#day11 black cat



For@mysme-fictober2020prompt list


@juminweek2019 Day 7: Striped Shirtsvs.Silk Underwear

Day 11: Black Cat 

“Well who are you and how did you get in here?” Jumin knelt just inside the apartment door and scratched behind the fluffy black cat’s ear. “Did my wife bring home a stray?” he grinned. Standing he unbuttoned his suit jacket and pulled it off, laying it over his left arm.

“Lillie?” He called out as he made his way towards the bedroom. “Where are you darling?” he stepped inside loosening his tie. Stopping he looked around and took note of the silence. “Now where could you be?” he asked himself walking further into the bedroom.

“Right here my love.” Jumin startled at how close his wife’s voice was behind him. Twirling he was shocked at what he saw and stumbled onto the bed.

There was very little left of the black cat as it shifted into his naked wife. She stood before him in all her glory, reddish hair cascading around her shoulders. Her honey brown eyes brilliant and a bit frightened as she took in his reaction.

“Wh…what…” he could barely breath as the realization hit him that his wife had just been the black cat he had encountered.

“H…how…” his mind was reeling, unsure and confused. Certainly he had delved into the occult for some pleasurable reading but had never taken it quite so seriously. Though he admitted there were things that might never be understood through intellect in the world.

“I wanted to tell you, but it was never the right time.” She held herself back, grabbing one of Jumin’s striped shirts that she insisted on using as a nightgown from her side of the bed and sliding into it without buttoning it. She wrung her hands together in agitation. She looked absolutely fearful. Of him?

Jumin stood, letting go of his suit jacket faced his new bride. “Why didn’t you tell me?” his words came out rather more harshly than he had intended, which made Lillie cringe, tears welling in her eyes.

“I tried! So many times, but I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me, that you would think I was crazy and never want to see me again. Or worse, that you would believe me and not love me anymore!” she sobbed, “And then you asked me to marry you and I said yes, then it became more problematic! I’m so sorry Jumin, my love, I know you must hate me right now!”

Jumin pulled the woman into his arms and held her close, he could feel the rapid heartbeat beneath her breast, her body shivering in fright.

“No no, I’m sorry. I’m not angry, and I certainly don’t hate you. I could never hate you my darling. I’m just surprised is all. How anxious you must have been with this secret.” He stroked her hair gently, continuing to murmur soothing words into the lush curls.

“You aren’t repulsed by what I am?” she pulled away from him and gazed into his storm grey eyes. They were as soft and loving as always.

“Of course not. You are still as beautiful as ever to me, no matter what you are.” He tilted her delicate chin up and kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers, enjoying the warmth and sweetness of her taste.

Lillie smiled when they finally came up for air. “I’m so glad, you don’t know how envious I’ve been of Elizabeth 3rd on your lap as you pet her and read.”

“Elizabeth!” Jumin stood straight, concern in his eyes, he scanned the room but there was no sign of his beloved cat.

“Not to worry my sweet. She has known all along what I am and has accepted me into your family as an equal.” Lillie laughed.

The tension in Jumin’s shoulders eased, the fear that both his ladies might be at odds diminishing.

“Today was the first day I’ve shifted since we met. I’ve been afraid to slip in front of you. I just couldn’t figure out how or when to tell you and this seemed the best way. I apologize for the shock.”

“Nonsense, what’s done is done and does not change who you are in my mind, nor in my heart. I love you so much, this…just means there is another part of you to love.” He pulled her close once more. He appreciated seeing her in his shirt like this, the length leaving her rounded thighs exposed, hinting at vast landscape beneath the shirt. A landscape he enjoyed exploring as often as he could. The way her body began to move was a hint to Jumin that this had suddenly changed into something else. He responded in kind, his hand on her thigh, sliding upwards and under the shirt to her hip.

She moaned and if he wasn’t mistaken, began to purr deep in her throat.

“Kitten…why don’t we skip dinner and go straight to bed.” He whispered in her ear, nipping at the lobe.
