Virgil skidded into the living room in his sock feet seconds later. “Hi,” he said breathlessly, hurrying over to Logan’s open arms.

Logan kissed his husband soundly, wrapping his arms around Virgil and swaying gently. “Happy anniversary,” he said as they broke apart, resting his forehead against Virgil’s and gazing into his eyes. They’d said it in the morning, of course, but he was home for the day now and it bore repeating.

“Mm, happy anniversary,” Virgil said, smiling and closing his eyes. “You’re home so early.”

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Summary: Logan can’t concentrate. Try as he might, all he could think about was warm brown eyes and the soft, hopeful look on Anxiety’s face after their debate. Maybe he was getting sick? Or maybe… something else? Pre-AA so Virgil is Anxiety here

way behind on @analogicalweek but I’m gonna catch up! Day 2 - crushes also Day 6 - Dark

Finger tapped idly against his desk as Logan found himself rereading the same sentence for the sixth time. Why couldn’t he focus? Normally he could easily lose himself in a book, hours passing him by as he indulges himself in new knowledge or exploring a fantasy world (he’d never breathe a word about that to Roman). He flipped the book closed with a sigh, leaning back in his seat as he tried to figure out just what was causing his distraction.

It was a new development. That much he knew for sure. What had changed? The only thing that really stood out to him was the debate he had had with Anxiety just a few days ago, and he still remained rather impressed with the way the other was able to hold his own. But once he came back to his Room, that should have been the end of it. Thoughts of Roman or Patton never lingered like this, or heavens forbid one of the… Others… so what was it about this instance that was different? 

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gonna post this again since all 6 chapters are now finished!

this fic has the prompts AU, Rain/Library, and also a bit of Jam and Crushes lol
